Now "Dutch Boy" Stabilizer research is helping the electrical industry

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Now "Dutch B o y " Stabilizer research is helping t h e electrical industry

rewire yesterday's conduits for tomorrow's loads Today, the electrical industry is stressing adequate wiring. In existing structures, t h a t means re­ wiring. A gigantic task! But the electrical industry has developed a "way to make it easier . . . vinyl insulations with steppedup efficiency. " D u t c h B o y " Stabilizer research boosts q u a l i t y of vinyl stocks

In producing vinyl insulations, processors face several problems of quality that " D u t c h B o y " Stabilizer r e s e a r c h helps solve. "Dutch Boy" Dythal®, for example, over­ comes high service temperatures. "Dutch Boy" Dyphos® stabilizes against light and weather. F o r standard insulation stocks, the "Dutch Boy" Tribase Stabilizers are pre­ ferred. And j u s t last year, came "Dutch Boy" Stabilizer Lectro "60," unique for water


repellency, economy, and over-all efficiency. Helping other industries, too

"Dutch Boy" Stabilizer research is also stepping up quality in vinyl flooring, or­ ganosols, plastisols, and profile extrusions. At the same time, "Dutch Boy" research in thixotropic gelling agents (BENTONE®S and BEN-A-GEL®) is helping the paint, oil, ink, and other industries improve body and flow characteristics of their products. Mail the coupon for details on the "Dutch Boy" Chemicals mentioned above. NATIONAL LEAD C O M P A N Y 111 Broadway, New York 6, Ν. Υ. In Canada: Canadian Titanium Pigments Limited 630 Dorchester Street, West · Montreal Gentlemen: P l e a s e send l i t e r a t u r e checked below: Folders o n "Dutch Boy" Stabilizers: Π for vinyl electrical Π for other vinyl stocks insulation stocks (specify)

"Dutch Boy" Handbooks: Π " D U T C H B O Y " B E N T O N E 18-C (gels high-polarity compounds) Π " D U T C H B O Y " B E N T O N E 34 (gels lower-polarity compounds) • " D U T C H B O Y " BEN-A-GEL Folder (gels aqueous compounds) Name—



. . . and get the plus of a name you know . . . for quality




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