Novel Carbon-Silica Membranes for Improved Gas Separation - ACS

Apr 20, 2004 - Copyright © 2004 American Chemical Society ... Novel carbon-silica (C-SiO2) membranes were prepared by pyrolyzing microphase-separated...
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Chapter 13

Novel Carbon-Silica Membranes for Improved Gas Separation

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Young Moo Lee and Ho Bum Park National Research Laboratory for Membrane, School of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, Seungdong-ku, Seoul 133-791, Korea

Novel carbon-silica (C-SiO ) membranes were prepared by pyrolyzing microphase-separated block or random copolymers consisting of two different domains - carbon-rich or siliconrich domains. The size and shape of the ultra-micropores were dominated by the initial morphology of the C-SiO precursor poly(imide siloxane) (PIS). The morphological changes in polymeric nanomaterials, such as block or random copolymers consisting of two phases, affected the gas permeation properties to a large extent. In a molecular probe study using small molecules (He, C O , O , and N ) having sizes from 2.60 to 3.64 Å, the C-SiO membranes exhibited outstanding molecular sieving capability, together with a high gas permeability. The present study demonstrates that the main geometry of the C-SiO precursor determines the microstructure and the gas separation capability of the final pyrolytic C-SiO membrane. 2









© 2004 American Chemical Society

191 Gas separation processes using membranes have been developed since the mid-1960s following the discovery of asymmetric membranes prepared by the phase-inversion technique. Thereafter, most studies on membrane-based gas separation have focused on polymeric materials. However, new membrane materials are needed to compete with conventional gas separation processes, such as distillation and pressure swing adsorption. In particular, inorganic membranes such as zeolites (7), sol-gels (2), and pyrolytic carbon materials (5) offer significant potential advantages over conventional polymeric membranes. A main advantage of the inorganic membranes is that they can effectively perform the separation of small molecules such as H / N , He/N , 0 / N , and C 0 / N under harsh conditions at elevated temperature and high pressure. To attain a desirable flux and selectivity, ultramicroporous inorganic membranes with pore sizes below 4 A need to have a proper molecular sieving capability performed by micropores with dimensions near the sizes of the penetrants.

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The performance of carbon membranes is mainly controlled by the pyrolysis conditions, such as heating rate, atmosphere (inert or vacuum), temperature as well as the choice of the precursor. Up to now, many researchers have focused only on these pyrolysis conditions because in most cases they used homopolymeric precursors such poly(furfuryl alcohol) (4), phenolic resin (5) and polyimides (6-8). Furthermore, carbons obtained from these precursors are probably the most thermo-chemically stable materials but are very susceptible to oxidation, which is an obivious drawback to easy and reproducible fabrication of a carbon membrane. In this paper, we report the properties of membranes consisting of carbon with silicon or silica via an inert pyrolysis by using microphase-separated copolymers such as poly(imide siloxane)s (PISs). PISs are polymeric nanostructured materials having block or random segmented domains. The imide and siloxane domains in PISs are thermally stable so that the spatial properties of PISs are expected to be kept even after heat treatment.

Experimental Precursor F i l m Preparation Five poly(imide siloxane)s (PISs) of two classes using building blocks consiting of imide and siloxane domains were designed and prepared by using pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), benzophenone-S^'A^-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA), 4,4 -oxydianiline (ODA) (Tokyo Kasei Co., Inc., Tokyo, Japan), and a,co-aminopropyl poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) (Shinetsu Chemical Co., Inc., Kyoto, Japan). The average number (n) of siloxane repeat units in the P D M S oligomer was 10 and M (g/mol) of P D M S determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was about 900. The chemical compositions of precursors prepared in this work are summarized in Table I. A l l PIS films were prepared by thermal imidization at 100°C, 200°C, and 300°C under a ,


192 Table I. Sample designation and composition of precursors Sample code

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/•-PIS ft-PIS

BTDA (mmol)

Class I ODA (mmol) 9.8 9.0 8.0 Class II ODA (mmol)

PDMS (mmol)




PMDA (mmol) 10 10 10

PDMS (mmol) 0.2 1.0 2.0

Volume fraction of siloxane moiety* 0.06 0.27 0.46 Volume fraction of siloxane moiety 0.34

•Calculated from a group contribution method (9). vacuum after casting siloxane-containing poly(amic acid) solutions onto glass plates. In class I (-PMDA-ODA-PDMS-), three copolymers having different volume fractions of the siloxane moiety (-Si-O-) were prepared in order to study the effect of the siloxane content on the gas permeation properties of C - S i 0 membranes obtained by pyrolysis of the precursors. In class II ( - B T D A - O D A PDMS-), two copolymers having different morphology, that is, random and block segmented copolymers, at a fixed siloxane content were prepared via onestep and two-step polymerization in order to study the gas permeation properties of C - S i 0 membranes related to the initial morphology of precursors. Further information on the sample prepapation method can be found in our previous study (10). 2


C - S i 0 Membrane Preparation 2

The pyrolysis protocol was followed thoroughly to obtain reproducible gas permeation properties of the C - S i 0 membranes. Before each pyrolysis step, the free-standing PIS films were rinsed with deionized water and stored at 120°C in a vacuum oven until any organic contaminants and dust were completely removed. Prior to heating the furnace, the PIS films (thickness: 20-30 pm) were kept for 1 hour under an argon purge to stabilize the atmosphere and to remove any oxidant in a quartz tube. The heating rate used at die initial stage was 10°C/min from room temperature to 400°C. The heating rate was decreased to 3°C/min until the temperature reached 600°C. Then, the PIS films were kept at 600°C for 2 hours (denoted as C - S i 0 at 600°C). From 600°C, the heating rate was again ramped to 3°C/min up to 800°C. Pyrolyzed films were held at 800°C for 2 hours (denoted as C - S i 0 at 800°C). Finally, from 800°C, the heating rate was increased to 3°C/min until the temperature reached 1000°C and the 2



193 resultant films were held at this temperature for 2 hours (denoted as C - S i 0 at 1000°C). A t each stage, the furnace was allowed to slowly cool down to room temperature. The final pyrolytic C - S i 0 membranes were taken from the quartz tube and then stored in a dessicator filled with dry silica gel to eliminate any effects of humidity on membrane properties. 2


Gas Permeation Experiments In the present work, the gas permeation properties of the polymeric precursors and C - S i 0 membranes were measured. A constant volume, variable pressure method (11,12) was used to determine the steady-state permeability of the pure penetrants at 25°C over a range of upstream pressures up to 76 cmHg. A membrane was loaded into the permeation cell and degassed by exposing both sides of the membrane to vacuum. After degassing, the upstream side of the membrane was exposed to a fixed pressure of the penetrant. The steady-state rate of pressure rise on the downstream side was used to determine the permeability coefficient. A t all times during the experiments, the downstream pressure was kept below 10* torr. A t steady-state, when the rate of downstream pressure rise was constant, the following expression was used to determine the permeability coefficient, P:

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22,414*7 dp






where F i s the downstream reservoir volume, R the universal gas constant, Tthe absolute temperature, A the cross-sectional area of die membrane, I the thickness of membrane, p the upstream pressure, and dpjdt is the rate of change in downstream pressure. The diffusion coefficient D was obtained from the timelag 0 as follows: }


Results and Discussion Strategy to Develop Membranes with High Selectivity Separation of small gases, such as He/N , 0 / N , and C 0 / N , presents the greatest challenge for membrane materials because their kinetic diameters differ by only a few tenths of an Angstrom. In particular, to obtain a high selectivity for 0 / N and C Q / N , the following strategy can be considered. Generally, the 2









194 gas permeability, P (1 Barrer = 10" cm (STP)cm/cm scmHg), is expressed by die following equation: 10






The permeability (P ) of component A can be expressed as the product of a kinetic factor, the diffusion coefficient (D ), and a thermodynamic factor, the sorption coefficient (S ). The selectivity, a is defined as the ratio of the permeabilities P and P : A



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-SL A/B ~





Typical target gas pairs: Range of gas selectivity:

Main contribution:

0 /N 5-20 2

C0 /N 40-100 2












){S ) M

Sorption selectivity

Diffusion selectivity

D ID is the ratio of the diffusion coefficients of the two gases and is referred to as die diffusivity selectivity, reflecting the different molecular sizes of the gases. S IS is the ratio of the solubility coefficients of the gases and can be viewed as the solubility (sorption) selectivity, reflecting the relative condensabilities of the gas molecules interacting with the membrane matrix. Commonly, the sorption-selectivity for the 0 / N pair is in the range of 1-2 for almost all glassy and rubbery polymers and in the range of 0.7-2 for molecular sieving materials. Therefore, diffusivity selectivity is the most significant factor to obtain highly selective membrane materials for the separation of small gases. A






Structural Analysis of C - S i O Membranes z


We carried out a structural analysis of C - S i 0 membranes by using S i N M R , F E - S E M , E S C A , A F M , and T E M . Before analyzing the structure of the C - S i 0 membranes, it was assumed that they were composed of a Si0 -rich domain having sparse carbon clusters within a continuous carbon-rich matrix which serves as a molecular sieve. To confirm the existence of S i 0 in a C - S i 0 2





195 29

membrane, solid-state S i - N M R was used to examine the local environment of Si atoms in the bulk state of C - S i 0 pyrolyzed at 600 and 800°C. In the solidstate S i - N M R spectra (Figure la), the transition of D unit [ ( C ^ ^ O ] (-20.4 ppm) in the PIS to Q units [ g : Si(OR) (OSi) with R=H or C H , g : Si(OSi) ] of S i 0 derivatives was found after pyrolysis. In microphase-separated polymer systems, to minimize the total energy of the system as well as the bulk composition, the block length and block sequence distribution lead to preferential surface aggregation of the low surface energy constituent (13-15). Usually, siloxane-containing polymers are used as a surface modifier through blending or co-polymerization with other polymers due to free rotatability and polarizability of the S i - 0 bond (16). Thus, the Si-O-Si chain is able to align itself, resulting in a rich in-depth distribution of the surface in copolymers or blends. In the present study, our interest was focused on the perculiar feature of siloxane-containing copolymers, assuming that the S i 0 domains derived from siloxane domains would accumulate on the surface of the C - S i 0 membranes. To confirm this assumption, hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching was carried out to remove the S i 0 domains on the C - S i 0 membrane surface, and then electron spectroscopy was used for chemical anylysis (ESCA) to examine the surface composition before and after the acid treatment (Figure lb). The S i spectrum can be fitted with two components in Si compounds: Si(I) at 101.5 eV and Si(II) at about 103.0 eV; Si(I) and Si(II) are attributed to P D M S and S i 0 , respectively (17). A Si(I) spectrum was not observed after pyrolysis, indicating conversion of P D M S to a S i 0 phase. Tapping mode-atomic force microscopy ( T M - A F M ) was used to study the surface morphology of C - S i 0 membranes before and after acid etching, Note that the surface topographies of C - S i 0 membranes before and after acid treatment were very different because of removal of the Si0 -rich phase on the surface, as shown in Figure l c . The surface morphology of the C - S i 0 membranes was rougher, indicating a selective removal of abundant S i 0 domains on the surface after acid treatment. The topmost surface morphology of the C - S i 0 membrane after acid treatment is further illustrated by the field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) image, shown in Figure Id. While observing the surface morphology on both sides of the C - S i 0 membranes after H F treatment via F E - S E M , we found very interesting features on the top surface. The surface of only one side (air-polymer interface when the PIS film was cast) in the C - S i 0 membranes was covered with well-distributed carbon hemispheres with grained shapes in the form of discrete bright spots. The spheres had nearly a constant size of about 200-220 nm in diameter. A separate energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) analysis revealed that these carbon hemispheres were only composed of elemental carbon. This result indicates that the carbon phase derived from aromatic blocks was embedded in the continuous S i 0 matrix on the surface. On the other hand, the S i 0 domain was embedded in die continuous carbon matrix in the bulk solid 2








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Figure J. Structural analysis of a C-Si0 membrane (a-d) and its proposed morphology (e). 2

state. Accordingly, the present C - S i 0 structure, as shown in Figure le.


membrane may have an asymmetric

Gas Permeation Properties of Class I Membranes To examine the molecular sieving capability of the C-SiO membranes, molecular probe studies were performed to measure the permeability of purez

197 component gases (He[2.60 A], CO [3.30 A], 0 [3.46 A], N [3.64 A]) through C - S i 0 membranes. The values in brackets correspond to the kinetic diameter of each gas. Class I membranes were made to investigate the effect of S i 0 content within C - S i 0 membranes derived from pyrolysis of PISs consisting of P M D A , O D A and P D M S . The gas permeabilities are in the order of He > C 0 > 0 > N . These relative gas permeabilities are common in microporous membranes, such as carbon molecular sieve and silica membranes. Therefore, gas transport occurring in these membranes depends strongly on diffusion, which results in a size-sieving mechanism. The correlation of gas permeabilities of C - S i 0 membranes with their kinetic diameters indicates that the permeability is primarily dependent on diffusion. Hence, diffusion-controlled selectivity dominates the separation properties of the present C - S i 0 membranes. 2









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Table II. Gas permeation results of C - S i O membranes (Class I) at 25°C z


Permeability (Barrer*)

Pyrolysis Temp.CQ






600 800 1000 600 800 1000 600 800 1000

315 442 121 1258 1393 133 610 981 207

21 89 12 84 204 7 386 765 36

8 27 5 30 68 2 111 168 10

0.3 1.5 0.2 1.4 3.7 0.1 18.0 16.8 0.6







He/ N, 955 304 643 1033 341 1330 34 58 56

Selectivity CO/ OJ N 62 23 18 61 64 124 22 62 56 19 20 74 6 21 10 46 57 15 2


* 1 Barrer = 10 cm (STP)cm/cm seccniHg Table II summarizes the gas permeation data of He, C 0 , 0 , and N through C - S i 0 membranes (class I) derived from PIS I, PIS II and PIS III at different pyrolysis temperatures (600°C, 800°C, 1000°C). A s shown in Table II, the gas separation properties of C - S i 0 membranes were influenced considerably by the siloxane content of the PISs. The gas permeabilities increased but the gas selectivities decreased with an increase of siloxane content in PISs. This result might indicate that the S i 0 domains play an important role in the overall gas transport of C - S i 0 membranes. In this study, it has been observed that the pyrolysis temperature has a marked influence on the permeation characteristics of C - S i 0 membranes. A l l gas permeabilities increased with an increase of the pyrolysis temperature up to 800°C. A s summarized in Table II, the gas permeabilities of C - S i 0 membranes show a maximum value at 800°C. However, as the pyrolysis temperature is further increased to 1000°C, the resulting C - S i 0 membranes are less permeable 2










198 than the ones pyrolyzed below 800°C. In the ease of C - S i 0 membranes derived from PIS II, the pyrolysis of the PIS at 1000°C leads to an 0 permeability of only 2 Barrer in comparison with 68 Barrer at 800°C. In addition, the gas permeabilities of C - S i 0 membranes tended to increase and the gas selectivities decreased with the volume fraction of the initial siloxane content in the original poly(imide siloxane) membranes. It is worth investigating the gas permeation properties of the polymeric precursor used before an inert pyrolysis, because the microstructure of the polymer is closely related to its gas transport behavior. Our previous work on die gas permeation behavior of precursors reported the transport behavior of rigid-flexible block copolymer membranes, such as poly(amide imide siloxane) and poly(imide siloxane) (18,19). The gas permeation properties of these polymers were influenced by the volume fraction of the siloxane moiety. The same results were obtained in this study for C - S i 0 membranes, that is, the S i 0 domains in C S i 0 play a significant role in the overall gas permeation properties. 2


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Gas Permeation Properties of Class II Membranes In the previous section, we focused on the effect of the siloxane content in PISs on the gas permeation properties of the C - S i 0 membranes. In additional experiments, the gas permeation properties of C - S i 0 membranes (class II), derived from PISs, by varying the geometry of random and block sequences (see Table I), were investigated in with respect to their morphology. PISs consisting of B T D A , O D A and P D M S were prepared by using different synthetic methods: (i) one-step (r-PIS: random sequence-favorable PIS) and (ii) two-step (A-PIS: block sequence-favorable PIS) polymerization. A t the same P D M S content, the microphase-separated siloxane domain size in r-PIS was expected to be smaller than that in 6-PIS. The microphase-separated structures of these PISs were confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The two PISs showed two T s of a siloxane and an imide domain, indicating microphase separation of PISs (T s of r-PIS: -112°C and 221°C; T s of 6-PIS: -121°C and 241°C). Thus, we assumed that this difference might lead to changes in the gas permeation properties of PIS and C - S i 0 membranes. The gas permeation properties of PISs (r-PIS and 6-PIS) and the C - S i 0 membranes (r-C-Si0 and 6-C-Si0 ) are summarized in Table III. The gas permeabilities (He, C 0 , 0 , and N ) of the 6-PIS membrane were higher than those of the r-PIS membrane. On the other hand, the gas selectivities (He/N , C 0 / N , and 0 / N ) of the 6-PIS membrane were lower than those of the r-PIS membrane. This result indicates that the domain size in multiphase polymers could have caused these differences in their gas permeation properties. The formation of larger siloxane domains in the 6-PIS membrane leads to higher gas permeability but lower gas selectivity in comparison with the r-PIS membrane. 2

















199 It is important to note that the two PISs contained the same siloxane content (0.34 vol%).

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Table II. Gas permeabilities of precursors and their pyrolytic C-SiO membranes at 25°C Permeability He CO, 9.70 3.29 6.75 0.93 1449 155 1107 26

A-PIS r-PIS 6-C-Si0 r-C-SiO,


(Barrer*) 0, 0.94 0.22 0.27 0.06 55.8 3.9 19.3 0.6

Selectivity COM 15.0 15.5 39.7 43.3

He/N, 44.1 112.5 371.5 1845.0


OM 4.3 4.5 14.3 32.1

* 1 Barrer =10'° cm (STP)cm/cm seccmHg 3


Interestingly, the gas permeation properties of C - S i 0 membranes showed a similar tendency to those of their PIS precursors. The gas permeabilities of the 6-C-Si0 membrane were higher and the gas selectivities were lower than those of the r - C - S i 0 membrane. The gas permeation results of these C - S i 0 membranes implied that the peculiar microstructure of phase-separated PISs influenced die gas separation performance even after pyrolysis. That is, the initial skeleton of the PISs was essentially maintained after pyrolysis despite its thermal deformation during the pyrolysis. During the heat treatment of the thermo-stable phases, a siloxane domain can be transformed into a Si0 -rich domain, whereas the aromatic imide domain can be converted into a carbon-rich domain. To confirm this assumption, the morphologies of two C - S i 0 membranes were observed by transmission electron microscopy ( T E M , J E O L JSF-2000FX, Inc., M A , U.S.A.). T E M images were taken at 200 k V to observe the microstructure of the pyrolytic C - S i 0 membranes. Figure 2 shows two C - S i 0 samples derived from r-PIS and b-?\S membranes. In these T E M images, the black spots are the amorphous, carbon-rich domains, whereas the white spots are the Si0 -rich domains containing a small carbon-poor domain. The formation of larger siloxane domains in a 6-PIS membrane results in a larger Si0 -rich phase compared to that in r-PIS. On die other hand, the r-PIS membrane shows a well-distributed microstructure with small siloxane domains in a continuous imide matrix when inferred from T E M images after pyrolysis. Consequently, these structural differences of C - S i 0 membranes resulting from the initial microstructure of their precursors led to changes of the gas transport behavior, as mentioned above. Thus, it can be concluded that proper control of the microstructure in a two-phase polymeric precursor, particularly coupled with thermo-stable phases, is the most important factor that determines the gas separation performance of the resulting pyrolytic membranes. 2











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Figure 2. TEM images of C-Si0 membranes derived from r-PIS and b-PIS. 2


CSi0 (fromPISI) C-Si0 (fromPISII) C-SIO, (from PIS III) 2







10 H

Polymeric membranes


i i imw§ 0.1



mj i 11 100 10


Oxygen permeability [Barrers]

Figure 3. 0 permeability vs. O/iS^ selectivity of C-Si0 membranes prepared in this study compared to the upper boundfor polymer membranes (20). 2



Conclusions In this work, novel carbon-silica (C-SiO ) membranes were prepared by pyrolyzing microphase-separated block or random copolymers consisting of two different domains: carbon-rich or siloxane-rich domains. The resulting membranes had pores with different size or shape dictated by the initial morphology of the precursors. Moreover, C - S i 0 membranes based on microphase-separated copolymers were prepared and characterized. The change of morphology in a polymeric material (block or random copolymers consisting of two phases on a nanoscale) was found to affect the gas permeation properties to a large extent. In the case of air separation, the 0 permeability and 0 / N selectivity of the C - S i 0 membranes was, to the best of our knowledge, higher than the values obtained with other gas separation membranes (see Figure 3). The combination of two nanoscale building blocks with different carbon densities can provide a new type of membrane material for gas separation. Furthermore, the stage has clearly been set for the widespread utilization of a variety of novel C - S i 0 membranes in a range of important applications. 2


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Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology for Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) under National Research Laboratory Program (NRL). P D M S samples from Shinetsu Chemical Co., Inc., are greatly appreciated.

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