NUCLEAR-CHICAGO CORPORATION - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 29, 2012 - NUCLEAR-CHICAGO CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1968, 40 (13), pp 106A–106A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60269a801. Publication Date: November ...
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After you go to the time and expense of carefully preparing liquid scintillation samples, you shouldn't have to worry about the reliability of your data. You don't have to with a Unilux Π System. We provided the necessary counting environment to make sure your data is dependable. First, we drastically reduced complex electronic wiring and soldering through the use of integrated circuits. Your benefit is a remarkably trouble-free system. Integrated-circuit systems are more stable, because the integrated circuit itself isn't subject to the normal deviations of the many individual components it replaces. More system stability, more de­ pendable data. Simple. Next, we created a stable environment for the sample itself—by cooling the samples and detector at a controlled, con­ stant temperature. A proved method that eliminates most room-temperature count­ ing problems and ensures reproducible data. Quenching instabilities are taken into account, too. That's why Unilux II uses barium-133 as an external standard. Ba 133 quenches much like H 3 and Ο 4 , so when the sample spectrum shifts, the Ba 133 count rate follows along. This enables our "calculator-with-the-memory" to develop quench correction curves that cover a wide range of sample counting efficiencies. Wid­ er than with any other automatic method and substantially less volume dependent. The Ba 133 standard is in the right envi­ ronment too—centered directly under the sample vial to minimize inaccuracies caused by variations in sample volume and vial-wall-thickness. Your Nuclear-Chicago sales engineer will tell you more about the relation of counting environment to dependable data. Call him or write directly to us.

A point of view on

COUNTING ENVIRONMENT There is no room for compromise in the counting of your liquid scintillation samples. Which means counting in a stable environment with a reliable system. Which means a controlled-temperature Unilux® II.

We try to work to a point of view : yours.




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