Nuclear energy: its physics and its social challenge (Inglis, David

Nuclear energy: its physics and its social challenge (Inglis, David Rittenhouse). James A. Goldman. J. Chem. Educ. , 1974, 51 (1), p A33...
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Chemistry: A Modern Perspectlve

book reviews Editor: W.


College of Woostor Woater, Ohio

Chemistry: An Ecologlcal Approach Roger G. Gymer. Harper & Raw, Publishers, New York, 1973. xxi + 801 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 21 cm. $12.95. The title phrase, "an ecological approach," represents, in the authors words, "more a perspective . . . than ecology as a body of knowledge.'' It gives the b w k a framework different than any other. Dr. Gymer notes that some may take exception to the phrase and he is not far from the truth. The understanding of the phrase and its usage is critical before this hook can be used easily by a chemist. The chemical topics approach is ahandoned so that either the students are going to jump back and forth in their reading assignments or the traditional first course is going to change! Rest assured, the material is all there but in an order other than commonly found. The descriptive material used for illustration is, as the title would suggest, quite "practical": sewage sludge digestion, soil weathering, wwd nuloine. ....wwer oroduction. mutaeens. .. . contmceptam, e r c . ' ~ h r r mathrial ie included with no sserrfrce of sound treatments for: quantum theory of aturns and molecule., kinetic molecular theory, entropy, collision and transition state theory, nuclear chemistry, beginning bio-organic, and even the descriptive chemistry of nitrogen, water, and oxygen; nor are such topics as solubility rules, acids and bases, crystallization, and eleetro-chemistry neglected. Not all this material is covered with the particular emphasis that some would like, and some topics are almost totally missing, for example transition metal chemistry is only alluded to in the refining of some ores, the section an light absorption

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m d the sections on precipitate dissolution and water softening. However, the author, has accomplished much in his 8W pages and he has done so by writing very concisely. Students will find, I helieve, the reading to go slowly. It is surely a hook that the lecturer will have to read, t w ! It is not an easy book. But it does flow well and moves logically enough after the first dozen pages (which somewhat awkwardly generalize the biosphere and the "fitness" of the environment). It will be enjoyed by these who like to learn. Classes with weak students are going to use the appendices early where chemical calculations are illustrated (6 pages) along with nomenclature, redox equation balancing, and solubility rules. Each chapter is referenced and summarized and approximately Ys of the questions or problems with each of the 20 chapters has answers provided. Most of the questions and pmhlems are gwd. I wish there were a few more. There are a minimum number of example problems worked. The instructor's guide is very well done indeed and will greatly aid one preferring the more traditional subject order. For students, a good teacher will be needed, one carefully noting the terminology with which students are unfamiliar. I believe this book, while not making chemistry fun, will make it very, very important and that fewer students than usual will sell this b w k back to the bookstore after the course because of the great hulk and diversity of material in it. Thus, this book will he useful for both chemists and those who wish to relate chemistry to some other discipline. Donald H . Williams Hope College Holland, Michigan 49423

Robert W. Medeims, West Chester State College. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1973, viii 330 pp. 23.5 X 21.5 em. $7.95.


This is an exceedingly well written general chemistry text intended to be used by chemistry students who are nonseienee majors. The book is designed to provide the background necessary for an understanding of basic chemical principles as related to such timely topics as environment, drugs, oceanography, and medicine. The author emphasizes the "Interdisciplinary" nature and "environmental" aspects of chemistry as related to everyday Living. There is an excellent blend of chemical principles and descriptive chemistry presented as a basis of understanding of environmental problems. Chemical theory is well developed through selected topics. This book contains numerous well ehosen illustrations which should help maintain student interest. Throughout the b w k there are marginal excerpts from current chemical literature. These are included to help the student recognize chemical principles at work in modern society. At the end of each chapter, the student will find a number of problems for review. These were ehasen to stimulate student interest. Many of the problems require research heyond the scope of this hook. Current literature references are given for each of the major topics discussed. Some of the distinctive features of the b w k include the author's approach to geological chemistry in Chapter 7 and Chemistry in Outer Space in Chapter 8. After a discussion of the chemistry of life in Chapters 12 and 13, the author presents a very concise treatment of the chemistry of pollution and environment. The ecologically minded student will find this presentation most stimulating. This bwk through its cultural approach to chemistry and relevant applications should provide strong motivation for the reader. Careful consideration should he given to this textbook by those who are interested in chemistry hut are not science majors. Opey D. Jeanes

oh;^ Tyler Community Coilege


in this Issue

Roger G. Gyrner, Chemistry: An Ecological Approach Robert W. Medeiros, Chemistry: A Modern Perspective Dauid Rittenhouse Inglis, Nuclear Energy: Its Physics and its Social Challenge Gary T Bender, Chemical Instrumentation: A Laboratory Manual Based an Clinical Chemistry Howard A. Strobel, Chemical Instmmentation-A Systematic Approach to Instrumental Analysis Arnold J. Krubsack, Experimental Organic Chemistry T. A. Geissman, Workbook in Organic Chemistry. Exercises in the Properties, Behavior, and Synthesis of Organic Compounds N. B. Chapman and J. Shorter, editors, Advances in Linear Free Energy Relationships George G. Guilbault, Practical Fluorescence: Theory, Methods, and Techniques Arnold Thackrav, John Dalton. Critical Assessments of His Life and Science A. J. Gordon and R. A. Ford, The Chemist's Companion: A Handbook of Practical Data, Techniques and References New Volumes in Continuing Series

Chester, Virginia

. . . A33 . . . A33 . . . A33 . . . A42

. . . A42 . . .A46 . . .A46 . . .A46

. . . A48 . . . A48

. . .A50 . . . A54

Nuclear Energy: Its Physics and its Social Challenge David Rittenhouse Znglis, University of Massachusetts. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Massachusetts, 1973. xiv + 395 pp. 21 X 13.5 cm. $4.95. Written by a former nuclear physicist for the general liberal arts student who as a prerequisite needs only high school algebra, this volume provides the basis for understanding bath the technical and the sociopolitical aspects of nuclear energy problems. It is intended far use in a one semester course although the material, (Continued onpageA42) Volume 5 1 . Number 1, January 1 9 7 4



book reviews particularly with supplementation by selected articles from the excellent bibliogranhv. could readily be adjusted to a two . currently a se&e&er period. ~ r Inglis, professor of physics a t the University of Massachusetts (Amherst), has been directly involved with much of what he writes about, having been for 20 years senior physicist a t Argonne National Laboratory. His concern about the sociopolitical aspects of nuclear energy is evidenced moreover by his membership on the editorial board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (now, Science and Public Affairs) and on the board of directors of SANE and the National Committee for Nuclear Responsibility as well as having been chairman of the Federation of American Scientists. Perusal of the index as well as the topic sub-headings in the chapters indicates that essentially all significant subjects are mentioned and explained. The economy of presentation that minimizes the amount of elementary physies-it occupies less than 70 pages of the main text-is accomplished by confining it to those concepts which lead to the treatment of reactors and weapons. Thus in the first three chapters, there are presented the basic physical ideas (velocity, momentum, acceleration, potential energy, kinetic energy, etc.), basic nuclear and atomic structure (atomic number, scattering, nuclear forces, binding energies, fission, isotope separation, etc.), and power plant fundamentals (pressure-temperature relationships, Carnot efficiency, and electricity generation). Even in this material, Dr. Inglis uses metaphores to clarify and emphasize points such as far example, ihe difference in bebavior between the components of an atom and those of a nucleus which may be likened to that "between s dictatorship and an ideal democracy." Following is a chapter concerning the use of nuclear reactors as power sources. The concept of a chain reaction and critical mass (using the mouse-trap-with-cork analog model) and the slow-neutron chain reaction are discussed in moderate detail as are water-moderated reactors and brerding. Some typical operating rrartors in the 1J. S . are dr.;rribed. followed by a consideration of the fission products and their decay. An account of reactor stability, safety, and accidents cites actual incidents. A subsequent chapter is concerned with the effects and uses of radioactive products. Considered are medical and iudustrial uses of radiation, radiation damage, and radioactive wastes and their disposal. The last four chapters focus on the control of fissile materials, fusion, and solar energy as possible power sources for future needs, nuclear, explosives (A- and Hbombs, "clean" and "dirty" bombs, fallout, deterrence), and aspects of the arms race. Each of the nine chapters contains at its conclusion a set of review questions and problems. Beyond these chapters there are over 100 pages of appendix, about half of whieh are devoted to description in greater detail of some sophisticated scientific concepts. The other 50 pages are ~ 4 /2 Journal ot Chemical Education

particularly valuable because they present selected excerpts from some of the important historical documents relating to the decision to use the A-bomb, the handling and safeguards of nuclear materials, and the arms race. Reading and discussion of these documents, as well as those articles listed in the bibliography, can but only increase our awareness of Professor Inglis' emphasis throughout on the social challenge pre.sented by the "nuclear fire" which "in its promise can also increase its threat. The must grow balance is delicate, and man in his knowledge of the new fire and use his wisdom well if he is to reap its promise and evade its threat." In conclusion, Professor Inglis has provided a carefully written and well balanced account of a major issue where intelligent decisions me a function of technical as well as political understanding. It could well serve as an exemplary model for assisting nonscientists to achieve scientific literacy about current problems confronting our technocratic society.

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James A. Go dman kew

script before publication, With this input, the reader might have been given some feeling for the relative usefulness of each analysis for the diagnosis of a given disease. The medical information is presented in a non-critical encyclopedic fashion. The form of the manual leaves much to he desired. There are numerous typographical errors and the graphs are, in the main, poorly done. The writing style, however, is good throughout. Many will argue with the distribution of the material in the text. The infra-red chapter is larger than the section dealing with enzyme analysis. Most clinical chemists do not share the author's view that enzyme kinetics is a "novel" method of clinical analysis. In summary, I see this manual as a good first step in providing teaching material for clinical students. Its major drawback is its questionable medical information whieh should be corrected if it has a second edition. T. R. Williams

The Coliege 01 Wooster Wooster. Ohio 44691

Vork Gty Communily College Brooklyn, New York 11201

Chemical Instrumentation-A Systematic Approach to Instrumental Analysis Chemical Instrumentallon:A Laboratory Manual Based on Clinical Chemistry

Gory T Bender, University of Wisconsin, La Cmsse. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1972. xi 291 pp. Figs. and tables. 18.5 X 26cm. $9.50.


In recent years there has been an increased effort to train more clinical chemists. Unfortunately, there are few texts available whieh give typical clinical experiments and also provide some theoretical background far these measurements. A new tent, "Chemical Instrumentation: a Laboratory Manual Based on Clinical Chemistry" has been written by Gary Bender, in an attempt to meet this need. The laboratory manual was written to provide typical experiments far persons studying medical technology. The manual contains brief theoretical discussions preceding each experiment. A list of the illnesses related to the material assayed is provided with each experiment. Finally, an experimental procedure in great detail is prbvidedfor each assay. The reviewer feels that this manual will find its greatest use in the training of medical technologists. Many professors of analytical chemistry may find the book interesting and may be spurred to incorporate a clinical chemistry experiment into their beginning analytical course. I am not certain that this manual will find users from medical school faculties. The author states that he takes no responsibility for the medical authenticity of his manual. This may cause some to avoid using this text. In my opinion, this manual would have been a more substantial effort if a competent clinical chemist, familiar with the medical implications of clinical procedures, had carefully reviewed the manu-

Howard A. Strobel, Duke University. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Reading, Mass., 1973. xxii + 903 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16.5cm. $22.50. This second edition of an already wellreceived book (1st edition 1960) bas so much new material and reorganization that in essence it constitutes a new book. The systematic physical measurement approach is the main tie to the first edition. New material includes nmr spectrometry, single sweep and pulse polarography, mass spectrometry, operational amplifiers, signal-to-noise optimization, digital eleetronics, and monochromators. The topics of fluommetry, flame spectrometry, Raman spectrometry and chromatography have been expanded to chapter length. The organization of the material has been rearranged as follows: basic electronics, basic optics, spectrometric methods, other optical methods, electroanalytic methods, and other instrumental methods. The style of writing is clear and readable although the amount of material covered and the level of sophistication make the book difficult to use as a text for undergraduate instrumentation courses without preselection of topics by the instmdor. Professor Strobe1 makes suggestions concerning this use in his preface, but I do not believe his suggestions are detailed enough. At the graduate level courses acceptance should be common. The e m ~ h a s i sof the text is verv strane on understanding mrtrument dearw from the viru,poinr uf circuity and optics. Limitations of design and usage are discussed for all components from signal generation tothe newer types of readout devices. (Continued on page A46)