Nuclear Data, Inc

tron works. Signals obscured by noise are digitized at 1024 time intervals, and the results are recorded as 1024 num bers in a magnetic core memory. S...
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New major instrument extracts signals from noise! What's Enhancetron? What does it do? Enhancetron 1024 extracts the signal of interest from non-filterable noise. It's a portable signal-averaging digital computer that enhances signal-to-noise ratios. It's a new electronic measure­ ment tool that finds immediate applica­ t i o n in a s t r o n o m y , b i o - m e d i c i n e , physics, electrophysiology, NMR, EPR, mass spectometry, and other fields. The illustration shows how Enhance­ tron works. Signals obscured by noise are digitized at 1024 time intervals, and the results are recorded as 1024 num­ bers in a magnetic core memory. Subse­ quent sweeps are added numerically. The repetitive signal of interest adds in direct proportion to the number of sam-

pies taken; noise adds in proportion to the square root of the number of sam­ ples taken. The signal of interest liter­ ally "grows" out of the noise, as you can see, and is displayed on an external oscilloscope. The list of electronic features is im­ pressive. Ask your Nuclear Data sales­ man for a demonstration of ND-800— Enhancetron 1024— or write for details and specifications on this remarkable new solution to your noise problems. (As you'd expect, it's from Nuclear Data)

Nuclear Data, Inc. P. 0. Box 451,100 W. Golf Rd.. Palatine, Illinois 60067

Circle Να. 228 on Readers' Service Card V O L . 3 6 , N O . 10, SEPTEMBER

