Nopcosant® K gives you ⅓ more of what you buy a latex dispersant

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Nopcosant K gives you 1 /3 more of what you buy a latex dispersant for. Over two years in the making, Nopcosant K is Nopco's newest—and the industry's most powerful—dispersant for latex systems. Remarkably nonfoaming, Nopcosant K also offers 3 4 % active materials—vs. 25% for its closest competitor. So it is no exaggeration to say that Nopcosant K offers oyer one third more dispersing action than any other latex dispersant you can buy.

Fatty Methyl Esters: A Family is Born

Sellogen(TM) NS 50 and NS 96 coat fertilizer particles with a durable film to prevent caking Sellogen NS 50 is a free-flowing liquid for spray operations; NS 96 is a dry-as-dust powder. Relatively heat stable (to 400°F) They can be used as plasticizers, lubricants, lubricant additives, cutting oils, or— as additives—for textiles, for rubber, for waxes, for adhesives. They can replace fatty acids and they can replace chemical intermediates. They're methyl tallowate and methyl stearate, the first two in Nopco's newest family of little things that do a lot. Manufactured according to the most rigorous quality controls, these esters will be tailored to your exact specs. And we'll do it all at a price that, frankly, you'll find a surprise and a pleasant one.

and compatible with systems of all pH values, these two products successfully prevent caking through surface area coating and crystal modification.Typical applications include use in Mixed Fertilizers, Fertilizer Chemicals, Nitrogen Solutions, Mineral Blends, Phosphate Rock Acidulation, Dry Detergents. Trace amounts Q/2 lb. to 1 lb. per ton of fertilizer) completely eliminate caking, provide a product that spreads evenly and economically.

NOPCO CHEMICAL DIVISION Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company 6 0 PARK PLACE, NEWARK, N.J. 0 7 1 0 1


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