Nucleonics and Analytical Chemistry Ten Years After - American

Plans also call for demonstration of a. General Electric Co. nuclear reactor .... E. Gordon, Jr., Westinghouse Commercial Atomic Power and conference ...
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Nucleonics and Analytical Chemistry Ten Years After H E 10th anniversary of t h e S u m ­ mer Symposium will feature a s a topic, "Nucleonics a n d Analytical Chemistry T e n Y e a r s After." The three-day meeting, t o be held a t P u r d u e University, J u n e 13 t o 15, will be d e ­ voted t o t h e analytical aspects of t h e field of peacetime atomic energy, a s u b ­ ject discussed a t t h e first symposium a decade a g o . Sponsors of t h e symposium, t h e Division of Analytical Chemistry of t h e






ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y , feel t h a t t h e

rapid growth of nuclear energy applica­ tions h a s presented a challenge t o analysts. Results of efforts m a d e t o meet this challenge will be covered in t h e symposium.


F o u r main topics are scheduled for t h e meeting. T h e four topics a n d their chairmen a r e : Analysis of Materials I m p o r t a n t in P r e s e n t a n d F u t u r e Atomic Power Technology, L. P . Pepkowitz, Knolls Atomic Power L a b o r a t o r y ; Tracers in I n d u s t r i a l Analysis, Charles Rosenblum, Merck, Sharp a n d D o h m e ; I n s t r u m e n ­ tation, T . P . K o h m a n , Carnegie I n s t i ­ t u t e of Technology; a n d E d u c a t i o n a n d Training Panel, W . W . Meinke, U n i ­ versity of Michigan. Registration will begin a t 10 A.M. on J u n e 13. T h e sessions will open formally a t 2 P.M. J. F . Flagg, General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, Ν . Υ., is general chairman. H o n o r a r y chairman is M . G. Mellon, P u r d u e

University, T h o m a s D e Vries, P u r d u e University, s in charge of local arrange­ ments. Exhibits Scheduled. T h e t e c h n i c a l p r o g r a m will b e s u p p l e m e n t e d w i t h a n exhibit of a n a l y t i c a l , nuclear, a n d related a p p a r a t u s . Plans also call for demonstration of a General Electric C o . nuclear reactor model. D . W . M a r g e r u m , P u r d u e University, is in charge of t h e exhibits. Special E v e n t s . A social h o u r a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t p r o g r a m a r e scheduled for t h e e v e n i n g of J u n e 13. T h e b a n q u e t will be held on t h e evening of J u n e 14. T h e speaker h a s n o t y e t been announced. T h e detailed program appears below.

June 14 Session B.

3. Low-I-evel Radioassay. W. H . JOHNSTON, Purdue University 4. Facilities and Techniques for Re­ mote Analysis of Highly Radioactive Samples. R. C. SHANK, et al., Phillips Petroleum Co.

9 A . M . - 1 2 : 1 5 P.M.

Tracers in industrial Analysis

June 13 Registration 10 Α.Μ.-5 P.M. Welcome 2 P.M. Session A.

2:15 P . M . - 4 : 4 5 P.M.

Analysis o f Materials important in Present and Future Atomic Power Tech­ nology Chairman.

L. P. Pepkowitz

1. Analytical Spectroscopy of Rare E a r t h Elements. V. FASSEL, Institute for Atomic Research, Iowa State College 2. Analytical Chemistry of Plutonium. C. M E T Z , Los Alamos Scientific Labora­ tory 3. Vacuum Fusion Analysis of Reactor Materials. W. HORTON, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory Evening. Program of entertainment be­ ing planned by Local Arrangements Chairman

Chairman. C. Rosenblum 1. Synthesis of Tracer Compounds. J. R. CATCH, Amersham, England 2. Principles of Dilution Assays. C. ROSENBLUM, Merck, Sharp and Dohme 3. Tracer Analytical Applications in the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries. J. E. CHRISTIAN, Purdue University 4. Tracer Techniques in Fiber Re­ search. H. J. W H I T E , J R . , Textile Re­ search Institute 5. Activation Analysis of Electronics Chemicals. G. H. MOBBISON, Sylvania Electric Co. 6. Leak Testing of Transatlantic Cable. J. D. STKUTHEBS, Bell Telephone Laboratories Lunch, Purdue Cafeteria Session C.

2:00 P . M . - 4 : 3 0 P.M.

Instrumentation Chairman. T. P. Kohman 1. Routine Radioassay Instrumenta­ tion. A. D E H A A N , Tracerlab Western Division 2. Absolute Radioassay. L E O YAFFE, McGill University

- Banquet Speaker to Be Announced. June 15 Session C (concluded). 9 A.M.-IO A.M. 5. Analytical Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. H. S. GUTOWSKY, University of Illinois Session D .

10:15 Α.Μ.-12:15 P.M.

Education and Training Panel Chairman.

W. W. Meinke

1. Radiochemical Training and In­ dustry. W. H . BEAMER, Dow Chemical Co. 2. Radiochemical Training and the National Laboratory. D . C. STEWART, Argonne National Laboratory 3. Radiochemical Training and the University. W. W. M E I N K E , University of Michigan 4. General Discussion

VOL. 29, NO. 4, APRIL 1957




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G e o r g e R. Harrison, dean. School of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (3rd from left), was the dinner speaker and recipient of the first Pittsburgh Spectroscopy A w a r d . With him a r e J. Raynor Churchill, Alcoa Research Laboratories; Foil A. Miller, Mellon Institute and chairman-elect of the conference committee; and Neil E. Gordon, Jr., Westinghouse Commercial Atomic Power and conference chairman