Notice to Readers and Librarians - ACS Publications

Phone REpublic 7-3337. Teletype WA 23 ... BRANCH EDITORIAL OFFICES. CHICAGO 1 ... Systems, Imrich Klein, Irvin M. Krieger, and H. Benne. Kendall, Ind...
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December 1961, Volume 53, No. 12 APPLIED JOURNAL, ACS

1 155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington 6, D. C. Direcfor o f Publications, C. B. Larrabee Editorial Director, Rlchard 1. Kenyon Assistant to the Director of Publicafions, Joseph H. Kuney Assistant to the Editorial Direcfor, Rodney N. Hader Director o f Editorial Research, Robert F. Gould

INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Editor, Will H. Sheoron, Jr. EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON 6, D. C. 1 155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Phone REpublic 7-3337 Teletype WA 23 Associate Editors: William H. Gay, Eugenia Keller Assistont Editors: Joe B. Pullen, Elspeth W. Mainland Manuscripf Department Associate Editors: Stella Anderson, Head, Katherine 1. Biggs, Reviewing, Ruth Reynard, Editing, Ruth M. Howorth Editorial Assisfanf: Christine F. Clancy Layoof and Production Joseph Jacobs, Art Director; Melvin D. Buckner (Art); Leroy Corcoran (Layout) Editorial Reference: Barbara A. Gallagher BRANCH EDITORIAL OFFICES CHICAGO 1, ILL. Room 926, 36 South Wabash Ave. Teletype CG 725 Phone STate 2-5148 Associate Editor in Charge: Arfhur Poulos Assisfanf Editor: Donald Soisson Editorial Assistant: William M. Kunkel, Jr. HOUSTON 2, TEX. 518 Melrose Bldg., 1121 Walker St. Teletype HO 72 Phone FAirfax 3-7107 Associate Editor in Charge: Bruce F. Greek NEW YORK 17, N. Y. 733 Third Ave. Teletype NY 1-4726 Phone TN 7-3161 Associafe Editor in Chorge: William Q. Hull Senior Associate Editor: Walter S. Fedor Assistant Editor: Joe H. Olin SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIF. 703 Mechanics' Institute Bldg., 57 Post St. Teletype SF 549 Phone EXbrook 2-2895 Associofe Editor in Chorge: Richard G. Newhall Assisfanf Editor: Richard 1.Mitch EASTON, PA. 20th and Northampton Sts. Phone Blackburn 8-91 1 1 Teletype ESTN Pa 7048 Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Assistont Editor: Elizabeth R. Rufe Editorial Assistant: Barbara A. Conover EUROPEAN OFFICE 77 South Audley St., London W.l Cable JIECHEM Phone Hyde Park 4760 Associate Editor in Charge: David E. Gushee Assistant Editor: Brendan F. Somerville Contributing Editors: H. Carl Bauman, James B. Weaver, W. S. Connor, P. H. Stirling Advisory Board: R. 1. Bateman, A. S. Brunjes, Frank Chrencik, David M. Clark, Joseph C. Elgin, Sam S. Emison, E. J. Fox, Vladimir Haensel, George A. Harrington, Rafael Katzen, Joseph H. Koffolt, Donna Price, C. M. Sliepcevich. C. E. Stevenson, George Thodos

Adverlising Management REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. (For Branch Offices see list of advertisers)



Special Notice to Readers and Librarians Copies of complete manuscripts corresponding to articles published in the last six months of 1960 are now out of print and are available from the American Documentation Institute (ADI) Auxiliary Publications Project, Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. The condensed versions which were published and contained descriptions of complete versions are listed below together with the number of pages in the complete manuscript, the AD1 document number, and the price. Analytical Representation of Multicomponent Eutectic Systems, Imrich Klein, Irvin M . Krieger, and H. Benne Kendall, IND.ENG.CHEM.52, No. 7, 619 (July 1960), 15 pages, Document No. 6696, photoprints $2.50, and microfilm $1.75. A Computer Program for the Frost-Schwemer Kinetics Equations and the Derived Tables, C. A. Burkhard, IND. END. CHEM.52, No. 8, 678 (August 1960), 47 pages, Document No. 6697, photoprints $6.25, and microfilm $2.50. Small Bench-Scale Stirred Reactors for Gas-Liquid Contacting, Daniel Hyman and J. M . Van den Bogaerde, IND.END. CHEM.52, No. 9, 751 (September 1960), 27 pages, Document No. 6699,photoprints $3.75,and microfilm $2.00. Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation. An I/EC Unit Processes Review, James T. Bradbury, W. M . Keely, F. J. O'Hara, and Robert F. Vance, IND.ENG.CHEM.52, No. 9, 803 (September 1960), 10 pages, Document No. 6698,photoprints $1.25, and microfilm $1.25. The Adsorption of Sulfur Dioxide by Dry Ion Exchange Resins, R. Cole and H. L. Shulman, IND.ENG. CHEM. 52,No. 10, 859 (October 1960), 20 pages, Document No. 6701, photoprints $2.50, and microfilm $1.75. Stainless Steels and Other Ferrous Alloys. An I/EC Materials of Construction Review, I V . A. Luce and J. H. Peacock, IND.ENG.CHEM.52,No. 10,881 (October 1960), 10 pages, Document No. 6700, photoprints $1.25, and microfilm $1.25. Nickel and High Nickel Alloys. An I / E C Materials of Construction Review, A. J. Marron, IND. ENG. CHEM. 52, No. 11, 943 (November 1960), 17 pages, Document No. 6702,photoprints $2.50,and microfilm $1.75. Air Pollution Review 1958-59. An I/EC Biennial Review, W. L. Faith, IND.ENG.CHEM.52, No. 11, 967 (November 1960), 37 pages, Document No. 6703, photoprints $5.00, and microfilm $2.25. Friedel-Crafts Acylations. An I/EC Unit Processes Review, K. LeRoi Nelson, IND.ENG. CHEM.52, NO. 12, 1018 (December 1960), 37 pages, Document No. 6704, photoprints $5.00,and microfilm $2.25. Halogenation. An I / E C Unit Processes Review, Leo R. Belohlav, IND.ENG.CHEM.52, No. 12, 1022 (December 19h0), 30 pages, Document No. 6705, photoprints $3.75, and microfilm $2.00. Less Common Metals. An I / E C Materials of Construction Review, E. M. Sherwood, IND.ENG.CHEM.52, hTo. 12, 1027 (December 1960), 30 pages, Document No. 6706, photoprints $3.75,and microfilm $2.00. Plastics. An I / E C Materials of Construction Review, Raymond B. Seymour, IND.ENG.CHEM.52, No. 12, 1038 (December 1960), 37 pages, Document No. 6707, photoprints $5.00,and microfilm $2.25.