Odor Control Is Challenging Scientific Frontier - Analytical Chemistry

May 16, 2012 - Odor Control Is Challenging Scientific Frontier. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (8), pp 63A–65A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60152a762. Publication Date: ...
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One odor sampling-testing device is the multi-stimulus O l f a c t o m e t e r . This device enables the technician, with t h e assistance of educated odor judges, t o test the effectiveness o f odor counteractants on malodors under dynamic vaporflow conditions



Odor Control Is Challenging Scientific Frontier "smics—the study of odors—has been the subject of Airkem, Ine.'s research for 15 years. Currently, this activity is centered in a newly remodeled 5500 square foot laboratory at 241 East 44th Street, New York City. This is believed to be the largest such research facility of its kind in the world. Airkem's odor-control product development program is based on the principle of "odor counteraction" which states that certain odors when sensed in appropriate concentrations are antagonistic and that when smelled together the intensity of both is reduced. This is contrasted with the technique of masking which attempts to dominate a weaker odor with a preferred stronger odor. Airkem, with its 20-man team of professionals, has evaluated over 1,000 pairs of odors and evolved over 100

commercial formulas including AirWick. Applications include odor-controlling product additives, air conditioning odor level controls, treatment of odor-contaminated structures or materials, and reduction of odors in buildings and from processes. Assignments range from control of odor in insecticides, and cooking odors in the kitchen to making petroleum refineries acceptable in metropolitan areas. Since the nose is still the basic detection device available in odor research, Airkem researchers employ equipment which assists the nose in becoming a better laboratory instrument. One such device is the multistimulus olfactometer which permits studies of complex odor combinations. Vapor phase chromatography and spectrophotometry are also used. Another feature of the laboratory is the library. In addition to standard

reference works, this library has one of the largest collections of publications dealing with odors. Included is a bibliography developed by Airkem listing every work of consequence on odors from 320 B.C. to 1947 A.D. A card file is used to keep the bibliography current. The study of odors ranges from physico-chemical to socio-psychological, making intriguing the science which has many frontiers still unexplored. Only a small part of the vast potential in odor research has been tapped thus far. Airkem management on its own and in conjunction with other research workers in the U. S. and abroad has dedicated itself to these studies for both the improvement of man's environment and the exploration of the least understood of the basic sciences. VOL. 3 1 , NO. 8, AUGUST 1959

· 63A

Test stack used t o determine effectiveness of odor counteractant against odor sample. The odor is generated at base of stack. Two columns are available, one, a control, and the other in which the technician is injecting an odor counteractant with the aid of an air brush

Interior view of new odor rooms. In these formicapanelled, vapor-tight rooms odor juries make judgments on various odor problems. Environments are completely controlled as to temperature, humidity, and odor level

Pilot development section contains basic equipment for prsduct research. Equipment for organic synthesis, fractionations, and distillations are available here. Bulk of research a c t i v i t y is performed in this lab. In the background can be seen laboratory scale aerosol f i l l i n g installation for bo h atmospheric and pressure filling 64 A




CENTRIFUGE COMPLETELY SAFE for student use. Interchangeable cast aluminum head holds 10 χ 75 mm tubes and 13 χ ICO mm tubes. No waiting—stop Cen­ trifuge with slight palm pressure. Silent, rug­ gedly built for long life. One of the specialized odor measurement devices is the Osmometer. This is a static testing device used in conjunction with the human nose t o establish the intensity of the odor under test. A l t h o u g h the nose is still the basic detection device available in odor research, other equipment is used to help the nose become a better laboratory instrument

No. Ν 3080 Waco Sep­ arator for 100 volt 60 cycle $47.00

SPATULAS Only 240 each


In this p i l o t kiln, a high tempera­ ture industrial stack is d u p l i c a t e d . Samples of the odor are captured and studied in order to develop a suitable odor counteractant

HAND FINISHED Spatulas perfectly shaped for semi-micro. Corrosion-resistant monel metal with a red plastic handle. Blade is slightly dished with a round bottom. No. Ν 10115- -Waco Spatulas, monel, 175 mm long, 23 X 5 mm blade tapered to 3 mm. tip. $3.10 per dozen $24.00 per 100

HOT PLATE A 3 " personal hot plate for e a c h s t u d e n t . Priced u n d e r t h r e e dollars. Made to speci­ fications of Dr. L. F. Fieser for organic semimicro. Nichrome ele­ ment and highly con­ ductive aluminum head. Complete with cord set. No. N 6512—Waco hot plate


BURNER Adjustable Natural and Mixed Gases. Both gas and air are adjust­ able for full control of fiame. Nickel-plated brass with flame stabilizer top. Takes ; /ικ wingtop, burner height 85 mm. 3

Ν 2627 Waco Burner $1.80 each Dozen or more $1.60 each Vapor phase chromatography permits studies of complex odor systems in liquid and vapor states. Investigating the isolation of individual components in odor systems and the determination of the distribution of these components in the odor system is part of the study. Other applications involve the study of raw materials in different batches t o maintain absolute control of odor neutralizing formulas. This device and other test equipment is housed in a special climate c o n t r o l l e d , odor-free test room





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3 1 , NO. 8, AUGUST 1959

• 65 A