NSF expected to announce new research program ... - ACS Publications

A brief announcement that the NSF is expected to announce a new research program for undergraduate colleges. Keywords (Subject):. Undergraduate ...
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NSF Expected to Announce New Research Program for ~nder~raduat'e Cdleges Two years ago the National Science Foundation discontinued its college-level science education programs, including URP. This was a loss to the many colleges who recognize the importance of undergraduate research t o their chemistry programs. For faculty researchers at undergraduate colleges, however, 1983 should be a year of unusual oeportunity a t the NSF. Now, once again, there will be an NSF program to promote and sustain research in undergraduate institutions A final decision o i the new program will be made a t a meeting of theNational Science Board in September. If the Boardapproves, guidelines for the Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) Program will he mailed t b undergraduate institutions in October. At that time, individual copies may he requested frnm: RUI Cmrdinator, National Science Foundation. 1800 G Street N.W.. Washington, DC 20550. Naturally, the new program cannot succeed without proposals from undergraduate institutions; that is the reason for this preliminary announcement. In fact, this is also an important year to write good proposals to two of the consistent supporters of undergraduate research-the Research Corporation and the ACS Petroleum Research Fund. If you have been thinking about writing a proposal but have delayeddoing so, this is the time to put your thoughts intu deeds. Although the final decisions havenot been made In Washington, there are some likely aspects of the RUI propram that bear mentiming. The information comes from the RUI draft guidelines, circulated for external review, as well as presentations a t the recent Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Conference on Critical Issues. R U I will he administered through the Research Directorates of NSF and each diviaion will probably have agooddeal of flexibility in its implementation. Proposals will he subject ta peer review in the traditional manner and will be evaluated on their scientific merit and on their effect on the research environment in the department. The letter point is important since a major goal of RUI is the improved preparation of undergraduate students for careers in science. Two categories of awards are envisioned: Research Awards for work either a t the home institution or a t a research university and Research Instrumentation Awards, which will continue and will supplement the Two-and Four-Year College Research instrumentation Program. Ifyou have questions after reading the guidelines, they should he directed to the program manager in your research area.

Jerry R. Mohrlg President, Council on UndergraduateResearch Carleton College Northfield. MN 55057


Journal of Chemical Education