Novel Two-Photon Activated Photodynamic ... - ACS Publications

absorption and activated in the NIR in the tissue transparency window and .... Though traditional porphyrins meet most of the required conditions, for...
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Chapter 13

Novel Two-Photon Activated Photodynamic Therapy Agents: Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Studies on Subcutaneous Cancerous Tumors Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 5, 2012 | Publication Date: March 28, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0977.ch013




Aijun Gong , Fanqing Meng , Jean R. Starkey , Britney L. Moss , Aleksandre Rebane , Mikhail Drobizhev , and Charles W. Spangler * 2





MPA Technologies, Inc., 2100 Fairway Drive, Suite 104, Bozeman, MT 59715 ([email protected]) Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59715 Rasiris, Inc., Seattle, WA 98154 ([email protected]) 2


A new highly innovative two photon activated photodynamic therapy (PDT) triad agent has been synthesized successfully, which incorporates three different functional moieties: (1) photosensitizer: a porphyrin that has been substituted on the meso positions by chromophores with large two-photon absorption and activated in the NIR in the tissue transparency window and efficiently producing singlet oxygen as the cytotoxic agent; (2) a small molecule targeting agent that can target over-expressed receptor sites on the tumor, and (3) a NIR imaging agent that can accurately image the tumor for treatment. We have also been able to successfully transfect luciferase genes into model human tumor cell lines (both breast and lung cancers) that allows visualization of the efficacy of the two-photon PDT process.

© 2008 American Chemical Society In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.



Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 5, 2012 | Publication Date: March 28, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0977.ch013

Introduction Photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a method of cancer treatment has been improved dramatically over the past decade (1-2). Compared to other methods of treating cancerous tumors, such as the standard surgery, chemotherapy, radiation protocol, PDT is a more benign treatment that provides the patients a noninvasive alternative to surgery. The aware of its definition is necessary to make a clear understanding of the issue addressed in this paper. Raymond Bonnett (3) described that photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a part of photochemotherapy, where, in addition to light and an administered drug (photosensitizer), oxygen is also required. Photosensitizer is the core element in PDT treatment. In this case, the photosensitizer is excited by the light and induces the formation of singlet oxygen which causes cellular damage and death. The phenomenon of photodynamic effect was first observed in 1990 by a medical student, Raab in the group of Von Tappeiner in Munich, who found that acridine (Figure 1) killed paramecia (afreshwaterciliate protozan), but only in the presence of daylight (4). A few years later Jodlbauer and Von Tappeiner demonstrated that oxygen was crucial for this effect (5). They were also the first two who investigated treatment of cancer in this way, by using fluorescein derivatives, including eosin, in patients with basal cell carcinoma. The sensitizer was applied at or near the skin by brushing or local injection, while an arc lamp or sunlight was used as the light source. Since then second and third generation photosensitizers with improved properties for photodynamic therapy have continued to be developed. At the same time, light sources have also improved to include laser and NIR diode irradiation.

Figure 1. The molecular structure of acridine (1) and Eosin Y (2).

The first generation of tumor photosensitizers (1961-1983) were based on haematoporphyrin (Figure2), The current era of PDT began with studies by R. L. Lipson and S. Schwartz at the Mayo Clinic in 1960 who observed that injection of crude preparations of hematoporphyrin led to fluorescence of neoplastic lesions visualized during surgery. To gain an optimal tumor localizing preparation. Schwartz treated hematoporphyrin with acetic acid and sulfuric acid and obtained

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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227 a porphyrin mixture that he termed "heamatoporphyrin derivative" (HpD), which were used by Lipson et al. for tumor detection. A commercial sample used without purification consists of at least 15 different porphyrins, and its commercial name is Photofrin® in USA. It is the first drug to receive regulatory approval for PDT applications as easy made effective PDT photosensitizer. The complex mixture Photofrin®'s activity was modest and selectivity was poor, which reduced its cure efficacy. When Photofrin was injected into human tissue, it usually need 40-50 hours to accumulate on cancerous cell and over 30 days to excrete completely from human body. What's more, the weakest absorption band in the red (ca. 630 nm) not only compensated for by using high doses of drug and light, but also confined the light's penetration depth (only in millimeter) in tissue. The second generation (1980 onwards) of PDT photosensitizers belonged to the synthesied tetrapyrrole class, such as porphyrins, chlorins, bacteriochlorins, phthalocyanines and other systems. Chlorines, bacteriochlorins have strong absorption band in the red region, and are one photon excitation photosensitizers for PDT. Phthalocyanines and porphyrins are efficient photochemical generators of singlet oxygen, and non-toxic in the absence of light, But most are activated at wavelength below 700nm. Figure 3 shows the schematic of the energy levels for porphyrin photosensitizer and molecular oxygen of PDT treatment, where the photosensitizer is injected into a patient's blood stream, then is activated first by a visible light, usually by laser irradiation at the tumor's location (6) raising the photosensitizer to a short-lived excited state Sifromits ground state S . After a few nanosecond, the porphyrin undergoes an intersystem crossing to a triplet state T! with a lower energy than the Si state and with a much longer life time (miliseconds). From the triplet state, the energy is transferred to omnipresent oxygen molecules in the tumor blood supply by switching themfroma triplet ground state E~ into an excited state Ag with excitation energy of 94 kJ-mol" . Once in the excited singlet state, the extremely reactive oxygen initiates apoptosis or necrosis in its surrounding tissue cells. A presence of excited singlet oxygen molecules (*A ) in solution is usually detected by their A -> 2T luminescence at about 1270 nm. As photosensitizer candidates, how may porphyrins be improved? Based on all factors mentioned, an ideal photosensitizer, first of all, is the sensitizer that should have low or zero toxicity in the dark. Second, favourable pharmacokinetic behaviour is needed to foster selectively for tumor over normal tissue, and fast clearance after treatment to reduce generalized photosensitivity. This behavior appeared to be related to amphiphilic properties. It is clearly advantageous if the synthesis is straightforward, it is desirable that the sensitizer has a high triplet quantum yield, a triplet energy > 94 KJ/mol (the excitation energy required to generate singlet oxygen), and efficient energy transfer to produce singlet oxygen. Finally, strong absorption should occur in the near infrared (NIR), i.e. tissue transparent window (800-1000nm), since this is the part of spectrum where tissue transmits most effectively. 0










In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Figure 2. The structure of Haematoporphyrin (I) and its derivative HpD (photofrin) ® (2).


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Figure 3. Schematic of the energy levels for porphyrin photosensitizer (solid bars) and molecular oxygen (open bars).

Though traditional porphyrins meet most of the required conditions, for example, they can be synthesized in high purity with constant composition, produce enough singlet oxygen to exhibit a cyctotoxic effect and have low toxicity in the dark, porphyrins are the ideal candidates for PDT. However, there are still problems that need to be over come if porphyrins can be considered to act as an ideal photosensitizer. One problem is its selectivity, accumulation rate before treatment and clearance time after treatment. At current time, it usually requires 2496 hours for photosensitizers to accumulate at tumor sites. The other problem is activation wavelength used in PDT. Efforts have been done to shift the absorption band of porphyrin to red region. Currently FDA-approved PDT agents are limited to visible light activation at wavelengths below 700 nm, limiting the penetration depth to ca. 2-4 millimeters level, which is insufficient to treat typical deep subcutaneous cancerous tumors. In order to improve the efficacy of PDT treatment, it would be desirable to shift the irradiation wavelength to longer wavelengths in the tissue transparency window (700 - 1000 nm) (7). The revolution in design of new photosensitizers come from enhancing the intrinsic two-photon cross-sections, thus allowing porphyrin activation in the 780-900 nm region of the NIR spectrum. Two-photon absorption is a nonlinear optical process in which two photons are absorbed simultaneously, promoting the molecule to the excited state, however in order for this event to occur, the light must be tightly focused in 3D space. The high degree of focus on a target point can thus prevent damage to healthy adjacent tissue, and defines the margins of the PDT treatment protocol (see Figure 4).

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Experimental and Discussion

Two photon Excited photodynamic theraputic agent on Cancer

Since two photon excited PDT in the NIR region has obvious advantages over one-photon excitation, such as deeper penetration through the tissue, and high spatial resolution in sensitive tissue due to small focal volume, it would be an effective alternative way for PDT treatment. As the TPA cross-sections of most known porphyrin photosensitizers are too small (usually less than about 1M0 GM, GM=10" cm s photon" molecule" ) to be of practical use, this requires that high intensity of laser light be used to active them which may induce hyperthermia or unreasonable prolonged laser irradiation times. Though some non-porphyrin organic systems have been developed recently that posses very high TPA crosssections (8), their quantum efficiency of singlet oxygen generation are not satisfactory and their long-term interaction with biological tissue is unknown (9).

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Figure 4. Chromophore excited by laser: two photon absorption (I) and one photon absorption (2).

Over the past four years we have been developing a new approach to the design of effective two-photon PDT agents using a triad concept that incorporates three components for the noninvasive treatment of subcutaneous tumors into a single therapeutic agent: tumor targeting, tumor imaging and direct two-photon PDT treatment of the imaged tumor (10-11). We reported here the design and synthesis of a novel substituted porphyrins with greatly enhanced two-photon cross sections, and corresponding nano-ensemble triads composed of a small molecule targeting agent and a NIR imaging agent combined with the porphyrin in a single therapeutic agent. This triad approach overcomes several of the disadvantages of one photon PDT agents including targeting of the tumor, discrimination between healthy cells and tumor cells allowing cleaner treatment margins, the capability of

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

231 imaging the tumor in real time, and the ability to treat tumors in the tissue transparency window. The efficacy of this ensemble in the two-photon PDT treatment of a human breast cancer tumor model (MDA-MB-231) implanted in SCID mouse mammary fat pads will be discussed below.

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Porphyrins with enhanced large two-photon absorption Since 2003 we have designed and synthesized a series of triphenylamine substituted oligomer chromophores with large two photon absorption cross sections, and by combining these oligomers into porphyrin structures, novel porphyrins with large two-photo excitation cross section were produced. We designed carefully the synthetic approach of this kind of novel asymmetrical porphyrin by coupling a substituted bilane with different aldehydes incorporating chromophores with large two photon absorption cross section, either by direct connection, or by using ethenyl or ethynyl linker groups. These donor substituents are incorporated on porphyrin meso- positions, and a 2, 6-dichlorophenyl group arranged on the opposite meso- position to facilitate the intersystem crossing (ISC) to the triplet state via an internal heavy atom effect that increases the singlet state quantum yield. Our research work has shown that by careful chemical modification of the porphyrin design we can increase dramatically the porphyrin's intrinsic TPA response by 2 orders of magnitude i.e., their intrinsic two-photon cross-sections for femtosecond pulses in the NIR are between 500-1000 G M units (US Patent 6,953,570) with high singlet state oxygen quantum yields around 0.8. TPA crosssection has been measured by comparing the sensitizer fluorescence intensity under two- and one-photon excitation conditions. Quantum yields of singlet oxygen production were measured by a relative method compared to tetra-phenylporphyrin (H TPP) as a standard reference (G> of 0.68) in toluene. The steady-state spectra of 'Ag-Vlg* molecular oxygen luminescence at 1276 nm in air-saturated toluene were detected with a liquid nitrogen-cooled Ge detector coupled with a monochromator and a lock-in amplifier. The laser system comprised a Ti:sapphire regenerative (CPA-1000, Clark MXR), which was operated at 1 KHz repetition rate and produced 150-fs pulses at 780 nm. The instrument ensemble and experimental setup have been previously described (12). A model molecular structure is shown in (Scheme 1): 2


Scheme 1. Model structure of two photon excited Porphyrin.

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

232 We employed one optimized porphyrin as our target photosensitizer (MPA79) (its molecular structure and synthetic approach are shown in Scheme 2). Its TPA moiety is based on fiinctionalized diphenylaminophenylenevinylene repeat units and it was obtained by condensing /weso-[4-(ethyl acetate)oxy-2, 6-dichlorophenyl] dipyrromethane with aldehyde incorporating an ethynyl linker group under acidic conditions, followed by oxidation with 2, 3-dichloro-5, 6-cyano-l, 4-benzoquinone (DDQ). It was purified by column chromatography on silica gel using 40-50% methylene chloride and hexanes as eluent. MPA 79 was obtained in a moderate yield of 26.8 % at low temperature catalyzed by BF .Et 0 following hydrolysis with ethanolic KOH solution in DMF. Its structure was confirmed by UV-VISNIR, H and C high field NMR as well as MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry. 3

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Novel triad PDT agent - two photon excited photosensitizer with targeting and imaging agents Classical PDT suffers from the lengthy time necessary for accumulation at the tumor site, a relative lack of discrimination between healthy and diseased tissue, particularly at the tumor margins, and difficulty in clearing from the system in a reasonable amount of time. To address these problems and considering the clinical requirements for MPA79, we designed an efficient way for making the multifunctional triad named as RA-301 (Scheme 3), which chemically conjugated a targeting agent, a NIR imaging agent to our proprietary therapeutic porphyrin photosensitizer. The targeting component would direct this ensemble to overexpressed receptor sites on the tumor surface. Once accumulated at the tumor site, the tumor could be imaged using NIR wavelengths in the tissue transparency window, and the tumor image can be potentially used to guide the two-photon PDT treatment. We chose a small cycle peptide (octreate) as our targeting moiety as it is know to target SST2 and SST5 somatostatin receptors, and is well characterized in the literature. Similarly, we utilized indodicarbocyanine and indotricarbocyanine imaging agent as their fluorescence output could easily be detected with our Kodak 2000MM Image Station. For constructing the triad photosensitizing drug, we designed several bioconjugation processes to complete these couplings, and found an efficient way to construct the triad. Wefirstmodified the carboxylic acid group of imaging agent (indodicarboxycyanine) with a hexa (ethylene glycol) as a spacer under the coupling reagent EDC and DMAP in dried DMF, and indocarboxycyanine-PEG was obtained in good yield after purification by silica gel chromatography with the elution of water/methanol (5/1). Then both of carboxylic acid groups on MPA 79 were activated in the same time in EDC and DMAP in anhydrous DMF dilute solution, which was first added and reacted with indocarboxycyanine-PEG stoichiometricly, then the octreoate peptide was added following the completion of the first coupling. After precipitation in methanol three times, the dark green

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Reaction conditions: (a): NBS, AcOH/CHCl , rt., 98.3 %; (b): Pd(PPh ) Cl , Cul, Et N, Propargylaldehyde diethyl acetal, reflux, 50.0 %; (c): MePPh Br, KO Bu, THF, rt., 75.9 %; (d): 4-Bromobenzylalcohol, Pd(OAc) , P(tri-o-tolyl), Et N, CH CN, reflux, 73.8 %; (e): i, PBr , THF, 0 °C, 100 %; ii, PBu , toluene, reflux, 87.2 %; (f): i, KO'Bu, THF; ii, 10 % H S0 , THF, reflux, 41.3 % over two steps; (g): terf-Butyldimethylsilyl chloride, imadazole, DMF, 0 °C, 97.6 %; (h): i, sec-BuLi, DMF, THF, -78 °C; ii, 3 M HC1, 95.0 % over two steps; (i): Ethyl Bromoacetate, K C 0 , KI, DMF, 0 °C, 85.4 %; (j): Pyrrole, TFA, rt, 51.0 %; (k): i, B F E t 0 , CH C1 , DDQ, TEA, -30 °C, 26.8 %; ii, 1 M KOH in Ethanol, DMF, 80 °C, 100%. 3




















Scheme 2. Synthetic approach of novel photosensitizer: MPA 79

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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triad drug was obtained in high yield. Its structure was established and confirmed by by UV-VIS-NIR, and MALDI-TOF-MS. Its intrinsic TPA cross section is 800 GM (an acceptable value for PDT) at 850 nm with 150 fs ultrafast laser pulses. This triad is not soluble in water and methanol but moderately soluble in solutol (an FDA-approved excipient), and can be administered to the tumor-bearing mice via tail vein injection, or into the tumor directly. The reaction scheme of this novel photosensitizer RA-301 is also shown in Scheme 3.

Experiment conditions: (a) EDC, DMAP, HOBt, DMF (anhydrous), rt, 24 hours, 89%; (b) EDC, DMAP, DMF (anhydrous), rt, 30 min, (c) NIR-PEG, DMF, rt, 72 hours; (d) Octreoate, DMF, rt, 72 hours, 80 % in overall of crude product.

Scheme 3. RA-301 triad with substituted porphyrin incorporating octreoate peptide and indodicarbocyanine

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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Pre-clinical results on breast-cancer cell line In Figure 5, results from comparing cell kill in the phantoms (The phantoms were constructed of rat-tail collagen (2 mg/mL) to which 40% Liposin was added as a scattering agent, and 25 mM hemoglobin as an absorbing component.) are illustrated. As can readily be seen from this graphical illustration, efficient killing of the MDA-MB-231 cells (human breast cancer cell) infused with RA-301 is observed at 1, 2, 3 and 4 cm using laser light at 780 nm, 150 fs pulses for 15 minutes. Although we have not yet constructed phantoms of greater depth, the slope of the curve implies that we can expect efficient cell kills at greater depth. It should be noted that in the irradiation of the cell phantoms that had incorporated RA-301, that the efficiency of cell killing was independent of whether the irradiation was carried out using an air interface between the laser and the phantom surface, or whether the irradiation was carried our throughfreshlyexcised mouse skin. Cell kills at 2 cm in both cases was >80%. However it is clear that in comparison experiments using Photofrin®, cell kill falls off dramatically as a function of depth in the phantom, and when Photofrin® is excited through mouse skin, cell kill is severely reduced. As will be seen in our discussions of the treatment of tumor bearing SCID mice (Figure 5), this observation implies that two-photon irradiation of subcutaneous tumors directly through the skin can be an efficient process. Irradiation of cell phantoms that had incorporated Photofrin® on the other hand, show a marked decrease in PDT efficacy when the irradiation is carried out through mouse skin, with very little cell kill observed for depths beyond 1 cm. 100

Photofrin plus quartz-halogen lamp irradiation - j f - P l a i n Phantom Phantom + skin


u u u c u


RA301 plus I.R. laser irradiation - • - P l a i n Phantom


A Phantom + skin

I 1




Depth of cells in phantom (cm) Figure 5. Comparison of PDT cell killing efficiency in collagen phantoms.

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 5, 2012 | Publication Date: March 28, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0977.ch013

236 We have previously reported transfection of luciferease genes into MDA-MB231 cell lines, and we have grown tumors incorporating this bioluminescent feature in the mammary fat pads of SCID mice. In Figure 6 we illustrate a series of irradiation experiments in which we measure the bioluminescence emanating from tumors incorporating RA-301, with and without radiation, and compared to control mice that received neither RA-301 nor irradiation. Note that only the tumors that had incorporated RA-301, and also received laser irradiation, showed a loss of luciferase signal one day after PDT treatment. Thus the conservation or disappearance of the luciferase signal can be a useful marker of the efficacy of twophoton PDT in animal models without the need to sacrifice large numbers of mice. Mice receiving PDT treatment with RA-301 recovered rapidly, and healing was rapid and uncomplicated. It is not clear at the present time whether disappearance of the luciferase signal is related to antiangiogenic effects or to direct killing of tumor cells. Studies have been initiated to elucidate mechanistic aspects of the mechanism of two-photon PDT, and will be reported in future articles.

Conclusion A two-photon-activated therapeutic nano-ensemble triad has been synthesized incorporating imaging and targeting moieties and has been used to treat SCID

Figure 6. Luciferase activity from luc+ MDA-MB-231 tumor bearing mice following two-photon irradiation versus controls.

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 5, 2012 | Publication Date: March 28, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0977.ch013

mice with human breast cancer tumors implanted in the mammary fat pads. In these mouse models we have demonstrated the imaging and direct two-photon PDT treatment of subcutaneous tumors grown from human cell lines without surgical intervention. We have also demonstrated that this new triad is efficient in killing human breast cancer cells in scattering/absorbing collagen phantoms to at least 4 cm, which is much more effective than traditional one-photon agents such as Photofrin® under similar experimental conditions, especially when irradiation is carried out directly through skin samples. In order to test the depth efficacy of this treatment protocol, large animal studies (canine) on spontaneous tumors will be carried out in the near future.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from Pacific Horizon Ventures, and The Montana Board of Research and Commercialization Technology.

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