Nontargeted Profiling of Specialized Metabolites of Digitalis purpurea

and the beautiful flowering plant Digitalis purpurea (18) (Foxglove or Lady's .... of serum digoxin (57). .... loadings plot, scaled to a value betwee...
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Chapter 11

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Nontargeted Profiling of Specialized Metabolites of Digitalis purpurea with a Focus on Cardiac Glycosides Farzad Shadkami*,a and A. Daniel Jonesb aDepartment

of Chemistry, University of Toronto, 80 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H6 bDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823, U.S.A. *Address: Bioanalytical Research, Lash Miller Laboratories, 80 St. George Street, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 3H6. Tel: (416)978-6568. Fax: (416)978-8775. E-mail: [email protected]

There is an urgent need to develop rapid and powerful tools for structural annotation and natural product identification to support the discovery of genes involved in specialized metabolite accumulation. In this study, nontargeted profiling of metabolites from tissues of the medicinal plant Digitalis purpurea was exploited. Application of liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF MS) with multiplexed collision-induced dissociation (CID) generated molecular and fragment ion masses to support metabolite identification. Twenty-nine metabolites extracted from various tissues were annotated as steroidal glycosides, on the basis of mass measurements of pseudomolecular and fragment ions in conjunction with previous reports of steroidal glycosides in Digitalis tissues. The MS/MS spectra obtained by hybrid triple quadrupole-linear ion trap (QTrap) MS were complemented by accurate pseudomolecular mass measurements generated with TOF MS and fragment ion masses generated by quasi-simultaneous collision voltage. These combined methods permitted the metabolite profiling of cardiac glycosides and the tentative identification of a novel cardiac glycoside.

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Introduction The fraction of dietary constituents that have been identified or quantified is remarkably small, which makes it challenging for producers to label products accurately and for consumers and health professionals to interpret such labels. Moreover, the limited nature of available information about consumed chemicals makes it impractical to assess the risks and benefits associated with their consumption. Therefore, it is not surprising that the regulation of dietary supplements varies widely across governmental jurisdictions. A recent report by the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) entitled “Dietary Supplements, FDA should take further action to improve oversight and consumer understanding” (1) indicated an urgent need to develop rapid and powerful tools for the annotation and identification of natural products contained in dietary foods and supplements. To this end, the present chapter presents an original approach for the nontargeted profiling of specialized metabolites, including steroidal glycosides, in biological samples including foods. Steroidal Cardiac Glycosides Are Important Metabolites Present in Various Biological Samples Steroidal glycosides represent a diverse group of secondary metabolites that include cardiac glycosides present in Digitalis lanata (2), sapogenins present in soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) (3), steroidal alkaloid glycosides present in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) (4, 5), and C21 steroidal-derivatives present in Hoodia gordonii (6). Some of these secondary metabolites possess commercial applications as medicines (7–9), weight loss dietary supplements (10), emulsifiers, and sweeteners (11). In particular, cardiac glycosides possess distinct therapeutic applications, and their members include the well-known pharmaceuticals digoxin and digitoxin (12, 13). In the 1980s, digoxin was the fifth most commonly prescribed drug in North America (14). However, the narrow gap between therapeutic effect and toxicity has limited the use of cardiac glycoside-containing plants as traditional herbal medicines. Specialized cardiac glycoside metabolites accumulate in numerous plant species, including Beaumontia brevituba (15), Urginea maritime (16, 17), and the beautiful flowering plant Digitalis purpurea (18) (Foxglove or Lady’s Glove). Cardiac glycosides from Digitalis plants increase the force and speed of myocardial systolic contraction and positive inotropic action for the treatment of heart disease. Inotropic effects are the common actions of drugs that increase the contractile force of cardiac muscles (19). The actions of Digitalis compounds are attributed to the inhibition of Na+, K+ -ATPase, a plasma membrane ATPase-powered ion pump (20). The intracellular Na+ concentration increases when the enzyme is inhibited, which affects Na+/Ca2+ exchange. This increase in intracellular Na+ concentration is followed by a higher concentration of Ca2+, which regulates muscle contraction by stimulating the transport of neurotransmitters across the synapses (21, 22). Steroidal groups play important roles in these processes, owing to their affinity to Na+, K+ -ATPase. The identification of cardiotonic glycosides of the bufadienolide class in animals 186 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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(23) has stimulated interest in the endogenous production of cardiac glycosides in humans (24). In addition to their established role in heart treatment, cardiac glycosides exhibit other potential therapeutic uses. A recent review article introduced cardiac glycosides as novel cancer therapeutic agents (25). Cardiac glycosides inhibit the proliferation of malignant cells, but not normal cells (26–28). They also sensitize human tumor cells, but not normal cells, to radiation treatment (29–31). Inhibition of NF-κB signaling may play a role in these pharmacological effects (32). First generation versions of these types of anticancer drugs are currently being tested in clinical trials (33, 34).

Methods for the Discovery and Characterization of Steroidal Glycosides Discovery of novel steroidal glycosides and determination of the metabolic pathways responsible for their biosynthesis and degradation require sensitive and robust methods for profiling compounds in various plant materials and products, including botanical dietary supplements. The discovery of steroidal glycoside biosynthetic pathways can be accelerated through the measurement of related metabolites and the correlation of metabolite levels with mRNA transcript levels, which serve as measures of gene expression. The chemical structures of cardiac glycosides, including cardenolides and the less-common bufadienolides, vary based on the type of the lactone group attached to the steroid compartment (Figure 1). For example, gitoxin is a cardenolide that contains an unsaturated γ lactone group (Figure 1a), whereas proscillaridin is a bufadienolide that contains an unsaturated δ lactone group (Figure 1f). The chemical structures also vary according to the number of different substituents (-H, -OH and -CH3) and the numbers and types of glycoside units. The results of an earlier report involving the feeding of [14C] pregnenolone glycoside to D. lanata suggested that cardenolide-forming plants produce enzyme(s) capable of converting pregnenolone into cardenolides via modification of the steroidal side chain (35). Additional studies support the notion that cardenolides are derived from pregnane derivatives (36, 37). A recent study identified D. purpurea P5βR2 as a novel gene involved in cardenolide biosynthesis (38). Glycosylation or the production of glycoside units is considered the last step in the biosynthesis of cardiac glycosides (39). Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) is the methodology of choice for the profiling of steroidal glycosides, because it does not require derivatization and can be used to analyze metabolites with extensive glycosylation. Cholestane glycosides with antitumor activity were analyzed by LC-MS on a quadrupole instrument by using either electrospray ionization (ESI) or atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (40). Steroidal glycosides of H. gordonii were classified into two groups (hoodigenin A and calogenin) with electrospray ion-trap tandem MS (ESI-MS/MS) and ESI time-of-flight MS (LC/ESI-TOF MS) (41). The proposed MS/MS fragmentation pathway has been used to characterize sugar moieties and the aglycone of P57 in H. gordonii and other steroidal glycosides. 187 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 1. Structures of reported cardiac glycosides in Digitalis plants.

188 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Steroidal saponins in Yucca gloriosa flowers (42), steroidal glycosides including furostanol, spirostanol, and cholestane glycosides from the leaves of Ruscus colchicus (43), and four isomers of synthesized steroidal saponins (44) have been analyzed by electrospray multistage (ESI-MSn) ion-trap MS. To evaluate the absorption, tumor affinity, and metabolism of two steroidal glycosides of wildfoside C3N and wildfoside C1N in mice plasma and tumor homogenate, steroidal saponins were characterized by a triple quadrupole LC-MS system (45). These studies seem to have overcome the main challenges associated with the analysis of plant saponins, which typically are present in a mixture of components with similar polarities. Various MS- and non-MS–based techniques have been employed to analyze cardiac glycosides. Two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was performed for the quantitative analysis of five cardiotoxins, including gitoxin and digitoxin in gastrointestinal contents (stomach, rumen, colon and cecum contents), feces, and plant material (46). Another TLC technique was used for the quantitative analysis of a series of cardiac glycosides (47). HPLC with photodiode array detection was employed in the qualitative analysis of cardiac glycosides in D. lanata (48) and healthy and phytoplasma-infected plants (49), and in the quantitative analysis of cardiac glycosides in D. purpurea (50–53). Mass spectrometric techniques, including LC-ESI-MS, were applied in the analysis of digoxin (54). Liquid chromatography triple quadrupole MS was used for the quantification of digoxin in human (55) and rat (56) plasma and the monitoring of serum digoxin (57). Mass spectrometry approaches led to the identification of digitalis-like cardiac glycosides as endogenous mammalian metabolites (58, 59).

Novel Approach for Metabolic Profiling of Steroidal Glycosides in Biological Samples This chapter presents an original approach for the nontargeted profiling of metabolites, including steroidal glycosides in biological samples. In particular, we describe the nontargeted metabolite profiling of specialized metabolites in various tissues of D. purpurea. The proposed technique relies on the quasi-simultaneous generation of mass spectra under gentle conditions that largely yield molecular mass information. Several more-energetic conditions were used to generate fragment ions, which often can provide information about molecular structure. The rapid data acquisition provided by TOF MS allowed sufficiently fast switching that was compatible with the chromatographic time scale. Twenty-nine metabolites extracted from various tissues were annotated as steroidal glycosides, based on mass measurements of pseudomolecular and fragment ions in conjunction with previous reports of steroidal glycosides in Digitalis tissues. Accurate mass measurements of pseudomolecular and fragment ions obtained with LC-TOF mass spectrometry complemented the MS/MS spectra generated with LC-QTrap MS for the metabolite profiling of cardiac glycosides.

189 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Experimental Section Chemicals

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HPLC-grade acetonitrile, isopropanol, water, and methanol were from EMD Chemicals (Gibbstown, NJ, USA). Formic acid (88%) and NH4OH (14.8 M), digoxin (≥95.0%), digitoxin (≥98.0%), gitoxin (~95%), and gitoxigenin (≥98.0%) were from Fluka (St. Louis, MO), and gitoxin (~95%) was from Sigma (St. Louis, MO).

Preparation of Extracts and Preconcentrations Extracts of D. purpurea tissues (including immature and mature leaves and fruit) were prepared by the laboratory of Professor Joseph Chappell at the University of Kentucky, and were shipped to Michigan State University. Extractions were conducted by adding 10 mL of extraction solvent (chloroform: methanol 1:1 [v/v] + 0.1% BHT and 10 µM propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate internal standard) to 1.0 g of tissue powder in a 24-mL glass vial. The suspension was shaken for 3 h on a rotary shaker. The corresponding extract was filtered with a miracloth/funnel, and filtrates were collected. The extract was concentrated 10-fold under reduced pressure with a SpeedVac (SPD131DDA, Thermo Electron Corp., Vantaa, Finland). Extracts were stored at -20 °C. No degradation of the extracts was observed at this storage temperature.

Instrumentation and Analytical Methods LC-TOF MS Analysis The LC-MS analyses were performed on a Shimadzu HPLC (LC-20AD pump) coupled to a Waters LCT Premier™ TOF mass spectrometer. Standard ESI was employed. Chromatographic separation was performed with an Ascentis® Express C18 Analytical HPLC column (5 cm × 0.21 cm, 2.7 µm, Supelco). The elution gradient was started at 95% solvent A (10 mM ammonium formate, adjusted to pH 2.85 with formic acid) and 5% solvent B (acetonitrile/isopropanol [1:2 v/v]) for 1 min, followed by 25% solvent A for 20 min, 5% solvent A for 5 min, 0% solvent A for 30 min, 50% solvent A for 31 min, and 95% solvent A for 37 min, at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. The injection volume, column temperature, and sample temperature in the autosampler were 10 µL, 40 °C, and 10 °C, respectively. To perform multiplexed collision-induced dissociation, the cone voltage was maintained at 30 V and the aperture 1 voltage was switched to 20, 40, 60, and 80 V to induce nonselective ion fragmentation. The scan duration for each function was 0.15 s. The software used for instrumental control and data processing was MassLynx™ version 4.1. 190 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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LC-QTrap MS Analysis The LC-QTrap MS analyses employed a 3200 QTrap triple quadrupole/linear ion-trap MS (Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex, Toronto, Canada) equipped with binary model LC20AD HPLC (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The mass spectrometer was operated in positive and negative ionization modes, with a spray voltage of ±5.0 kV and source temperature of 500 °C. High purity nitrogen was used as the collision gas. Curtain gas, Gas 1, and Gas 2 were set at 10, 15, and 10, respectively. Enhanced MS (EMS) and Enhanced Product Ion (EPI) scans were executed with information-dependent acquisition (IDA). Chromatographic conditions and solvents were similar to the description under LC-TOF MS. Analyst software (version 1.4.2) was used for instrument control, data acquisition, and data processing.

Analysis of the Extracted Ion Chromatograph Peak Area The extracted chromatograph (XIC) peak area for each metabolite was determined by integration and was reported with MarkerLynx™ software, version 4.1 (Waters Inc.). MarkerLynx processes the acquired chromatographic full-scan data, and provides the sample information, including peak areas and significance score. The significance score is the distance of the marker from the origin of the loadings plot, scaled to a value between 0 and 1. In MarkerLynx, the loading plot usually refers to the results of principal components analysis (PCA), which is an unsupervised multivariate statistical analysis that reduces the complexity of data variance by reducing to a two-dimensional scores plot.

Results and Discussion Metabolite Profiling of Steroidal Cardiac Glycosides Using LC-TOF MS and LC-QTrap MS Figure 1 presents structures of the various cardiac glycosides that have been reported in Digitalis plants (60–67). The compounds identified in the present study with LC-TOF MS (Table I) and LC-QTrap MS (Table II) differed from each other in the numbers and types of glycoside units, numbers and positions of functional groups (mainly hydroxyl groups), and types of lactone groups. The observed number of glycoside units varied from zero (in gitoxigenin) to four (in purpurea glycosides).

Metabolic Profiling with LC-TOF MS Table I presents the identities of 11 cardiac glycosides detected on the basis of their monoisotopic masses with LC-TOF MS. Formate adducts ([M + formate]-) and ammonium adducts ([M + NH4]+) were formed in the negative and positive ion modes, respectively. For each identified cardiac glycoside, Table I also shows the 191 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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retention time (tR), molecular formula, monoisotopic masses of adducts in positive and negative ionization modes, steroidal unit groups (discussed in detail in the subsection “Powerful approach for nontargeted profiling of steroidal glycosides in D. purpurea”), and tissue with the maximum XIC peak area. Because digoxin, digitoxin, gitoxigenin, and gitoxin were available as standards, they were identified based on retention times and monoisotopic masses of adducts and fragments. Figure 2 shows the XICs of five cardiac glycosides in Digitalis purpurea fruit extract, based on m/z 568.323 (strospeside), 668.402 (digoxigeninbis(digitoxoside)), 798.464 (gitoxin), 944.522 (purpurea glycoside A), and 782.470 (digitoxin). Gitoxin and digoxin, which have the same molecular mass, glycoside units, and numbers of hydroxyl groups, were well resolved by LC (tR = 10.1 min vs. 8.3 min, respectively). This substantial selectivity in elution is attributed to the difference in the position and stereochemistry of one hydroxyl group in the steroidal units of gitoxin and digoxin, even though both hydroxyl groups are positioned near the lactone group.

Figure 2. Extracted ion chromatogram (XIC) of the ammonium adduct of (a) strospeside (m/z 568.323), (b) digoxigenin-bis (digitoxoside) (m/z 668.402), (c) gitoxin (m/z 798.464), (d) purpurea glycoside A (m/z 944.522), and (e) digitoxin (m/z 782.470) in Digitalis fruit extract using ESI (+) LC-TOF MS.

In the data analysis of 26 D. purpurea samples, digoxigenin-bis(digitoxoside) and an unknown steroidal glycoside had the highest significance scores from a set of 4000 detected metabolite signals. The peak areas of metabolites with a high significance score are usually the highest peak areas of all metabolites. Cardiac glycosides were identified with the procedures described for digoxigenin-bis(digitoxoside) and an unknown steroidal glycoside (see subsection “Identification of cardiac glycosides in D. purpurea, including glucodigifucoside and a novel compound”).

192 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Retention time (min)

Identified compounds

Molecular formula

[M + HCOO](observed)

[M + NH4]+ (observed)

Steroid unit groupsb

Tissue with maximum average peak area







Leaf (immature)







Fruit (immature)







Leaf (mature)







Leaf (mature)







Fruit (immature) Young leaf

Purpurea glycoside A






Purpurea glycoside B (& isomer)

11.1 11.5





Young leaf







Leaf (mature)







Leaf (mature)







Fruit (immature)

Unknown steroidal glycosideii






Leaf (mature)


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Table I. LC-TOF MS Assignments Based on an Accurate m/z and Multiplexed CID Fragmentation Patterns

i Highest and ii Second-highest MarkerLynx significance scores in the data analysis of 26 samples of different mature or immature tissues. 6 for structures and grouping rules. c These compounds were characterized as pure standards and in plant extracts.

In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

b Refer to Figure

Identified compounds Digoxina


Retention time (min) 8.3


m/z (observed)







Purpurea glycoside B (& isomer)


11.1, 11.5


Enhanced product ion fragments in ESI (+ and - modes)

[M + HCOO-]


779.5, 649.6, 519.5, 475.5


[M + NH4+ + HCOOH – H2O]


798.4, 651.5, 521.5, 391.4


[M + HCOO-]


763.4, 633.4, 503.4


782.5, 635.5, 375.6, 505.5

[M +


+ HCOOH – H2O]


[M + HCOO-]


389.6, 371.7, 353.6


[M + NH4+ + HCOOH – H2O]


408.3, 373.4, 355.4, 337.4


[M + HCOO-]


779.5, 649.6, 519.5, 475.5


[M + NH4+ + HCOOH – H2O]


798.4, 651.5, 521.5, 391.4


[M + HCOO-]


549.5, 371.3

596.4 Purpurea glycoside A





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Table II. LC-QTrap MS assignments based on m/z of adducts ions, and MS/MS EPI (- & +) fragments

[M +


+ HCOOH – H2O]



[M + HCOO-]



[M + NH4+ + HCOOH – H2O]



[M + HCOO-]


925.6, 763.4, 633.4, 503.6

In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

941.6, 779.6, 649.4


Retention time (min)


m/z (observed)








[M + NH4+ + HCOOH – H2O]



[M + HCOO-]


[M +


+ HCOOH – H2O]

[M + HCOO-]



[M + NH4+ + HCOOH – H2O]



[M + HCOO-]


[M +


Enhanced product ion fragments in ESI (+ and - modes)

807.5, 529.4, 353.5



696.36 Unknown cardiac glycoside





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Identified compounds

+ HCOOH – H2O]



[M - H]



[M + NH4+ + HCOOH – H2O]


These compounds were characterized as pure standards and in plant extracts.

In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

681.5, 519.6, 373.3

547.3, 417.2

503.4, 341.4

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Metabolic Profiling with LC-QTrap MS Multiplexed ion fragmentation provides a powerful method for determining accurate molecular and fragment masses for a wide range of metabolites in a single analysis. However, its use of nonselective ion fragmentation can make it challenging to assign fragments to specific precursor ions when multiple metabolites are eluted simultaneously from the LC column. To confirm the association of fragment ion masses with specific molecular precursors, LC/MS/MS analyses were performed with a QTrap mass analyzer. Table II presents the compounds that were identified based on their m/z and fragmentation patterns from the EPI scan in positive and negative ion modes. In the negative ion mode, formate adducts ([M + HCOO]-) were the dominant ions formed. In the positive ion mode, unusual adducts corresponding to [M + NH4 + HCOOH – H2O]+ were identified. The EPI mass spectrum (MS/MS, ESI (+) QTrap MS, 30 eV collision energy) of the digoxin standard at m/z 826.46 corresponding to [M + NH4 + HCOOH – H2O]+ is shown in Figure 3a. The fragment ions derived from [M + NH4 + HCOOH – H2O]+ for digoxin are also presented, and are suggestive of the formation of a formate ester adduct within the mass spectrometer ion source. The product adduct with m/z of 798.46 in Figure 3b retains nitrogen from the ammonium adduct, as evidenced by the even nominal mass of the ion. Relative to the precursor ion at m/z 826.46, the mass difference of 28 Da is attributed to loss of CO from the formate ester. Further analysis of the lower-mass fragments suggests additional losses of carbohydrate units, eventually yielding the protonated aglycone at m/z 391.25. This unusual ion chemistry was only observed with the QTRAP instrument, and was not seen with the LC-TOF instrument. The differences in the ESI ion source configurations of TOF MS and QTrap MS, which have different manufacturers, may explain the observation of [M + NH4]+ in TOF MS compared to the dominance of [M + NH4 + HCOOH – H2O]+ in QTrap MS. A recent study by the Beauchamp group (60) showed that the gas-phase ionization and observed product distribution under an ambient pressure ion source depend on the configuration of the ion source and the compositions of water vapor and oxygen surrounding the source. The formation of the unusual adduct of [M + NH4 + HCOOH – H2O]+ should caution analysts that unexpected adducts may form in the mass spectrometer ion source. Formation of such adducts may be important for compounds such as cardiac glycosides, which do not possess acidic or basic functional groups and are less likely to form protonated ions. Identification of Cardiac Glycosides in D. purpurea, Including Glucodigifucoside and a Putative Novel Cardiac Glycoside The MS/MS fragmentation of cardiac glycosides was elucidated by IDA at different collision energies. The IDA process entails the data-dependent selection of ions detected in a survey scan, followed by the generation of an MS/MS product ion spectrum of fragments derived from the selected ion. Figure 4 demonstrates how the LC-QTrap MS and LC-TOF MS results were applied to identify cardiac glycosides. LC-QTrap MS in the negative ion 196 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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mode was useful in assigning the carbohydrate portions based on cleavage of the various glycosidic bonds by collision-induced dissociation. LC-TOF MS (with multiplexed CID) was useful for confirming elemental formulas based on monoisotopic masses of ammonium adducts. In the positive ion mode, LC-TOF MS was also useful for the differentiation of steroidal units of cardiac glycosides, based on structure-characteristic fragment ion masses (see subsection “Powerful approach for nontargeted profiling of steroidal glycosides in D. purpurea”).

Figure 3. (a) Enhanced product ion mass spectrum (MS/MS) (ESI (+) QTrap MS, 30 eV collision energy), and (b) fragment ion assignments for digoxin adduct, [M + NH4 + HCOOH – H2O]+ (m/z 826.4).

197 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 4. Examples of procedures for the metabolite identification of cardiac glycosides: (a) enhanced product ion mass spectrum (ESI (-) QTrap MS, 80 eV collision energy) of glucodigifucoside [M + formate]- at m/z 727.4, (b) ESI (+) LC-TOF MS (at aperture 80 V) mass spectrum of glucodigifucoside, (c) enhanced product ion mass spectrum (ESI (-) QTrap MS, 80 eV collision energy) of unknown [M + formate]- at m/z 711.3, and (d) ESI (+) LC-TOF MS (at aperture 80 V) mass spectrum of unknown. *Indicates ions from coeluting metabolites.

Figure 4a and 4b show the combined data from TOF MS and QTrap MS for the identification of glucodigifucoside in D. purpurea. Glucodigifucoside has only been described in a few literature reports, including mention of its presence in Erysimum cheiranthoides (61). It has been isolated from D. lanata and characterized with one- and two-dimensional NMR (62, 63). Figure 4a shows the MS/MS product ion spectrum of the formate adduct of glucodigifucoside 198 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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(m/z 727.4, tR 6.5 min) generated with QTrap MS. The fragment at m/z 681.4 arises from loss of formic acid, and is assigned as deprotonated glucodigifucoside [M – H]-. Other fragments at m/z 519.4 and m/z 373.3 result from sugar losses from deprotonated glucodigifucoside. The high collision energy mass spectrum (at aperture 1 = 80 V) of glucodigifucoside is shown in Figure 4b, which shows the ammonium adduct of this glycoside (observed m/z 700.3903; theoretical m/z 700.3903; 1.3 ppm error). Three other annotated fragments correspond to protonated glucodigifucoside aglycone and successive losses of water (m/z 375.2551, 357.2439, 339.2342), with mass errors of 4-7 ppm. A similar approach was performed to annotate an unknown cardiac glycoside (Figure 4c and 4d). The MS/MS product ion spectrum (Figure 4c) of the formate adduct (m/z 727.4 at tR = 6.5 min) obtained with the QTrap MS showed loss of formic acid to yield the deprotonated [M – H]- at m/z 665.4. Fragments at m/ z 503.4 and 485.3 represent [M –H – sugar]- and [M –H – sugar – H2O]- ions, respectively. The fragment with m/z 341.4 resulted from the cleavage of two sugar units (-324 Da) from the deprotonated molecule ([M – H]-). Loss of an additional water molecule yielded the observed fragment ion at m/z 323.3. In Figure 4d, the mass spectrum of the unknown ammonium adduct (tR = 5.8 min, aperture 1 = 80 V, LC-TOF MS) shows the [M + NH4]+ adduct, for a product of formula C34H50O13 (observed m/z 684.3598, theoretical = 684.3590; mass error = 1.2 ppm). Fragments of the unknown ammonium adduct are shown in the left side of the mass spectrum representing protonated aglycone and dehydration fragments of protonated aglycone of the unknown compound (mass error ranges 4-10 ppm). Although we believe that the tentative structure is novel (Figure 4d), a metabolite with the same steroidal aglycone structure was reported in Digitalis plants in 1962 as digiprogenin (64, 65). The positions of three keto groups, the hydroxyl group, and a double bond were drawn based on the reported structure of digiprogenin. This finding should guide further purification and characterization of the metabolite structure.

Powerful Approach for Nontargeted Profiling of Steroidal Glycosides in D. purpurea A novel approach combining LC-TOF MS with multiplexed CID and information-dependent LC/MS/MS on the QTrap MS was developed for the comprehensive profiling of steroidal glycosides in biological samples. Cardiac glycosides in D. purpurea were profiled with multiplexed CID fragmentation to recognize steroidal substructures based on characteristic aglycone fragment masses measured with high accuracy. The multiplexed CID technology, which was first published by Robert H. Bateman at Waters MS Technologies Centre, Manchester, UK (66), allows the fragmentation of all of the metabolite ions eluting throughout the entire LC-TOF MS analysis. This feature functions via the rapid switching of the voltage of transit lens aperture 1 of the TOF mass analyzer. Multiplexed CID successfully generates fragments for all metabolites, including low-abundance coeluting substances that are often missed in IDA MS/MS analyses. Chromatographic data at four different functions (i.e. collision 199 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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voltages) are obtained in a single chromatographic analysis. The approach focuses on the MS of a selected part and the central unit of a steroidal glycoside structure. In this work, the potentials of aperture 1 were switched through values of 20, 40, 60, and 80 V. Figure 5a displays the mass spectrum of the digoxin ammonium adduct in the positive mode (m/z 798.464) at function 4 (aperture 1 voltage of 80 V). The mass spectrum was expanded to focus on digoxin aglycone fragments. Fragments with m/z 373.2373, 355.2265, and 337.2162 resulted from the protonated aglycone and subsequent losses of water, and were suggestive of two hydroxyl groups.

Figure 5. (a) ESI (+) LC-TOF MS (at aperture 80 V) mass spectrum of digoxin standard. i-iv represent structures in Figure 6. (b) Graph representing number of peaks observed from extracted ion chromatogram of Digitalis chromatograms at aperture 80 V, ESI (+) LC-TOF MS. A, B, C, D, and E represent steroidal structural groups drawn in Figure 6.

This approach was generalized to calculate the total number of cardiac glycosides in D. purpurea. Extracted ion chromatograms were generated for the m/z values of fragments that were characteristic of specific steroidal groups (see Figure 6) in function 4 (i.e. LC-TOF MS, at aperture 80 V) chromatograms. Figure 5b shows the number of steroidal glycosides based on the number of 200 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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chromatographic peaks observed for their steroidal aglycone fragments in Figure 5a. The steroidal structural groups (A, B, C, D, and E) are designated in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Structures of protonated steroidal unit fragments of known cardiac glycosides (LC-TOF MS, multiplexed CID at aperture 80 V). A, B, C, D, and E represent steroidal structural groups. Refer to Table I for group designations. m/z represents the monoisotopic mass of the fragment. Based on the above analysis, we obtained 29 total putative steroidal glycosides in D. purpurea. The grouping is based on known steroidal units and their fragments. For example, structures in group A (i to vi) represent fragments of a steroidal aglycone structure similar to that of digoxin in Figure 5a. Examples of cardiac glycosides belonging to each group can be found in the designated column (steroid unit groups) in Table I. The possibility that the fragment masses belong to other groups of compounds is minimal, because a mass measurement accuracy 201 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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of 4-7 ppm provides exquisite selectivity in distinguishing many metabolites with similar nominal masses but different elemental formulas. In addition, in Figure 5, a peak was assigned as a steroidal glycoside only if the XICs for all fragment masses occurred at a common retention time. The discovery of plant biomarker metabolites and their concentrations in various tissues supports investigations of biochemistry in plant developmental stages (67). In our current study, peak areas of three selected cardiac glycosides were compared in the chromatograms of mature and immature flowers of D. purpurea extracts (Figure 7). Cardiac glycosides were selected based on variation in the number of glycoside units. Strospeside contained one glycoside unit, whereas purpurea glycoside A and purpurea glycoside B contained four glycoside units each. The peak areas for strospeside increased from immature to mature flower, whereas the peak areas for purpurea glycoside A and B decreased. Different factors, including enzymatic activities in mature and immature plants, could contribute to the trend in the peak areas of cardiac glycosides with different numbers of glycoside units. More replicates are needed to confirm this observation.

Figure 7. Peak areas of strospeside (ST, m/z 595.31), purpurea glycoside A (PGA, m/z 971.48), and purpurea glycoside B (PGB, m/z 987.48) in [M + formate]- adduct forms across mature and immature flowers of D. purpurea extracts. Peak areas were from ESI (+) LC-TOF MS results obtained with the MarkerLynx data analysis software (Waters Inc. V4.1).

Conclusions Responding to the call for effective tools for the annotation and identification of natural products in dietary foods and supplements, and considering the pharmaceutical relevance of steroidal glycosides (7–13), we have developed a powerful approach for the comprehensive profiling of steroidal glycosides in biological samples. Metabolite profiling of cardiac glycosides in D. purpurea was accomplished with the LC-TOF and LC-QTrap MS platforms. An MS/MS scan by LC-QTrap MS revealed consecutive cleavage of sugar units. Negative and positive modes of ESI were employed for the profiling of cardiac glycoside metabolites, which are major steroidal glycosides in many plants, including D. 202 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

purpurea. The ability of LC-TOF MS to determine the mass, and the production of fragments by the relatively new technique of multiplexed collision-induced dissociation at high collision voltage, enriched and complemented the LC-QTrap MS cardiac glycoside metabolite profiling and enabled novel cardiac glycoside identification. We anticipate that these experimental protocols can be readily adapted to screen for unanticipated (and anticipated) natural products in a variety of dietary constituents, including natural product supplements.

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Acknowledgments We are grateful to Professor Joseph Chappell and Scott Kinison (Univ. of Kentucky) for providing extracts of Digitalis tissues. Funding from the Medicinal Plants Consortium of the National Institutes of Health (grant 1RC2GM092521; J. Chappell, PI) is gratefully acknowledged.

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