Novel brominated carbosilane precursors for low-temperature

Novel brominated carbosilane precursors for low-temperature heteroepitaxy of .beta.-SiC and their comparison with methyltrichlorosilane. T. H. Kunstma...
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Chem. Mater. 1996, 7, 1675-1679


Novel Brominated Carbosilane Precursors for Low-TemperatureHeteroepitaxy of p-Sic and Their Comparison with Methyltrichlorosilane Th. Kunstmann, H. Angerer, J. Knecht, and S. Vepfek" Institute for Chemistry of Information Recording, Technical University Munich, Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 0-85747 Garching, Germany

N. W. Mitzel and H. Schmidbaur Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, Technical University Munich, Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 0-85747 Garching, Germany Received March 20, 1995. Revised Manuscript Received July 10, 1995@ Novel organometallic precursors, 1,3-bis(monobromosilyl)propane,1,2-bis(monobromosilyl)ethane, and methyltribromosilane, for low-temperature deposition of p-SiC have been developed, and the kinetics and mechanism of their decomposition investigated. On the basis of the results, heteroepitaxial thin films of p-Sic with very good structural quality have been deposited on (100) Si using methyltribromosilane and methyltrichlorosilane.

Introduction Silicon dominates the microelectronics and micromachining technology because of its excellent physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. However, in several areas of applications, P-SiC (or 3C-Sic) is considered a more promising material for electronic and micromechanical devices operating at high temperatures.l Its main advantages are high bandgap of 2.2 eV, high breakdown field of 4 x 10GV/cm,high saturated carrier velocity of 2.5 x lo7 c d s , high thermal conductivity of 5 W/cm "C, and chemical stability. In addition, because of its high melting point of about 2600 "C p-Sic retains its excellent mechanical properties (hardness of 2600 Vickers (kg/mm2) and elastic modulus of 480 GPa) up to a temperature of 1100 "C, whereas silicon shows plastic flow under stress already above 600 "C. Therefore, Sic is likely to replace silicon in electronics and micromechanical devices operating at high temperatures and in an aggressive environment. For the same reasons Sic is also an attractive material for high-power and high-frequency devices. Other applications are U V photodetectors, blue light emitters, and sensors for chemically aggressive environment^.^-^ Last but not least, much of the processing steps are compatible with the silicon technology. Among the many polytypes, cubic p-Sic (or 3C Sic)is the only one which can be heteroepitaxially deposited on silicon substrates.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Abstract Dublished in Advance ACS Abstracts, Aueust 15. 1995. (1) Parsons, J. D.; Bunshah, R. F.; Stafsudd, 0. Solid State Technol. 1986,28,133. (2)Hoffmann, L.; Ziegler, G.; Theis, D.; Weyrich, C. J.Appl. Phys. @

1BA2. L?. 6962. ----7 - - I


(3)Davis, R.F.;Kelner, G.; Shur, M.; Palmour, J. W.; Edmond, J. A. Proceedings of the IEEE 1991,79,677. (4)Waldrop, J . R.;Grant, R. W. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1990,56,557. (5) Kondo, Y.; Takahashi, T.; Ishii, K.; Hayashi, Y.; Misawa, E.; Daimon, H.; Yamanaka, M.; Yoshida, S. IEEE Ekctron. Deu.Lett. 1986, 7,404. (6)Kong, H.S.; Palmour, J. W.; Glass, J.T.; Davis, R. F. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1987,51, 442. (7)Morkoc, H.;Strite, S.; Gao, G. B.; Lin, M. E.; Svertlov, B.; Burns, M. J.Appl. Phys. 1994,76,1363.

As P-SiC is a metastable polytype8 no bulk singlecrystalline material can be grown. One possible solution to this problem is the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of p-Sic on Si because the kinetics favor the P-SiC growth. However, the great lattice mismatch (about 20%) and the differences in the thermal expansion coefficients (about 8%)between Si and Sic together with the high deposition temperature of more than 1300 "C needed in the conventional CVD systemsg prevent the epitaxial growth. One possible solution is the use of a buffer layer,1°-15but a more attractive alternative is the lowering of the deposition temperature. For this purpose, one is seeking organometallic precursors which already contain Si-C bond and could provide highquality films at lower temperatures. Methyltrichlorosilane is conventionally used for CVD of polycrystalline /?-SiC,16J7and it has been tested also for heteroepitaxy.16 However, the reaction proceeds only at high temperatures of 1200-1300 "C, and the Si-C bonds breaks under the conditions of homogeneous pyrolysis. To solve these problems, we have developed novel brominated carbosilane precursors 1,2-bis(monobromosily1)ethane (BSE),1,3-bis(monobromosilyl)propane (BSP),and methyltribromosilane (MTBS)which contain Si-C bonds. The expected advantages of the bromi(8)Cheng, c.; Needs, R. J.;Heine, V.; Jones, I. L. Phase Transitions 1989,16/17,263. (9)Muench, W. v.; F'faffeneder, I. Thin Solid Films 1978,41,39. (10)Nishino, S.;Powell, J. A.; Will, H. A. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1983, 42,460. (11)Addamiano, A.; Sprague, J . A.App1. Phys. Lett. 1984,44,525. (12)Liaw, P.; Davis, R. F. J.Electrochem. SOC. 1985,132,643. (13)Powell, J.A.; Matus, L. G.; Kuczmarski, M. A. J.Electrochem. SOC.1987,134,1558. (14)Nishimo, S.; Suhara, H.; Ono, H.; Matsunami, H. J.App1. Phys. 1987,61,4889. (15) Steckl, A. J.;Li, J. P. Appl. Phys. Lett.'l992,60, 2107. (16)Nishino, S.;Saraie, J. Springer Proc. Phys. 1989,34,45. (17)Chiu, C. C.; Desu, S. B.; Tsai, C. Y. J. Mater. Res. 1993,8, 2617. (18)Golea, J. S.;Burns, L. E.; Taylor, R. L. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1994, 64,131. (19)Allendorf, M. D.; Kee, R. J.J.Electrochem. Soc. 1991,138,841. (20)Allendorf, M. D.;Melius, C. F. J.Phys. Chem. 1993,97,720. (21)Osterheld, T.H.; Allendorf, M. D.; Mellius, C. F. J.Phys. Chem. 1994,98,6995.

0897-475619512807-1675$09.00/00 1995 American Chemical Society

Kunstmann et al.

1676 Chem. Mater., Vol. 7, No. 9, 1995

S i - C Apparatus


Thermostat (Precursor)



0.1 mbar BSE . I -






1 1



E= , 1 72 eV

0.1 t






1.0 1O O O / l ( l I K )




Figure 2. Comparison of Sic deposition rates from 1,2-bis(monobromosilylkthane(BSE)and methyltrichlorosilane(MTS; for experimental details see text). Figure 1. Schematic of the CVD growth reactor used for the deposition of Sic films.

nated precursors compared to t h e chlorinated ones a r e lower reaction temperatures and reduced incorporation of bromine into t h e deposit as compared to their chlorinated counterparts. Their disadvantage lies i n the fact that they a r e not commercially available and have to be synthesized via sophisticated routes.22 In parallel to these studies we have also utilized methyltrichlorosilane under low-pressure, cold-wall conditions where the heterogeneous decomposition at t h e surface of the growing film should be dominant over t h e homogeneous pyrolysis. In this way we hoped to avoid t h e problems of the preferential breaking of the Si-C bond.

Experimental Section The synthesis and the purification of the brominated carbosilane precursors was reported in ref 22. Methyltrichlorosilane was provided by EPICHEM.23 The deposition experiments were done in a cold-wall, ultrahigh-vacuum WHY) compatible apparatus made of stainless steel and evacuated by means of turbomolecular pumps as shown in Figure 1. It consists of a vacuum load-lock, the reactor, and a mass spectrometric UHV chamber for the analysis of the gas composition during the deposition. During the MS measurements the gate valve between the reactor and the MS chamber was closed, and the gas was sampled through a bypass with a leak valve in order to keep the total pressure in the MS chamber at about mbar. Silicon substrates, 50 mm long and 8 mm wide, cut from a Si(100) wafer (p-type, 0.1 S2 cm) were heated directly by electric current passing through them, and the temperature was measured with a pyrometer on the top of the reactor. The clamps and electric feedthrough were mounted on a vacuum manipulator and cooled by thermostatized water. The precursor was vaporized in a bubbler the temperature of which was controlled by a thermostat with an accuracy better than f 0 . 1 "C. Because of the high vapor pressures of methyltrichlorosilane and methyltribromosilane, their flow rate into the reactor was controlled by a stainless steel leak valve. Except for the deposition experiments, the reactor and the MS chamber were kept under UHV (typicallybetter than (22) Mitzel, N. W. Ph.D. Thesis, Technical University Munich.

(23) Epichem Limited, Power Road, Bromborough Wirral, Merseyside L62 3QF,United Kingdom.

mbar) the residual gas consisting mainly of the reaction products. For a change of the substrate the gate valve between the load-lock and the reactor was closed, the reactor was evacuated via the MS chamber and the load-lock vented with argon. After mounting of the substrate and evacuation of the load-lock, the gate valve to the reactor was opened only when the pressure in the load-lock decreased below mbar. "he substrate was cleaned with the RCA process and mounted on the manipulator. Afterward it was heated to t1200 "C in hydrogen (typically pressure of 10 mbar) for about 10 min. After the cleaning, the desired pressure of the precursor was adjusted by the stainless steel leak valve and the deposition started. This procedure assured ultraclean conditions for the deposition. Most of the deposition experiments were done with 10 mbar hydrogen and the partial pressure of the precursor indicated in the figure captions. The extent deposition conditions for the individual series are indicated in text.

Results l,!&Bis(monobmmosilyl)ethane and 1,8Bis(monobromosily1)propane. The initial investigations into t h e kinetics and mechanism of the deposition reactions were carried out with 1,2-bis(monobromosilyl)ethane and 1,3-bis(monobromosilyl)propane,which were expected to have lower decomposition temperature as compared with methyltribromosilane. "he partial pressure of t h e precursors was controlled via the temperature of t h e bubbler at a value indicated in t h e figures. The pressure of hydrogen was kept constant at 10 mbar in most experiments except for those with l,a-bis(monobromosi1yl)ethane (BSE)and one series with methyltrichlorosilane which is shown i n Figure 2. In the case of BSE most of the experiments were conducted without hydrogen, and no change in the deposition rate was found as compared to experiments with hydrogen. From the Arrhenius plot of t h e growth rate obtained with the 1,2-bis(monobromosilyl)ethane(Figure 2) it appears that under the same conditions (partial pressure 0.1 mbar, temperature between 1000 and 1200 "C) this precursor provides deposition rates more than 2 orders of magnitude higher than methyltrichlorosilane (MTS). The change of the slope around 600 "C indicates a change of the reaction mechanism, that around 950 "C a transition from kinetically to transport-controlled regime. The Raman spectra of the deposited films (Figure 3a) show that only a-Si is deposited in t h e low-temper

Low-Temperature Heteroepitaxy of B-SiC

Chem. Mater., Vol. 7, No. 9, 1995 1677


700 -r