Official business - ACS Publications

Official Business. Meetings. Under the direction of President Carl P. Swiiinerton of the. Pomfret School, Pomt'ret, Conn., the Association held five o...
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4 t& N e w England Association of Chem


Official Business Meetings

Appointments and Elections

Under the direction of President Carl P. Swinnerton of the Pomfret School, Pomfret, Conn., tho Association held five one-day meetings and a ~ix-diay summer conference during the year 1960-61. Tho m c h n g s , as arranged by the Division Chairmen, were as follows:

The Officers elected by t h e membership for the fiscal Fear 1961-62 were published in the Report: THrS JOURAAL,38, :3i8 (1961). Robcrt D. Eddy nas elected an Honorary Mernher. Harold A. Iddles, University of New Hampshire, Durham, wms mado an Emeritus Member. Appointments for the year include: Edilor of the Reporl: Robert D. Eddy, Tufts University, 3Icrlford, Maes. Editor o f t h e NewbLetler: Howard I. Wagner, State Dirertw of Science Education, Concord, N. H. Assistant Editor of the News-Leller: Angela M. Trovnta, Br:m ford High School, Branford, Conn. Publicity Agent: Everctt F . Leitrnnrd, Norwood High Schonl, Norwood, Mass. Auditor: Laurence S. Foster, Watertown Arsenal, Kntertavn, Mass. A Commitlee an Revision qf the Comlilution and By-Laws WLZ formed including: Chairman, C;ordon G. Evans, Tufts University, Medford, Mitss.; Ralph E. Keirstead, Connecticut I k p t . of Education, Hartford; and Nofman G. Mills, JVaehusett High School, Holden, Mitss. Msreo H. Schecr, E d h a m Collegc, Richmond, Ind. (on leave from Nrtshua. High School, Nashua, X. H.) was appointed to the h'eerolayy Commitlee.

507th Meeting: Northern Division, Oetoher 8, 1960 a t the Winnneunnet High School, Hampton, N. H., with Christie J. Drago, Eseter High School, Exeter, N. H., as Chairman. 3081h Meeting: Central Division, December 3, 1960, a t the Wentworth Institute, Boston, Mass., with Harry G. Stuhbs of Milton Academy, Mikon, Mass., as Chairman. 309th Meeling: Southern Division, February 11, 1961, a t the Moses B r o w School, Providence, R. I., with Erirh A. O'D. Taylor of the Portsmouth Priory School, Portsmouth, R. I., 3.8 Chairman. 310th Meeting: Western Division, April 8, 1961, a t St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Conn., with Angela M. Trovato, of Branford High School, Branford, Conn., as Chairman. ,911th Meeling: (Annual Meeting): Central Division, May 12, 1961 a t Assumption College, Worcester, Mass., with Harry G. Stuhhs again as Chairman. The Twenty-third Summer Conference was held August 21-26, 3961, a t the University of Vermont, Burlington, with Donald C. Gregg of the University as Host. The Co-Chairmen were Program: J a y A. Young, King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Arrangen~ents:Richard L. Saville, Staples High School, Weatport, Conn. Pearle R . Putnsm, Mt~clhtlieSchool, Springfield, Mas., was Registrar-Treasurer; and Constance L. Brown, University of Vermont, was Conference Secretary. The enrollment was 263, the second largest conference of the entire mries. Registrants attended from 19 st,at,es, the District of Colnmhin, and two Canadian Provinces. Six registrants present have attended all 23 of the summer conferences:

Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greenwood (retired), Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. Alfred R. Lincoln, Hamden College of Pharmacy, Willimansett, Mass. Miss Evelyn I,. Murdork, Stonington High School, Stonington, Conn. Miss Elsie S. Scott, Surthfield School for Girls, Northfield. Mass. Rlr. John R . Suydem (retired), Boston, Mass


During the year a new set of By-Laws relating t o Emeritus Memhership were adopted. The Budget Committee drew up s new form of the Budget, hoping in this way to present a hpttcr picture of the varied srbivities of the Amoriation, activities whirh involve the expenditure of over $4500. I t was adopted hy the Executive Commit,tee. The 22nd (1060) Summer Conference dosed its books a-ith a net profit of %3.tii. The year's activities, as a whole, resulted in a profit for t,he A~sariatianof 8206.00. At the prcsent time the Endowment Fund hee a value of $3085.44. Membemhip continues to grow, with 104 new applications acted upon favorably by the Membership Committee. More withdrawals than usual cut down the nct gain to 11. In all, 2564 members have been admitted to the Association r;incc its founding in 1898. A large and valuable collection of Reporls xnd other msterixls was reccived hy the Association from the estate of the late S. Walter Hoyt. Materials of groat historir interest have thus heen

Twenfy-third Summer Conference



Journal o f Chemicol Education

Dr. Clapp began his active interest in NEACT almost immediately upon joining the Brown faculty. I n 1943 he accepted an appointment as Editor of the Report. In 1946 and 1947 he was Chairmen of the Southern Division. He has been active in numerous committees, including several summer conference eommittees. During the period 1951-56 he served as Secretary of the Association, and has been Vice-president since 1959. Outside of the Association he has been involved in many activities related to chemical education: a member of the Chemistry Committee of the CEEB and active in the development of Advance Placement courses in chemistry, and he has just completed a term of ofice as Chairman of the ACS Division of Chemical Education. Currently, his favorite activity is that of author and director of the CBA Project. Dr. Clapp is the author of 3 chapter on Organic Molecular Compounds in "Chemistry of thc Coordination Compounds," by John C. Bailar, J r . He has published his own book "The Chemifitry of the Covalent Bond," and has contrihutod numerous scientific papers an both inorganic and organic chemistry. In 1040, he wan married to the former Florence Cottingham of Charleston, Ill. They live with their two children close to the Brown campus in Providence.

added t o the archives. The Reports, by direction of the Exeeutive Committee, are being used to add to collections of the Repart in various colleges and universities. Complete sets of this publication are extremely rare. Looking Ahead

The 24th summer conference will be held August 20-25, 1962, a t the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The New President


Dr. Leallyn B. Clapp, Professor of Chemistry a t Brown, took office on July 1, 1061 as 35th President. A native of Paris, Ill., Dr. Clapp graduated from the Eastern Illinois State Teachers College in 1935 with the degree of Bachelor of Education. He went on to the University of Illinois, where he took the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry. Hi. I w : w liis iwrr:er a t Brown as an instructor in organic chemistry. lii. i v : ~~nr:idean assistant professor in 1945, an associate prafcssor i n l!lt!l and a full professor in 1956. He was awarded the degrcc of Master of Arts, ad emdem, in 1956, and in the same year rccrived the honorary degree of Doctor of Pedagogy from Eastern Illinois State Teachers College. -.

ROBERT D. Em,E d i t o ~ Report , of the NEACT


Volume 38, Number 12, December 1961
