Nuclear Measurements Corp. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - Nuclear Measurements Corp. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (4), pp 96A–96A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60160a805. Publication Date: April 1960. ACS Legacy...
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make test after test

C o m b i n e s Better Resolution W i t h Greater Precision Over W i d e r Range Than Any Other System At Any Price

after test with complete accuracy because TAYLOR COMPARATORS


panel mount units, nut and tube type, and a heated valve which allows injec­ tion of compounds with boiling points up to 250° C. Standard fittings per­ mit installation to the Wilkens Aero­ graph or other equipment, and spindles are fitted with five silicone rubber O-rings for positive nonleak seal. Re­ producibility is 0.1%, according to the company, operating to 200° C. Prices run from $60 to $120, with heated valves costing $90. P-8

Carbon Dioxide Monitor A gas stream monitor for continuous indication and control of carbon diox­ ide concentrations under 2% in nitro­ gen gas streams is announced by Indus­ trial Instruments Engineering Corp.


A complete gamma spectrometer system NMC model GSS-1 ($4,180 fob, Indianapolis)


This greatly simplified system features reg­ ulated high voltage supply as part of the counting ratemeter auto-scan system . . . all-transistorized probe amplifierand spec­ trometer circuits . . . and solid or well-type crystal. These points and the actual spec­ trograms shown here tell only part of the story. For full details, write or phone collect.

color standards

FAST, EASY TESTS FOR pH, CHLORINE, PHOSPHATE WRITE FOR FREE HANDBOOK 101 pages of technical data and useful information. Gives theory and application of pH control. De­ scribes futl Taylor line.



Circle No. 2 on Readers' Service Card 96 A



This < © Gamma Spectrometer Eliminates "Dark Current" Defect

The Model TBA gas analyzer uses a thermal conductivity sensing detector with the sensing cell immersed in a temperature-controlled oil bath, and the bridge current is controlled by a transistor regulated power supply. The claimed accuracy is better than 0.05% carbon dioxide. An alarm point which operates when concentration exceeds a preset limit can also be supplied. P-9

Proportional Counter A 4-Pi proportional gas flow counter featuring a gas lock which eliminates flushing time delays and permits more samples to be counted in a given period is introduced by Nuclear-Ohio, Inc. The stainless steel unit also has an in­ tegral preamplifier for maximum sen­ sitivity and good plateau characteris­ tics. This also permits long cable leads.

A c t u a l spectrogram of Radium made with a GSS-1. Four runs over a period of 20 hours with no adjust­ ment of instrument between runs, demonstrating utmost stability. Range: 30,000 C/M. Time constant: 3 sec.

(J^ Nuclear Measurements Corp. 2460 N. A r l i n g t o n A v e . · Phone:

Liberty 6-2415

I N D I A N A P O L I S 18, I N D I A N A International Office: 13 E. 40th Street, New York 16, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 73 on Readers' Service Card