NOW THERE ARE 10 CARBOWAX Polyethylene Glycols - C&EN

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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MOW T"I^ÈRTE ARE Ι Ο C A R B O W A X Polyethylene Glycols Trade-Mark


The widest a v a i l a b l e r a n g e of these versatile compounds CARBOWAX polyethylene glycol 20-M gives you new oppor­ tunities to use this versatile series. Because of its higher molecular weight, its melt and solution viscosities are higher, films formed from it are harder and stronger, and its lubricating action is greater. Like all members of the series of CARBOWAX polyethylene glycols, 20-M is water-soluble, heat stable, and inert to many chemicals. And it has the binding and suspending properties characteristic of the series. Try 20-M in applications where mild thickening action and suspending power are desired, and as a rubber release agent where intricate molds require a more viscous lubricant. CARBOWAX polyethylene glycols are widely used as solvents, humectants, lubricants, and intermediates. They have become increasingly important as vehicles for medicaments and cos­ metics, as mold-release agents, textile lubricants, softeners, antistatic and conditioning agents, and as intermediates for surfactants and synthetic resins". With the addition of CARBOWAX polyethylene glycol 20-M, the series has a molecular weight range of 200 to 20,000. The in­ dividual products vary in physical form from liquids through soft semi-solids to hard waxes. The term ^Carbowax7"* is a registered trade-mark of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation.




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For more information on these watersoluble polyols, just call or write the District Office nearest you. In Canada: Carbide Chemicals Company, Division of Union Carbide Canada Limited, Montreal and Toronto.

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Carbide and! C a r b o n C h e m i c a l s



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