Nucleophilic Reactions with Tetramethoxysilane and

Department of Chemistry, Brock University, St. Catharines,. Canada L2S 3A1. Received September 12, 1994. Introduction. The formation and structure of ...
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Inorg. Chem. 1995,34, 45 13-45 15

Nucleophilic Reactions with Tetramethoxysilane and Tetraethoxysilane under Negative Ion Chemical Ionization Conditions Vemisetty S. Murthy and Jack M. Miller” Department of Chemistry, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada L2S 3A1 Received September 12, I994

Introduction The formation and structure of hypervalent silicon compounds continue to be an area of lively interest. Although silicon compounds with coordination number greater than 4 have been known in solution for many years,’ their study in the gas phase is more recent.2 One impetus for these studies arises from the widespread use of nucleophilic activation and catalysis in the application of organosilicon compounds in organic ~ynthesis.~ An important issue involves the possible influence of the lowlying vacant Si d orbitals on the properties and reactivity of silicon-containing compounds. A familiar example of d-orbital participation is the tendency of silicon to form pentavalent anion^.^ The ease of base-catalyzed reactions makes the negative ion silicon chemistry more difficult to study in solution than that of carbanions. The study of the silicon anion chemistry in the gas phase5 (in the abscence of solvent) could make a contribution to the understanding of this important area of study in solution. We recently demonstrated the formation of some interesting multiply bonded silicon-oxygen anions6 and of pentavalent silicon anions’ in the gas phase during an OR- nucleophilic reaction on siloxane, Si(OR’)4 (R’ = CH3, Et) in the presence of an argon buffer gas, using the chemical ionization (CI) source of our Kratos Concept IS mass spectrometer. The extension of the work is presented here showing some interesting fragmentation and rearrangement reactions found during our study.

Experimental Section The Kratos Concept IS double-focusing mass spectrometer used has an EIB configuration (Kratos Analytical, Urmston, Manchester, U.K.). The instrument was originally controlled by a Kratos DS90 Data General Eclipse based computer system. The Kratos Mach 3 data system running on a SUN SPARCstation was used for further data workup. While our work was in progress, we upgraded our DS-90 data system to the Mach 3 based Dart system. All the data were acquired at 10 sIdec and resolving power of -1000.

* Author to whom correspondence

should be addressed Chuit, C.: Corriu, R. J.‘P.: Reye, C.: Young. J. C. Chem. Rev. 1993, 93, 1371. Sullivan, S . A.; DePuy, C. H.; Damrauer, R. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1981, 103. 480. (a) Colvin, E. W. Siiicon in Organic Synthesis: Butterworths: London, 1981. (b) Weber, W. P. Silicon Reagents for Organic Synthesis: Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1983. (c) Fleming, I. In Comprehensive Organic Chemistp: Jones, N., Ed.; Pergamon Press: Oxford, U.K., 1979: Vol. 3, p 554. (d) Corriu, R. J. P.: Perz, R.; Reye, C. Tetrahedron 1983, 39, 999. (e) Furin, G. G.: Vyazankina, 0. A,; Gostevsky. B. A,; Vyazankin. N. S. Tetrahedron 1988, 44, 2675. Corriu, R. J. P.: Guerin, C. Adv. Organomet. Chem. 1982, 20, 265 and references cited therein. For a review of gas-phase ion chemistry of silicon compounds, see: Oppenstein. A.: Lampe, F. W. Rev. Chem. Intermed. 1986, 6 , 275. Murthy. V. S.; Miller, J. M. Work in progress. Murthy. V. S.: Miller, J. M. Rapid Commun. Ma.ts Specfrom. 1994. 8. 698.


The OR- was generated from RONO by transesterification8 of isoamyl nitrite and the appropriate ROH, using a reactor installed in the GC oven of the mass spectrometer. A 100 mL flask was used for the reactor with a glass to metal seal and appropriate fittings for a capillary connection. The flask was connected to the chemical ionization (CI) source via the G C re-entrant by a 1 m deactivated silica capillary (0.075 mm i.d. and 0.19 mm 0.d.). A 10 mL portion of isoamyl nitrite and 100 mL of the appropriate ROH were injected into the flask at 25 “C through a rubber septum. The vacuum of the mass spectrometer ion source was allowed to draw the vapor of the RONO) into the ion source. nucleophile (RONO The argon buffer gas necessary for these studies was admitted to the source via the CI reagent gas system (99% purity, Linde. Union Carbide Canada Limited). Ion source conditions: temperature, 150 “C; ionization energy, 180 eV; emission current, 300 mA. We used an accelerating voltage of 6 kV. The source housing Torr. pressure with the argon buffer gas turned on was 5 x In BIE scans, used to determine daughter fragments of a particular ion, the instrument is tuned to the mass of the precursor of interest, and the ratio of magnetic field B to electrostatic analyzer voltage E is held constant as B is scanned. The resulting spectra should then contain all the daughters arising from the ion to which the instrument was tuned. The analogous B2E scan determines the precursor ions leading to the mass to which the instrument was initially tuned. The collision gas used during the BIE linked scan collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments was helium. An -1 mL sample of silicon substrate was added through the 75 mL heated reservoir probe9 using the EUCI probe lock. CID experiments, involving the interaction of the energetic (6 kV) ion with inert gas molecules in the first field free region of the instrument, enhance the sensitivity compared to that of observations of unimolecular decompositions.



Results and Discussion The relative ion abundances in the spectra, for the reactions of OR- (R = CH3, CD3, Et) with (OR’)4Si (R’ = CH3, Et) are shown in Table 1. The $42 attack of OR- on (0R’)dSi leads to the formation of a pentacoordinate silicon anion adduct, A, [(M OR-)] where M = Si(0R’)d (Table 1).Io Such pentacoordinate species in the gas phase are usually thought to have a trigonal bipyramidal ge0metry.I’ The BIE linked scan CID spectra of A (in all cases) showed that the pentacoordinate species reverted to a tetrahedral species by the elimination of ROR’ and R’OR’ as neutrals6 Bowie and co-workers” reported an exclusive nucleophilic displacement at carbon, for a specific case of OCD3-/(CH3)3SiOCH3 under ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) conditions, leading to the formation of a (CH3)3SiOtetrahedral anion. We found in the BIE CID spectra of ROSi(OR’)4- the formation of OR’ - due to the elimination of a neutral ORSi(OR’)3. We also found during the reaction of OCH3-/(OCH&Si a simple elimination of MeOH from two -0Me groups on pentacoordinate silicon (mlz 183), leading to the a-siloxy carbanion (OCH&SiOCH2- (mlz 151). We confirmed the loss of MeOH from the mlz 183 species by the B21E CID of (OCH3)3SiOCH2-. The formation of A1 (Table 1) could be explained by two mechanisms: (i) the attack of the displaced OR’ - ligand on neutral (OR’)&; (ii) the participation of a pentacoordinate


(8) (a) Madhusudanan, K. P.: Murthy, V. S . Int. J . Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 1990, 95, 269. (b) Caldwell, G.; Bartmess, J. E. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1982, 17, 456. (9) (a) Dougherty, R. C.: Weisengerger, C. R. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1968, 90. 6570. (b) Hunt, D. F.: Stafford, G. C.; Crow, F. W.; Russel. J. W. Anal. Chem. 1976,48, 2098. (c) Szulajko, J. E.: Howe, I.; Beynon, J. H.: Schlunegger, U. P. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1980, 15, 263. (IO) DePuy, C. H.; Damrauer, R.: Bowie, J. H.: Sheldon, J. C. Ace. Chern. Res. 1987, 20, 127. ( I 1) Klass, G.: Trenerry, V. C.; Sheldon, J. C.: Bowie, J. H. Ausf. J . Chem. 1981, 34, 519.

0 1995 American Chemical Society

4514 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 34, No. 17, 1995


Table 1. Relative Ion Abundances in the Partial Spectra for the Reaction between RO- (from RONO) and M [M = Si(OR’)4’;A = (M RO)-; A I = (M R’0)-]



relative abundance R R’ RO- A AI Me Me 100 44 CD? Me 100 46 9 Et Me Me Et CDI Et

100 100 100

43 13 9




2 4 3


+ H)23 24 2“ 4 1

(A (M - H)- ROR’-)

(A -


1 1

9 11



8 4 4

I 3 3


+ +

3 3

2 2



[(M H) (M H) [(A - ROR’) - [(A - R’OR’) HCHOIMeOH HCHO CH2=CH2]CH2=CH?]-







Et I’




+ D)-.

silicon anion, (OR’)&OR-, in a ligand exchange with a neutral (OR’)&. We recently reported’ such ligand exchange on CH30Si(OEt)4- for the generation of (OEt)5Si- and (OCH&Si(OEt)3- ions during our study on the formation of the pentavalent silicon anions in the gas phase. Bartmess and coworkersI2 also reported such ligand exchange reactions during their study on the gas phase ion-molecule chemistry of borates and boronate esters. The spectra summarized in Table 1 showed an intense (M H)- ion formation except when R, R’ = Et. The formation of (M H)- is due to the attack of H- on the siloxane.’ This is confirmed by the spectra of the OCD3- reaction with (OR’)& in which a shift of 1 amu [(M D)-] is observed. However, for the reaction of OCD3-/(OMe)$3, the B’IE CID of (M D)- (mlz 154) showed a parent ion at mlz 186. As mentioned, the loss of MeOD from the pentacoordinate species (0Me)jSiOCD3- leads to the formation of the ion at mlz 154. The generation of H- from OCH3- is known7,” and has been observed in reactions between OCH3- and Lewis acids.I3 The BIE CID spectra of the (M H)- ion (mlz 153) for the reaction of OCH3-/(OMe)4Si showed some interesting fragmentation reactions. The formations of the siloxide ion (mlz 137, 24%) and silanion (mlz 121, 100%) from the mlz 153 species are due to the losses of CI.4 and MeOH, respectively. The readily available H on silicon can easily facilitate its reaction with CH3 or OCH3Io to form CH4 and MeOH. The BIE CID spectra of (M D)- from the OCD3-/(0Me)& reaction also showed an ion at mlz 137 (8%) which is due to the loss of a labeled methane (CH3D). During the BIE CID of the mlz 153 species from the OCH3-/ (OMe)& reaction, we also found a hydride migration to the central silicon followed by HCHO elimination, leading to the formation of a dihydride, H2Si(OMe)3- (mlz 123, 13%). We confirmed this reaction channel by BIE CID of the mlz 154 ion from the OCD3-/(OMe)$i reaction which confirms the loss of DCDO due to the D- migration (mlz 122, 19%). This Hmigration is rather unusual in gas phase silicon anion chemistry. It probably involves a six-coordinate intermediate. However, such a gas phase H- transfer to boron is known during the reaction of OCH3- with MezBOMe.’? We find that H- transfer to silicon is completely absent in the BIE CID spectra of A and A1 (Table 1). However, similar hydride transfer is seen in the positive ion spectra of some alkoxysilanes. l 5







(12) Kiplinger, J. P.: Crowder, C. A.: Sorensen, D. N.: Bartmess. J. E. J . Ani. SOC.Muss Specrrom. 1994, 5, 168. (13) Ellis, H. B., Jr.: Ellison. G. B. J . Chem. Ph3.s. 1983, 78, 6541. ( 14) Curie. G. J.; Bowie. J. H.: Downard. K. M.: Sheldon. J. C. J . Chem. Soc.. Perkiri Trrins. 2 1989. 1973. (1.5) Hagen. A. P.: Hodge. S . J.: Randolph. B. B.: Laing, J. L. Or?. Mn.s.\ Spectroiti. 1994. 29, 326. (16) Sheldon. J. C.: HaLes. R. N.: Bowie. J. H. J . Chrrn. S o t . . Prrkriz T r u u 2 1987. 275.

The BIE CID of the mlz 154 ion showed some other interesting features. The intense ion at mlz 123 (38%) in the spectra is due to the loss of DCHO from the mlz 154 ion and indicates the occurrence of an W D exchange between the D atom and OMe on silicon. It is known” that the nucleophilic displacement reaction on tetravalent silicon in solution proceeds with either an inversion or a retention of configuration. By analogy with pentavalent phosphorus, this is due to a facile interconversion of apical and equatorial substituents of the pentavalent silicon by either pseudorotation or turnstile rotation or via expansion of coordination via an octahedral intermediate. An interconversion of the apical and equatorial substituents on the pentacoordinate silicon anion may thus occur in the gas phase.I5 The ion at mlz 91 (100%) in the BIE CID spectra of the mlz 154 species is due to the elimination of MeOD followed by HCHO loss. This transition also supports the attack of D- on (OMe)& during the OCD3-/(0Me)dSi reaction. We do not find any ions at mlz 121 or 124 in the BIE CID spectra of the mlz 154 species corresponding to the alkane losses, Le., the loss of CD3CH3 and CH3CH3, respectively. This confirms that the formation of the ion at mlz 123 in the BIE CID spectra of (M H)- (mlz 153) is due to the exclusive loss of HCHO via Htransfer. The B21E CID spectra of (M - H)- (mlz 151) for the OR-/ (0Me)jSi reaction showed that the ROSi(0Me)d- pentacoordinate ion is the parent ion. This is due to the loss of MeOH from ROSi(OMe)d-. However, alkoxide anions are also strong bases. Hence, there may be a contribution to the formation of (M - H)- in the BIE spectra of the OR-/(OMe)& reaction by the abstraction of a proton from neutral siloxane.” We found that the (M - H)- ion is absent in the spectra of the OR-/ (0Et)JSi reaction. The BIE CID spectra of (M - H)- (mlz 151) showed an olefin loss with the elimination of CH2=CH2 (miz 123).h A single and a double H- transfer (binary hydride transfer) to central silicon by the elimination of one ( d z 121) and two (ndz 91) HCHO molecules are also observed in the spectra. The formation of (OMe)3SiO- (mlz 137) during the OR-/ (OMe)& reaction is due to the loss of ROCH3 (A - ROR’) (Table 1). We recently reported the formation of MeOSiO2and MeSiOz- ions from (OMe)3SiO- during the BIE CID of (OMe)$iO- due to the elimination of MeOMe and (MeOH HCHO), respectively.6 Another interesting fragmentation from the mlz 137 species is the loss of a CH3’ radical leading to (OMe)?SiO?- (mlz 122). Such methyl cleavages from evenelectron ions are known under chemical ionization conditi~ns.~~’’



Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 34, No. 17, 1995 4515


A H- transfer to silicon was also found in this case, via the elimination of HCHO leading to the HSi(0Me)zO- (m/z 107) (Table 1).

Conclusions These interesting fragmentation reactions occurring during the ion-molecule reactions of alkoxide anions with tetramethoxysilane and tetraethoxysilane show some correspondence'O between the products and mechanisms of gas phase ion-molecule reactions of silicon and of the same reactions in solution. Examples of nucleophilic attack on siloxanes in solution are seen in their reaction with Grignard reagents and organolithiums. Other analogies can be seen in the basecatalyzed gelation of alkoxysilanesls and in the chemistry of aqueous si1i~ates.I~It is interesting that two areas of research

in our laboratories, gas phase ion chemistry and catalyst formation via sol-gel methods, have an area of potential overlap.

Acknowledgment. The authors thank T. R. B. Jones for experimental assistance and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for operating and equipment grants to J.M.M. IC94070 1V (18) Brinker, C. J.; Scherer, G. W. Sol-Gel Science; Academic Press: San Diego, CA, 1990. (19) Swaddle, T. W.; Salerno, J.; Tregloan, P. A. Chem. SOC. Rev. 1994, 23, 319.