Nominations for Thermal Analysis Awards - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 15, 1987 - Nominations for Thermal Analysis Awards. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (10), pp 673A–673A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00137a713. Publication Date: May ...
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Nominations for Thermal Analysis Awards

Lippincott Nominations

Nominations are requested for the International Conference on Thermal Analysis (ICTA) Du P o n t and Young Scientist Awards and for the Mettler Award in T h e r m a l Analysis. The Du Pont Award consists of a plaque, an honorarium of $1000, and expenses to a t t e n d the 1988 Jerusalem ICTA meeting. It is awarded to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the science of thermal analysis and has shown significant leadership in the field. Nominations (five copies) should include the written consent of the candidate, curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and other relevant supporting material. The Young Scientist Award consists of a plaque and the necessary financial support to attend the Jerusalem ICTA meeting. Candidates, who must be under 35 years of age as of December 31, 1988, should submit the paper they intend to present at the meeting, together with a list of publications and a short curriculum vitae. T h e paper must be in English and the candidate must be the sole author. Five copies of the documentation should be provided. Nominations for both awards should be received by September 30, 1987, by D. J. Morgan, ICTA Awards Committee, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, United Kingdom. The North American T h e r m a l Analysis Society (NATAS) also welcomes nominations for the 1988 Mettler Award in Thermal Analysis. This annual award, sponsored by Mettler Instrument Corporation, consists of a certificate, an honorarium, and a travel allowance to attend the 17th NATAS meeting in Orlando, Fla. The award is presented to recognize and encourage research and distinguished service in the field of dynamic thermal analysis, including thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, and effluent gas analysis. Nominations should include a description of relevant accomplishments of the nominee and will be accepted through December 31, 1987. Nominations should be sent to Andrew R. McGhie, University of Pennsylvania, L R S M , 3231 W a l n u t St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.

T h e memory of Ellis R. Lippincott is honored by the presentation of this annual award recognizing significant contributions and notable achievements in the field of vibrational spectroscopy. T h e contributions—theoretical, experimental, or both—may derive from either applied or fundamental research. T h e Lippincott medal is sponsored by the Coblentz Society, the Optical Society of America, and the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Nominations should include the name and affiliation of the nominee and sufficient background information to justify the nomination. All nominations received prior to October 1 in any given year will be considered for the award to be presented in the fall of the following year. Nominations should be submitted to Takeshi Oka, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Chicago, 5735 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. 60637.

Mettler Award Winner Harvey Bair of A T & T Bell Laboratories has been selected as the recipient of the 1987 Mettler Award in T h e r m a l Analysis. The award will be presented to Bair at the 1987 North American T h e r m a l Analysis Society meeting in Washington, D.C. Bair is a graduate of Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pa.) and Pennsylvania State University, and has been a member of the technical staff at A T & T Bell Laboratories since 1965. His recent contributions to thermal analysis include a study of the curing behavior of thermosetting resin systems, the first experimental observations of microscopic water droplets in polymer matrices, investigations into the physical aging of polymer glasses, and studies on ferroelectric and ferromagnetic structural transitions.

For Your Information N e w Methods R e s e a r c h and Bruker I n s t r u m e n t s have signed an agreement making New Method's nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy data reduction software available on Bruker's X-32 workstation computers. T h e company's N M R 1 and N M R 2 systems will be ported to the X-32 computer for customer delivery by fall 1987. Oracle Corporation and M o l e c u l a r D e s i g n Ltd. (MDL) have entered into a cooperative technology and marketing agreement t h a t will provide users of M D L ' s Molecular ACCess System (MACCS-II) with the ability to interface with the Oracle relational database on VAX computers. V a r e x Corporation has acquired Peris Industries of State College, Pa. Varex is a supplier of preparative and processscale liquid and gas chromatography systems. Varex's purpose in acquiring Peris, a sales and service organization, is to improve customer service and support. T h e president of Peris, Peter Bonnett, will become vice-president of marketing and sales for Varex. Arizona Instrument (AZI) is the new name selected by Quintel Corporation to represent its two divisions: the Computrac I n s t r u m e n t Division, which manufactures moisture and solids analyzers, and the Jerome Instrument Division, which manufactures hydrogen sulfide and mercury detection instruments. S e n e t e k AS ( D e n m a r k ) , which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Senetek P L C , and V H J Tesla, a Czechoslovakiabased laboratory equipment manufacturing company, have formed a joint venture company, Tessek Ltd. (Prague). T h e objectives of the venture are to import and market a complete line of liquid chromatography cartridges, columns, and bulk sorbents, and to exchange diagnostic products, biotechnology equipment, and laboratory instruments. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 10, MAY 15, 1987 • 673 A