Novel 13-vertex metallocarborane complexes formed by polyhedral

Jas S. Ward , Hugo Tricas , Greig Scott , David Ellis , Georgina M. Rosair , and Alan J. Welch .... Melvyn R. Churchill and Barry G. DeBoer. Inorganic...
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Novel 13-Vertex Metallocarborane Complexes Formed by Polyhedral Expansion of 1,Z-Dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) ( 1,2-BloCzH12) Donald F. Dustin,’ Gary B. Dunks, and M. Frederick Hawthorne* Contribution No. 3008 from the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024. Received April 16, 1972 Abstract: 1,2-Dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(l2) was found to undergo a two-electron reduction with sodium metal in tetrahydrofuran to form a BloC2H122ion. This ion serves as a ligand in the formation of a variety of transition metal complexes which include [(a-CgHS)M(a--BloC*H12)] (M = Fe(II1) and Co(III)), [(a-B1C2Hi2)2M’ln(M’ = Co(III), Fe(II), and Ni(II)), and [(a-BloCzH12)M”(CO)a]~(M” = Mo and W). The preparation, characterization, and structures of these complexes are discussed. In each case, a closo polyhedral structure is proposed with the metal atom located at one of the 13 vertices.


Preparation and Characterization of the x-Cyclohe preparation of the BloCzH1z2-ion by reduction of the corresponding closo-carborane with sodium pentadienyl-x-BloC2HlzComplexes of Iron and Cobalt. The reaction of the BloCzHlz2- ion with an excess of naphthalide and the subsequent formation of the metallocarborane complex, (x-CjHj)Co1*’(x-BloCzH12)1 sodium cyclopentadienide and an excess of either have been reported in a recent communication.2 We anhydrous FeClz or CoClz resulted in the formation now wish to report a series of transition metal comof x-cyclopentadienyl-x-dodecahydrodicarba-nido-dodecaboratocobalt(II1) or -iron(III). The isolated coplexes based upon the BlOCzHlz2ion. The method of preparing metallocarborane ligands CsHs- + BioCzH122- + MC12 +(?r-CjHj)M1’(?r-BioCzH1z) by reduction of the parent closo-carborane has been -e 1 (?r-CjHs)MIII(n-B,OC*Hiz) d termed “polyhedral expansion” since the resulting transition metal complexes contain a polyhedral framebalt complex contains a formal cobalt(II1) due to an work with one more vertex than the parent carboraneoxidation of cobalt(I1) to cobalt(II1) with the concomithe new vertex presumably being occupied by the transitant formation of a black, insoluble, ferromagnetic tion metal. x-Cyclopentadienyl cobalt complexes powder presumed to be cobalt metal, whereas the iron Of BsCzHsZ-, BeCzHs4-, B&Hio2-, and BsCzH104- have complex must be air-oxidized to the formal iron(II1) been prepared by this m e t h ~ d , ~ -but j those of the Blospecies. CzHlZ2-ion are structurally unique. Previously, the The violet (x-CaHj)Fe111(a-BloC2Hlz)(I) is paramaglargest known polyhedral carborane derivatives have netic, having an effective magnetic moment of 2.12 BM, been the 12-atom icosahedral species exemplified by and is easily reduced (Table I) with aqueous sodium the BloC,Hlz carboranes and the transition metal complexes of the BgC2Hll2- dicarbollide ion.6-8 The complexes of transition metals with the BloCzHlz2- Table I. Reduction Potentials” for the n-CjHa-n-BlaCzHn and (?r-BlnCzHI2)2 Metal Comolexes ion exhibit metallocarborane polyhedra containing, Ell2 us. sce for the first time, 13 vertices. ComMIv + MI1’ + Nomenclature. The nomenclature associated with pound 2eMIr e-+ MI1 the transition metal complexes of the isomeric BloI +O. 16 C2HlZ2-ions conforms to the recently adopted rules.g I1 -0.72 In naming these complexes, we have chosen t o follow 111 -1.15 the convention that a nido-carborane ligand is bonded IV -1.16 to the metal. Accordingly, the systematic name for V -0.33 ( ~ - C ~ H ~ ) C O ~ ~ ~ ( ~Figure - ~ , 1, ~ -is Bx-cyclo~ ~ C ~ H ~ ~ ) ,VI -0.02 VI1 -0.03 pentadienyl-x-dodecahydro-7,9-dicarba-nido-dodecaboratocobalt. In each of the complexes reported here, Cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile with 0.1 F tetraethylthe metal atom presumably occupies vertex number ammonium perchlorate as supporting electrolyte, platinum button electrode. 13 of the resulting 13-atom closo polyhedron.



(1) National Science Foundation Trainee, 1968-1971 ; National Defense Education Act Title IV Predoctoral Fellow, 1971-1972. (2) G . B. Dunks, M. M. McKown, and M. F. Hawthorne, J . Amer.

Chem. SOC.,93, 2541 (1971). (3) W. J. Evans and M. F. Hawthorne, ibid., 93, 3063 (1971). (4) G. B. Dunks and M. F. Hawthorne, ibid., 92, 7213 (1970). (5) W. J. Evans and M. F. Hawthorne, in preparation. (6) M. F. Hawthorne, D. C . Young, T. A. Andrews, D. V. Howe, R. L. Pilling, A. D. Pitts, M. Reintjes, L. F. Warren, and P. A. Wegner, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,90, 879 (1968). (7) H. W. Ruhle and M. F. Hawthorne, Inorg. Chem., 7, 2279 (1968). (8) M. F. Hawthorne and H. W. Ruhle, ibid., 8, 176 (1969). (9) “Nomenclature of Boron Compounds,” fnorg. Chem., 7, 1945 (1968).

borohydride to an orange anionic iron(I1) species. The 60-MHz ‘H nmr spectrum (Table 11) of the diamagnetic [ ( T - C ~ H ~ ) F ~ ~ ~ ( ~ - B ~ion ~ Cconsisted ~ H ~ Z ) ]ofa sharp singlet of area 5 and a single broad resonance of area 2 which were assigned to the five equivalent cyclopentadienyl protons and to two equivalent polyhedral C-H units, respectively. The 80.5-MHz ‘B nmr spectrum (Figure 2 and Table 111) exhibited seven doublets of area ratio 1 :1 :1 :1 : 2 : 2 :2 which indicated

Dustin, Dunks, Hawthorne

13-Vertex Metaliocarborane Complexes


Figure 2 . The 80.5-MHz 1lB nmr spectrum of [(r-CjHj)Fe1*(a-BlcC?Hl,)]-taken in acetone. Chemical shifts (parts per million relative to BF3.0(C2HJt) and coupling constants (hertz) are indicated. Relative areas appear beneath the peaks. Figure 1. The structure of n-cyclopentadienyl-n-dodecahydro-7,9dicarba-nido-dodecaboratocobalt,(?r-CjHj)Cor1I(n-7,9-BlaC1H11).

Table 11. lH Nmr Data for the ~ - B , O C QMetal H , ~ Comolexes Compoun&

I* I1 111



Resonance, re (re1 area) Sharp singlet, 5.80 (5) Broad singlet, 7.00 (2) Sharp singlet, 4.48 ( 5 ) Broad singlet, 5.57 (2) Sharp singlet, 4.48 ( 5 ) Broad singlet, 5.10 (1) Broad singlet, 7.08 (1) Sharp singlet, 4.54 ( 5 ) Broad singlet, 5 . 3 2 (1) Broad singlet, 6.60 (1) Broad singlet, 5.42 Broad singlet, 6.84 Broad singlet, 6.09 Broad singlet, 6.70 Broad singlet, 7 , 6 7

Assignment Cyclopentadienyl Carborane C-H Cyclopentadienyl Carborane C-H Cyclopentadienyl Carborane C-H Carborane C-H Cyclopentadienyl Carborane C-H Carborane C-H Carborane C-H Carborane C-H Carborane C-H Carborane C-H Carborane C-H

protons protons protons protons


In acetone-& * Reduced to the FeI1 complex. Sodium salt. d Oxidized to the NiIY complex. e Relative to tetramethylsilane. a

that the carborane framework consisted of four unique boron atoms and three nonequivalent pairs of boron atoms. The elemental analysis of I is given in TabIe IV. The electronic and infrared spectra are given in Tables V and VI, respectively. The reaction of NaCjH, and Na2BloC2H12 with CoCl? resulted in a product having the formulation (TCjHj)Co111(7r-BloC2H12) (11). The red I1 was found to undergo a thermal rearrangement t o an orange isomer, 111, in hexane at reflux and the orange isomer further rearranged to a red-orange isomer, IV, in benzene at reflux. In the solid state, both I1 and I11 were successively converted to IV upon heating and then melted at 250-251'. Isomers 11, 111, and IV exhibited virtually identical mass spectra with cutoffs ion. at mje 270 corresponding to the 11Blo12C71H1PC~+ The elemental analyses, electronic spectra, and inJournal of the American Chemical Society

frared spectra for the three products are shown in Tables IV, V, and VI, respectively. The 60-MHz 'H nmr spectrum, Table 11, of the red isomer, 11, exhibited a sharp singlet of area 5 assigned to the cyclopentadienyl protons and a broad singlet of area 2 assigned to two equivalent carborane C-H units. The spectra of both I11 and IV showed, in addition to the sharp singlet of area 5, two broad singlets of area 1, assigned to the two types of nonequivalent carborane C-H units. The 80.5-MHz llB nmr spectrum, Table 111, of I1 consisted of doublets of area ratio 1 : 1 :1 : 1 :2 :2 :2 again suggesting a carborane framework with three unique pairs and four unique boron atoms. The llB nmr spectrum of the orange isomer, 111, contained eight doublets of area ratio 1 : 1 : 1 :1 : 1 :1 :2 :2. Since we can envisage no structure with nonequivalent carborane C-H units and two pairs of equivalent boron atoms, we feel that the two doublets of area 2 arise from the coincidental overlap of four area 1 resonances. The spectrum of the red-orange isomer, IV, contained ten doublets of equal area. The above data suggest that the red, orange, and red-orange products are indeed structural isomers of one another with I1 being more symmetrical than either I11 or IV. The three isomers probably retain the gross configuration of 13-atom polyhedra and differ from each other only in the positions of the carbon atoms within the polyhedral framework. The nmr data are insufficient t o assign definitely the positions of the carbon atoms in 11, 111, and IV. X-Ray diffraction studies for I11 and IV are in progress. The X-ray crystal structurelo of I1 indicates that the complex exists as a pair of enantiomers with the carbon atoms located at positions 7 and 9 or 7 and 11. The rapid equilibration of these two enantiomers at room temperature is consistent with the observed nmr spectra since the molecule would then exhibit a plane of symmetry on a time averaged basis. The low-temperature 80.5-MHz IlB nmr spectra, Figure 3, of 11 shows (10) We are grateful to Professor Melvyn Churchill for informing us of these results prior to publication.

/ 95:4 / February 21, 1973

1111 Table III. The 80.5-MHz

IIB " r


Spectra of the n-BlaCnHlz Metal Complexes" Chemical shifts, Se (JB--Hin Hz)

Re1 intens














1 :1:1:1:4:2





Determined in acetone. O(czH5)a.


Reduced to Fe".

-5.7(148), +8.7(151), + 9 . 3 ( l a ) , +13.8 (150), +14.5 (151), +18.3 (153), +29.2(151) -12.9(135), -1.0 (135), -0.4(134), +4.2(145), +6.2(170), +11.1 (145), +16.4(153) -21.2 (140), -8.0 (138), -6.3 (149), -4.7 (140), + 2 . 5 (170), +6.1 (170), $8.3 (161), +12.8 (153) -7.9 (145), -5.4 (169), - 3 . 5 (145), -2.4 (161), + 3 . 6 (145), + 7 . 9 (145)* +9.3 (169), +12.5 (145), +14.9 (145), +16.9 (145) -17.9(151), -4.5(127): +1.9(151), +4.0(172), +10.0 (158), +14.3 (162) -8.3 (127), +4.9(130), + 9 . 1 (141), +11.3(134)," +17.2 (140), +25.7 (148) f 2 . 7 (147), +6.7 (174), +9.0 (141), +11.3 (154), +13.3 (161): +16.5 (181) -1.4 (130), +1.2 (148), + 3 . 7 (138), + 8 . 3 (134): +14.7 (127), +22.6 (145) - 2 . 4 (140), - 1 . 0 (136), + 4 . 6 (137), + 6 . 9 (130): +14.7 (134), +20.5 (141)

Overlapping doublets.



I11 VI







Calcd 31.67 Found 31.75 Calcd 31.33 Found 31.61 Calcd 31.33 Found 31.52 Calcd 31.33 Found 31.36 Calcd 30.19 Found 29.96 Calcd 39.73 Found 39.93 Calcd 39.51 Found 39.43 Calcd 43.75 Found 43.54

6.41 6.24 6.34 6.88 6.34 6.55 6.34 6.50 9.22 9.43 10.59 10.74 10.62 10.67 7.64 7.94

40.83 39.95 40.35 40.12 40.35 39.77 40.35 40.20 45.28 45.54 35.76 35.98 35.59 35.71 18.75 18.59



2.94 2.88 4.63 4.48 4.61 4.73 4.86 4.65

21.07 21.29 21.98 21.76 21.98 21.86 21.98 21.85 12.37 12.13 9.27 9.11 9.67 9.78 16.67 16.96

and ( T - B ~ ~ C ~Metal H ~ ~Complexes )~

I 11

I11 IV V VI VI1 0


ml.c (€)a


488 (233) sh, 419 (336) sh, 259 (7410), 234 (7100) 450 (4651, 296 (8850), 256 (17,900), 230 (13,000) sh 446 (490), 285 (8400), 254 (26,800), 225 (9100) sh 475 (516), 279 (10,500), 252 (20,000), 225 (11,OOO) sh 588 (254), 300 (16,600), 262 (21,200) sh, 235 (26,800) 498 (771), 362 (4740), 287 (24,200), 235 (32,600) 492 (976) sh, 390 (96001, 264 (13,300), 231 (14,500) sh

that an apparent symmetry plane prevails down to - 30". At - 90°, the molecule has become asymmetric, presumably having been "frozen" into a mixture of the 7,9 and 7 , l l isomers. At temperatures above - 30°, the interconversion between the 7,9 and 7 , l l isomers is apparently quite rapid. The mechanism that we propose for this interconversion is shown in Figure 4 and involves a twofold, diamond-square-diamond rearrangement which may be either stepwise or concerted. In either N. Lipscomb,

Relative to BF8.

Science, 153, 373 (1966).






3050 (m), 2517 (s), 1237 (w), 1190 (w), 1150 (w),1109 (m), 1086 (w), 1034 (w),1007 (m), 985 (w),934 (w), 847 (s), 773 (w) 3045 (m), 2501 (s), 1419 (m), 1409 (m), 1376 (m), 1191 (w),1122 (w),1090 (m), 1062 (m), 1022 (m), 1005 (s), 983 (m), 897 (m), 878 (w), 856 (s), 842 (s), 778 (m), 768 (m), 739 (m), 727 (m) 3072 (m), 2521 (s), 1195 (w), 1158 (w), 1125 (w), 1081 (w),1024 (m), 995 (m),984 (m), 851 (m),843 (m), 778 (w) 3060 (m), 2515 (s), 1421 (m), 1288 (w), 1133 (w),1049 (m), 993 (m), 981 (m), 948 (w),900 (w),851 (m), 828 (m), 778 (w),741 (w) 2569 (s), 1200 (w), 1176 (m), 1154 (w), 1127 (w),1090 (m), 1071 (w),1048 (m), 1029 (m),1006 (SI, 975 (m), 950 (w), 896 (w), 878 (w), 856 (w),832 (w),785 (m), 734 (w) 2569 (s), 1284 (w),1200 (w),1261 (m), 1245 (w),1221 (w),1093 (w), 1074 (w),1055 (w),1045 (w),1024 (w). 991 (m).971 (w),856 (w),884 (w),777 (m), 732 (w), 717 (w) 2501 (s), 1308 (w), 1184 (m), 1155 (w), 1091 (w),1082 (w).1031 (m). 1005 (m), 978 (m), 908 (w),889 (w),


In spectroquality acetonitrile.

(1 I ) W.





Table V. Electronic Spectra of the n-(CeH&r-B&Hlt r

Oxidized to N P , acetonitrile solution.

Table VI. Infrared Spectra (cm-l, Nujol Mull)

Table IV. Elemental Analyses Compound


case, a time-averged structure would contain a plane of symmetry. Preparation and Characterization of the (r-B&Hlz)z Metal Complexes. The preparation of the r-cyclopentadienyl-r-BloCzHlz metal complexes for both cobalt(II1) and iron(III), described above, suggested derivatives might also be prepared. that (r-B10C2H12)2 In the latter case, the metal atom would simultaneously occupy the 13th vertex in two 13-atom carborane polyhedra. Such complexes were prepared with formal cobalt(lII), iron(II), and nickel(I1) according to the general equation 2BioCzHizZ-

Dustin, Dunks, Hawthorne

+ M" d [ ( ~ T - B ~ O C Z H ~ Z ) Z M ] ~ - ~ 13- Vertex Metallocarborane Complexes


Figure 5. The 80.5-MHz B10CZH12)zC~III] in acetone.


nmr spectrum of [(C2H&N][(*-

derivative to 240" before decomposition occurred. The cobalt complex decomposed at 230°, but was found to undergo another change at lower temperatures. A dichloromethane solution of the green IU I [(CzH~)~N][(~-BloCzHlz)2C0111] (V) slowly changed at the reflux temperature to a reddish color, presumably due to a thermal rearrangement and the production of a second isomer. Cyclic voltammetry of the recrystallized red product showed two reversible waves; -0.33 (us. sce) and -0.72 V. The pure green isomer exhibited only one wave at -0.33 V. Thus far, attempts to prepare the pure red isomer have failed giving only inseparable mixtures of the red and green -20ppm -iOppm Oppm +IOppm +20ppm products. It is assumed that the two isomers differ Figure 3. The temperature-dependent 80.5-MHz IlB nmr spectrum only in the positions of the two carbon atoms within of red (K-C~H~)CO"I(R-B~~C~H~~) (11) taken in dimethyl ether. each of the polyhedral frameworks as was the case The presence of at least seven magnetically nonequivalent boron for the three ( . R - C ~ H ~ ) C O ~ ~ ~ (complexes T-B~~C~H~~) atoms at -90" indicates total asymmetry in the molecule. described above. Cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential coulometry of [(C2H5)4N]2[(~-BloCzH1z)2Fe11] (VI) also showed a reversible, one-electron wave whereas [(CzH&N]Z[(T-BIOCZHI~)~N~~I] (VII) underwent a two-electron oxidation to a formal nickel(1V) complex. Cyclic voltammetry data are given in Table I. The electronic and infrared spectra of the (~-B10C2H12)2 metal complexes, V, VI, and VI1 are presented in Tables V and VI. The nmr spectra of the three bis complexes were very similar. The 60-MHz lH nmr spectra, Table 11, Figure 4. Proposed mechanism of the rapid interconversion beof the sodium salts of the complexes (obtained by the ~ , ~(7r-CjHi)Co111- B ~ ~ C ~ H , J metathetical reaction of the tetraethylammonium salts tween the ( K - C ~ , H ~ ) C O ~ ~ * ( K -and (K-7, 1 l-BIoC~HIz) enantiomers showing an intermediate or transiand sodium tetraphenylborate in acetone) all showed tion-state structure containing a plane of symmetry. a single, broad resonance assigned to four equivalent polyhdedral C-H units. The 80.5-MHz IlB nmr specwhere M = Fe, Co, or Ni. In each case, the anhytra (Table 111) of V, Figure 5, and VI exhibited doublets drous metal salt (either the chloride or the acetylof area ratio 1 :1 :1 :1 : 2 : 2 : 2 with an area 2 resonance acetonate) was added directly to a stoichiometric and an area 1 resonance overlapping to give an area amount of NazBloCzHlz in tetrahydrofuran under 3 resonance. The spectra indicated a polyhedral nitrogen. The anionic metal complexes were isolated framework consisting of three unique pairs and four and recrystallized as the tetraethylammonium salts. unique boron atoms. The elemental analyses for these three products are A normal llB nmr spectrum for VI1 was not obpresented in Table IV. tained. Rounded peaks appeared instead of the usual, The bis complexes were slowly solvolyzed in acidic sharp, well-defined doublets probably due t o the presor basic media and very slowly by ethanol. The ence of paramagnetic species. Although a solidnickel derivative could be heated to 150" and the iron state magnetic susceptibility study showed the complex Journal ofthe American Chemical Society

/ 95:4 / February 21, 1973

1113 t6.9








Figure 7. The 80.5-MHz 1lB nmr spectrum of [C,HJaN],[(aBloCnH12)Mo(CO)a] taken in acetone.




+ M(CO)B +[(T-B~oCBHI~)M(CO)~]*+ 3CO M = MoorW

Figure 6. Proposed structure of the (a-BloCnH& metal complexes. M is Co(III), Fe(II), or Ni(I1).

Both complexes, isolated and recrystallized as their tetraethylammonium salts, were extremely air-sensitive and were handled under pure nitrogen. The to be diamagnetic, it is possible that in solution an salt [(C2H5)4N]2[(~-BloC2Hlz)W(C0)3] (VIII) was so equilibrium exists between two spin states with one of air-sensitive that a satisfactory elemental analysis was them being paramagnetic. Anomalous magnetic benot obtained. havior has also been reported for [(~-7,9-B&H11)2The infrared spectra of VI11 and [(CZH&Nl2[(~Ni”I2- while the isomeric [(~-7,8,-BgCzH11)2NiII]2- Bl~C2H~2)Mo(CO)3] (IX) are given in Table VI. complex has a normal high-spin magnetic moment of Both VIII and IX were diamagnetic and their nmr 2.90 BM.12 An acceptable llB nmr spectrum of VI1 spectra were similar to those of the other metal comwas obtained, however, by oxidizing the sample to plexes of the BloCzH122-ion. Each 60-MHz ‘H nmr the formal nickel(1V) species with an excess of iodine. spectrum, Table 11, contained a single broad resonance The spectrum showed doublets of area ratio 1 :1 :1 :1 : attributed to two equivalent polyhedral C-H units. 2:2:2 where a doublet of area 4 appeared due to the The 80.5-MHz llB nmr spectra of IX, Figure 7, and coincidental overlap of two area 2 resonances. VI11 (Table 111) exhibited signals of area ratio 1 :1 :1 : The fluxional behavior of the Bl0C2Hl2*- ligand 2 : 2 : 3. The coincidental overlap of two resonances described above for I1 appears to prevail in V, VI, accounted for the doublet of area 3. The proposed and VI1 with the ligand rapidly interconverting bestructure of VI11 and IX is shown in Figure 8. Once tween the 7,9 and 7,11 isomers and the metal atom again, the complexes are presumably interconverting occupying position 13 within each of the carborane between the 7,9 and 7 , l l isomers. polyhedra (Figure 6). Conclusion. The results reported herein indicate Preparation and Characterization of the n-BloC2H12- that metallocarboranes may assume polyhedral strucMolybdenum and -Tungsten Tricarbonyl Dianions. The tures larger than 12-atom icosahedra uia a “polyhedral chemistry of the BloC2Hlz2-ion has shown certain simexpansion” reaction common to closo-carboranes. ilarities to that of the B9C2Hllz- dicarbollide ion, and Fluxional behavior is indicated for some of these 13we were curious as to whether the B10CzH122ion would atom metallocarboranes. Additional investigations into displace carbon monoxide from certain metal carthe reactions and derivative chemistry of these combonyls. No thermal or photochemical substitution plexes are under way. of the B10C2H12z-ligand for carbon monoxide was observed upon reaction with Cr(CO)6, Mn(CO)5Br, Experimental Section or Fe(CO)6. Physical Measurements. Ultraviolet-visible spectra were meaSimple displacement of carbon monoxide from either sured with a Beckman DB spectrophotometer. Infrared spectra Mo(CO)~or W(CO)6 was possible when Na2B10C2H12 were determined using a Perkin-Elmer Model 137 sodium chloride spectrophotometer. Proton nmr spectra were obtained by means and the metal hexacarbonyl were exposed to ultraof a Varian A-60D and the 80.5-MHz llB nmr spectra with an violet radiation in a tetrahydrofuran solution. instrument designed and constructed by Professor F. A. L. Anet of (12) D. V. Howe, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, Calif., 1970.

this department. The electrochemical apparatus for cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential coulometry was based on the

Dustin, Dunks, Hawthorne

13-Vertex Metallocarborane Complexes


through the bottom outlet of the flask into another reaction flask with a minimum exposure to air. (?r-CsHs)FeIII(?r-BloCzHlz) (I). A solution of 20 mmol of NazBloC2H12and 40 mmol of NaCjHa, both prepared as above, was placed in a 1-1. flask fitted with a mechanical stirrer and a nitrogen inlet. The preparation of all metal complexes was done in a nitrogen atmosphere. The flask was cooled to 0” and a gray-white slurry of FeCl2 in THF, prepared by the reaction of 5.2 g (32 mmol) of FeC13 and 4.0 g (72 mg-atoms) of iron powder in 100 ml of THF at reflux for 3 hr, was added slowly. The reaction mixture was stirred for 7 15 hr while slowly warming to room temperature. A stream of oxygen was passed through the solution for 0.5 hr after which the solution was filtered through Celite. Silica gel (30 g) was added to the fitrate and the solvent removed by rotary evaporation. The solid was placed atop a (4 X 30 cm) silica gel chromatography column prepared with hexane. The column was eluted with hexane which was slowly enriched with dichloromethane. Four major bands were separated which contained, in order of elution, a mixture of ferrocene and naphthalene, green (T-C~H~)F~~~~(T-~,~-B,CZH violet (a-CaHj)Fe111(n-BloCtH,2) (0.8342 g, 3.1 mmol, 15%), and a purple band which moved extremely slowly on the column. This final band was not isolated but was presumed to be the (n-B10C2H12)2 complex of iron(I1). One side product of this reaction was the previously unreported ( T - C ~ H ~ ) F ~ ~ ~ ~ ( Twhich - ~ ,could ~ - Balso , Gbe H ~prepared ~ ) by the Figure 8. The proposed structure of the ~ - 7 , 9 - B ~ ~ C ~ H ~ ~ - m o ldirect y b - combination of CjH5-, FeC12, and ~ , ~ - B Q C Z HWe ~ ~ wish ~-. denum and -tungsten tricarbonyl dianions. to include the characterization data here. Anal. Calcd for C7H16B,Fe: C, 33.20; H, 6.32; B, 38,48; Fe, 22.07. Found: C, 33.32; H, 6.23; B, 38.07; Fe, 22.17. The 60-MHz lH nmr spectrum in acetone-& (obtained after the reduction of the complex to a design of Lawless and Hawley.13 Mass spectra were obtained formal iron(I1) species with aqueous sodium borohydride and isousing an Associated Electrical Industries MS-9 spectrometer and lated as the tetramethylammonium salt) consisted of three singlets magnetic susceptibilities measured utilizing a Cahn Model RG of area ratio 5:12:2 at T 5.71 (cyclopentadienyl protons), T 6.52 electrobalance in conjunction with a Varian Model V-4004 electro(methyl protons), and T 8.20 (carborane C-H), respectively. The magnet, Model V-2300 A power supply, and Model V-2301A cur80.5-MHz llB nmr spectrum (also of the reduced species) exhibited rent regulator. doublets of area ratio 3:1:2:1:2 at +10.5 (126), +15.4 (156), Elemental analyses were carried out by Schwarzkopf Micro+17.3 (139), +19.8 (148), and +24.2 (148) [chemical shift, parts analytical Laboratories, Woodside, N. Y., and Galbraith Laboraper million relative to BFa.O(C2Hj)2 (B-H coupling constants, Hz)]. tories, Knoxville, Tenn. The infrared spectrum (Nujol mull) included absorptions at 2535 Materials. Cobalt and nickel acetylacetonates were obtained (s), 1147 (w), 1109 (m), 1038 (w), 1004 (w), 984 (w), 947 (w), 920 from Research Organic/Inorganic Chemical Corp. Molybdenum (w), 841 (s), 733 (w), and 702 (w)cm-l. and tungsten carbonyls were purchased from Climax Molybdenum Reduction of (R-CsHa)Fe11’(?r-BloC~H12). To 0.265 g (1 mmol) of Co. Anhydrous sublimed ferric chloride, hydrogen reduced iron violet I dissolved in a solution of 10% acetonitrile in water was added powder, naphthalene, tetraethylammonium bromide, and tetraan aqueous solution of excess NaBH,, and the mixture was heated methylammonium chloride were obtained from Matheson Coleman on a steam bath for 1 hr. After the solution had become orange, it and Bell., Sodium hydride, as a 60% dispersion in mineral oil, was was cooled to room temperature and added to an aqueous solution purchased from Metal Hydrides, Inc. Baker “Analyzed Reagent” of excess tetramethylammonium chloride. The resulting orange silica gel, 60-200 mesh, was employed in column chromatography. precipitate was filtered, washed with water, and recrystallized by the All of the above were used without further purification. slow rotary evaporation of solvent from a dichloromethane-hexane 1,2-Dicarba-closo-dodecarborane(12)was sublimed under high mixture. vacuum prior to use. Anhydrous CoClz was prepared by heating (?r-CjHj)Co1r1(x-BloCzH12) (11). To a solution of 25 mmol of (at 100” under high vacuum for 3 days) CoCl2.6H2O obtained from Na2B10C2HlZ, prepared as above, was added a solution of 75 mmol Mallinckrodt Chemical Co. Dicyclopentadiene from Aldrich of NaCjH,. The flask was cooled in an ice bath, and a slurry of Chemical Co. was converted to CsHs immediately prior to use. 12 g (92 mmol) of finely ground anhydrous CoCh in 50 ml of THF Tetrahydrofuran (THF) was freshly distilled from LiAlH, and was added from an addition funnel. The contents of the flask were collected under nitrogen. Hexane, benzene, dichloromethane, stirred for 15 hr while slowly warming to room temperature. The acetone, ethanol, and acetonitrile were reagent grade. Ultravioletaddition funnel and nitrogen inlet were removed and, in order to visible spectra and cyclic voltammetry measurements were made in convert any cobalticene formed to a cobalticinium salt, a stream of Matheson Coleman and Bell Spectroquality acetonitrile. oxygen was passed through the solution with occasional stirring for Na2BloC2HlZ.In a 1-l., 3-necked flask fitted with a mechanical 0.5 hr. The reaction mixture was then filtered through Celite to stirrer and a nitrogen inlet were placed 1.15 g (50 mg-atoms) of soremove cobalt metal. Approximately 30 g of silica gel was added dium metal cut into small pieces, 3.6 g (25 mmol) of freshly sublimed to the filtrate, and the solvent was removed at room temperature 1,2-B1aCzHnr 150 ml of THF, and approximately 0.2 g of naphthausing a rotary evaporator and a water aspirator. The solid was lene. The flask was stoppered and the contents were stirred at then chromatographed on silica gel in the manner described for room temperature until the sodium had been consumed (about 3 hr). (n-CjHj)FelI’(a-BlaCzHlz). Seven major bands were separated The Na2B,,C2H12 was then used in situ for the preparation of transiconsisting of, in order of elution: naphthalene, 1,2-BloCzHlz (2.55 tion metal complexes. g, 17.7 mmol), orange (a-CjHj)Co”r(a-B10C2H1%), 111 (0.1054 g, 0.4 NaCjH5. In a 500-ml, three-necked flask fitted with a mechanimmol), yellow ( T - C ~ H ~ ) C OTI I- ~~(, ~ - B , C Z Hred ~ ~ )(a-C&)Co”’, cal stirrer, nitrogen inlet, and an outlet at the bottom containing a coarse glass frit and closed with a Teflon stopcock was placed 3.0 g (a-Bl&Hlz), I1 (2.16 g, 8 mmol), the yellow cobalticinium salt of B9C2H12-: a red-brown band which consisted of a mixture of isomers (75 mmol of a 60% oil dispersion) of NaH. The NaH was washed (1.73 g, 4.0 mmol). I1 and I11 with two 30-ml portions of T H F which were then decanted to reof [(R-C~H~)ZCO]~[CO(~-B~~C~H~Z)Z]were recrystallized from hexane-dichloromethane mixtures by the move the oil. T H F (200 ml) was added to the flask. A mixture of slow removal of the solvent on a rotary evaporator. 5 g (75 mmol) of freshly distilled CjHo and 10 ml of T H F was added Rearrangement of (?r-CjHs)Co11T(x-BloC2H12). To a 25-ml roundto the flask dropwise over a 0.5-hr period from an addition funnel. bottom flask were added 0.268 g (1 mmol) of red I1 and 20 ml of The contents of the flask were stirred at room temperature for an hexane. A reflux condenser topped with a nitrogen inlet was conadditional 3 hr. The pink solution of NaCjHj could then be filtered nected, and the solution was heated at reflux for 15 hr. After cooling to room temperature, 10 g of silica gel was added and the solvent removed using a rotary evaporator and a water aspirator. The (13) J. D. Lawless and M. D. Hawley, J. Electroanal. Chem., 21, 365 (1969). solid was placed on a 2.5 x 30-cm silica gel column and eluted with

Journal of the American Chemical Society 1 95:4 J February 21, 1973

1115 hexane gradually enriched with dichloromethane. The bands that were separated, in order of elution. were red-orange (?r-C6H5)Co111(r-BIOC2H12),IV (trace), orange 111 (0.1575 g, 0.6 mmol, a%;), and red I1 (0.1011 g, 0.37 mmol, 37%). In a 200-ml round-bottom flask were placed 1.0444 g (3.8 mmol) of red I1 and 100 ml of benzene. A reflux condenser topped with a nitrogen inlet was connected and the flask was heated at reflux for 24 hr. The mixture was chromatographed as above yielding only one band. The solvent was evaporated and 0.7344 g (2.7 mmol, 71 %) of red-orange IV was isolated. (CsHj)rN[(s-Bl~C?H1?)zCo'II] (V). To a solution of 12.5 mmol of NacBloC~Hlr, prepared as above, in 100 ml of T H F was added 2.1 g (6.2 mmol) of cobalt(II1) acetylacetonate directly as a solid. After stirring at room temperature for 12 hr, the mixture was filtered through Celite. The solvent was removed from the filtrate by rotary evaporation using a water aspirator. The resulting dark green oil was redissolved in a minimum amount of ethanol and added to an ethanol solution of excess tetraethylammonium bromide. The precipitate was filtered. washed with water, and redissolved in dichloromethane. The addition of hexane, followed by cooling to O " , resulted in the formation of 1.3 g (2.7 mmol, 44%) of large, dark green crystals. [ ( C , H , ) , N ] ? [ ( H - B ~ ~ C ~ H ~ (VI). ~ ) ~ F ~ FeC1, II] (2.0 g, 12.5 mmol) and 1.0 g (18 mg-atoms) of iron powder were stirred in 50 ml of THF at reflux for 3 hr under nitrogen giving a cloudy, gray slurry of FeCl?. The FeCI? slurry was added to a solution of 25 mmol of Na2BloCpH1? in 100 ml of THF. After stirring at room temperature for 12 hr, the mixture was filtered through Celite and then rotary evaporated with a water aspirator to a dark purple oil. The oil was redissolved in ethanol and added to an ethanol solution of excess tetraethylammonium bromide. The resulting precipitate was filtered, washed with ethanol, and redissolved in acetone. The addition of ethanol followed by slow rotary evaporation of the solvent uroduced 2.5 g (4.2 mmol, 34%) purple - of . . crystals of [(C*H&Nld( ~ - B I O C ? H ~ ? ) ? F ~ ~ I ] . [(C?H~)4Kl~[(a-BloC2H12)1~i11] (VII). To a 25 mmol solution of Na2BlnC2HI2in 1CO ml of T H F was added 3.2 g (12.5 mmol) of nickel(I1) acetylacetonate. The mixture was stirred at room tem-

perature for 12 hr and then filtered through Celite. The complex was isolated as the tetraethylammonium salt in the manner already described for the corresponding complexes of cobalt and iron, The precipitate was redissolved in 20 % acetonitrile in dichloromethane. The addition of hexane followed by slow cooling to 0" resulted in the formation of 2.4 g (4.0 mmol, 32%) of orangebrown crystals of [(C?H5)4N]2[ ?r-BIOC~H1?)?Nirl]. Oxidation of [(C2Hj)4N12[(?r-Bl~C2H1?)2Nir1]. To a 0.3 g (0.5 mmol) sample of VI1 dissolved in 2 ml of acetonitrile was added a large excess of iodine crystals. and the mixture was allowed to stir at room temperature for 10 hr. The 80.5-MHz IlB nmr spectrum of the product was obtained directly from the reaction mixture without isolation of the nickel(1V) species. [(CrHa)4N]2[(~-Bl~C?H1~)W(CO)a] (VIII). To a solution of 12.5 mmol of Na2BloC?H12 in 100 ml of T H F was added 4.4 g (12.5 mmol) of W(CO)6. The mixture was stirred under rigorous exclusion of air for 48 hr while being irradiated with a Pen-ray ultraviolet lamp. The flask was then transferred to a nitrogen-filled drybox where the solvent was removed cia rotary evaporation using a mechanical vacuum pump. The solid was redissolved in ethanol and added to an ethanol solution of tetraethylammonium bromide. The resulting orange precipitate was filtered, washed with ethanol, and recrystallized by the slow rotary evaporation of an acetoneethanol solution. Pale orange, microcrystalline [(C?Hj),N]t[(?rB10C2Hlt)W(C0)3](1.1 g, 1.9 mmol, 15%) was isolated. [(C2Hj)aN]?I(?r-BloCzH,?]Mo(C0)3] (IX). In the manner described immediately above, a solution of 12.5 mmol of Na2BloC2Ha and 3.3 g (12.5 mmol) of Mo(C0)e in 100 ml of THF was irradiated for 24 hr. After precipitation with tetraethylammonium bromide and recrystallization from acetone-ethanol. 3.0 g (5.1 mmol, 41 %) of bright, yellow needles of [(C2Hj)4N]?[(?r-B10C~H1t)M~(CO),] was obtained.

Acknowledgment. The authors wish to thank Dr. R. J. Wiersema for obtaining the IIB nmr spectra and the cyclic voltammetry data. This research was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research.

Dustin, Dunks, Hawthorne

1 13-Vertex Metallocarborane Complexes