Notes and Correspondence: Revised Statement from the Chemical

Notes and Correspondence: Revised Statement from the Chemical Service Section. William H. Walker, Lieut. Col. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1918, 10 (4), pp 321â€...
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Apr., 1918


AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS I 16th Meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers was held in New York City, February 18 to 21, 1918.

1 The



of workmen while on duty, suitable living conditions for labor, the training of workmen for better positions, and the crippled soldier in industry.




The Disadvantages of Chrome Brick in Copper Reverberatory Furnaces.

F. R. P Y N B . Fine-Grinding and Porous-Briquetting oT the Zinc Charge.




High-Temperature Resistance Furnaces with Ductile Tungsten or Molybdenum Resistors. W. E. RUDER. Zinc Refining. I,. E. WEMPLE. Bone-Ash Cupels. F. P. DEWEY. An Automatic Filter at Dupue, Illinois. G. S. BROOKS AND L. G. DUNCAN. MINING AND MILLING

Hints on Bucket-Elevator Operation. A. M. NICHOLAS. Recent Test on Ball-Mill Crushing. C. T.VANWINKLE. Theory and Practice of Ball-Milling with Peripheral Discharge Mills. P. R. HINES. New Method of Separating Materials of Different Specific Gravities. T.M. CHANCE.

The board of directors of the American Electrochemical Society, a t a meeting held in Philadelphia on February 22, 1918, decided to hold the Spring Meeting in the South during the week of April 28. The meeting will take the form of a trip through the chemical, electrochemical and metallurgical centers of the South, the plan being to leave Washington, D. C., on the evening of Sunday, April 28, and spend April 29 in Kingsport, Tenn., April 3 0 in Knoxville, May I in Chattanooga, May 2 a t Muscle Shoals, and May 3 in Birmingham, Ala. Returning, the party will arrive in Washington on Sunday, May 5. Mr. C. F. Roth is chairman OF the Committee on Arrangements and may be addressed a t Grand Central Palace, iSew York City.


The Erosion of Guns. H . M. HOWE. Transverse Fissures in Steel Rails. J . E. HOWARD. METALLOGRAPHY

Grain-Size Inheritance in Iron and Carbon Steel. 2. JEFPRIQS. The Time-Effect in Tempering Steel. A. E. BELLIS. Some Structures in Steel Fusion Welds. S. W. MILLER. AND A. B. JOHNSTON. Effect of Copper in Steel. C. R . HAYWARD

Two sessions were also devoted to the consideration of employment problems, some of the topics considered being the necessity of a thoroughly capable employment manager, care

CALENDAR OF MEETINGS American Electrochemical Society-Spring Meeting, Souihern trip, week of April 28, 1918. American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Worcester, Mass., June 4 to 7, 1918. American Institute of Chemical Engineers-Summer Meeting, Berlin, N.H., June 2 2 , 1918. American Society for Testing Materials-Atlantic City, June 2 5 to 28, 1918.

NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE REVISED STATEMENT FROM THE CHEMICAL SERVICE SECTION Soon after the March issue had gone to press a revised form of the announcement from the Chemical Service Section was received. It is herewith printed in full, that which is in addition to the statement in the March number being printed black. OFFICE O F THE CHIEF OF THE CHEMICAL SERVICE SECTION, I 106 NEW INTERIOR BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. By an order of the Secretary of War the Bdjutant General of the Army has authorized the Chief of the Chemical Service Section of the National Army to initiate such measures as are necessary to secure deferred classification for chemists whose services are essential to war industries. Under the Selective Service Regulations such action is limited to a letter of advice to the Local and District Exemption Boards transmitted through the Adjutant General’s office, substantially as follows: “The Chemical Service Section of the War Department has investigated the status of your company in connection with the production of war material and considers it important that the efficiency of your organization be maintained. I n this connection the services of as a technical expert in ............................. have been investigated and it is believed that his continued employment in war industries would be t o the best interests of the Government. You are therefore advised t o apply to the local exemption board for deferred classification in his case on the ground that he is a necessary highly specialized technical expert of a necessary industrial enterprise. Such action, of course, should ..’s consent. If be taken only with Mr. ............................ he prefers to enter the military service, please advise this office of that fact in order that his services may be utilized where most needed.”


Under the same order of the Secretary of War the Chief of the Chemical Service Section will initiate action for the return t o civil industries of any expert chemist whose service in the industry from which he was taken is of more importance to the Government than are his services in a military capacity. He must certify that the man is considered indispensable in

industry or that his services are essential to the prosecution of the war, and that his place cannot be filled by a man or woman not in the Army. Except in the cases of members of the Reserve Corps, the action taken will consist of a recommendation to the Adjutant General of the Army, that the man concerned be discharged from the National Army, National Guard or Regular Army, as the case may be, reenlisted or recommissioned in the proper branch of the Reserve Corps, and placed on the inactive list. In the cases of members of the Reserve Corps, the action will consist of a recommendation that the man concerned be placed on the inactive list. The Secretary of War further directs that upon the transfer to the Enlisted Reserve Corps for this purpose the enlisted man so transferred will be directed to report to the employer who requires his services. The employer in each case will be advised by the man’s transfer for the specific purpose intended and will be requested to report to the Department Commander a t the end of each month the status of the soldier, and should at any time the soldier separate himself from such employment, the employer will immediately notify the Adjutant General of the Army of such separation and, if practicable, the latest address of the man. The enclosed forms (printed in March issue) indicate the proper method of requesting action-a separate application must be made WM. H. WALKER,Lieut. Col. for each man. Chief, Chemical Service Section, N. A. PREPAREDNESS CENSUS The Bureau of Mines has published as Technical Paper 179 a classification of the returns of the census of mining engineers, metallurgists, and chemists made a t the request of the Council of National Defense. The paper can be obtained from the Bureau of Mines until the limited free edition is exhausted; after that, for 5 cents from the Superintendent of Documents,