Nomenclature for Terpene Hydrocarbons - ACS Publications

having a common end point. Sample Required: 48 cubic inches per ... 1020 MISSION STREET· SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA. For further information, circle ...
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Gas Density Balance . . . for continuous, accurate measurement of process gas streams Arnold O. Beckman, Inc., announces their new Gas Density Balance designed and constructed for rugged industrial use. This new instrument—known as the Model 3 A— gives more sensitive, more versatile and more convenient readings than any gas density measuring unit now in use. The Model 3A is not only suited for specific gravity meas­ urements of process streams, but also per­ forms equally well for quantitative measure­ ments of natural gas, H2, C0 2 or other gases. The Model 3A is a null-balance type instru­ ment which measures gas density by a direct physical principle, assuring rapid and ac­ curate readings.

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HERE ARE A FEW OF ITS MANY OUTSTANDING FEATURES . . . R a n g e s : Single or multiple ranges with spans from 0.05 to 5.0 sp. gr. relative to a i r .

No. 14 Advances in Chemistry Series edited by the staff of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

Rapid Response: 9 5 % of any r e a d i n g in less t h a n o n e minute.

Nomenclature for Terpene Hydrocarbons

,ensitivity a n d Accuracy: ±V2% of full scale.

Corrosion Resistant: Measur­ ing element protected against corrosive elements. Output: 0-5 millivolts standard f o r use w i t h p o t e n t i o m e t e r t y p e recorders. Current o r pneumatic o u t p u t a v a i l a b l e with instruments having single ranges, or two or more ranges having a common end point. Sample R e q u i r e d : 48 cubic inches per minute at 10 psi. Power R e q u i r e d : 130 watts with 115 volts, 60 cycles. The Arnold O. Beckman Gas Density Balance is a sin­ gle compact unit, designed for wall or flush mounting. The standard steel case is vopor tight, thermally insulated and controlled so that operation is unaffected by ambient tem­ p e r a t u r e changes. The unit weighs about 65 lbs. Explo­ sion-resistant cases are also available.

A system of nomenclature for ter­ pene hydrocarbons (including sec­ tions on information to aid in the reading of terpene literature) which was prepared by Mildred W. (Jrafflin. It has been accepted by the Nomenclature Committee of the American Chemical Society's Division of Organic Chemistry and approved by the ACS on recom­ mendation of its general Nomen­ clature, Spelling and Pronuncia­ tion Committee. Accepted by the IL'PAC. 109 pages.

Committee Report on System of Nomen­ clature for Terpene Hydrocarbons Acyclic Terpenes Monocyclic Terpenes Bicyclic Terpenes Appendices: Proposed Coined Names for Parent Com­ pounds of Type Β (DimethylcyclohexaneType) Monocyclic Hydrocarbons The Prefix Demethyl Proposals on Consistent Numbering of Bicyclics and Menthane-Type Mono­ Mono cyclics The Prefix Nor Principle of "Like Treatment of Like Things" System of Nomenclature for Hydro­ carbon Terpene Radicals Index to Recommended Names of Terpene Hydrocarbons by Alphabetical Arrangement of Common Terpene Names Paper b o u n d . . . . $3.00 per copyOrder

For more information on the Model 3A Density write directly for Data File 22P-37.




1020 M I S S I O N S T R E E T · S O U T H P A S A D E N A , C A L I F O R N I A For further information, circle number 64 A on Readers' Service Card, page 135 A

64 A



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