Official business - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Official business. Leallyn B. Clapp. J. Chem. Educ. , 1966, 43 (1), p 52 ... to the analysis of chemical reactors (Aris, Rutherford). Journal of Chemi...
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England Association of Chem


Official Business New President of NEACT Rev. Joseph A. Martus, S.J., took office on July 1, 1965, as the 37th President of the NEACT. From his entrance into the Association in 1942, he has held a succession of offices: Trea~urer of the Fourth Summer Conference. Chairman of the Central Division, and Secretary and Vicepresident of the Association. His professional career has been divided between the ministry and chemical education. He received Orders in 1940. His academic degrees are as follows: AB from Boston College in 1933, MS from Holy Cross in 1936, and PhD from Clark University in 1952. He has taught chemistry . at Boston Colleee. St. Georee's Colleee (Jamaica, Westwindies), an; Cranw& Preparatory School. He has been st* tioned at Holy Cross since 1947, becoming Chairman of the Department of Chemistry in 1962 and Professor in 1964. When not at his teaching duties, he is very likely to be hiking in the White Mountains. ~




Appointments ond Elections OAieers fur 1965-66 are as follows:

President: J. A. Martus, S. J., College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass. PresidenGEleet: Louise 0. C. Swenson, Masconomet Regional High School, Baxford, Mass. Financial Seerelary: Richard M. Whitney, Roxhury Latin School, West Roxbury, Maw. Recording Secrelaw Alan H. Davis, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, N. H. treasure^: Carroll B. Gustafson, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, iMass. Diuision Chairmen: Central: Raymond S. Martin, Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, Sudbury, Mass. Northern: Paul Nickas, Keene State College, Keene, N. H. Southern: Benjamin A. Peterson, East Providence High School, East Providence, R. I. Western: Rose Paternostro, Weaver High School, Hartford, Cann. Chainnnn of Trustees of the Endowmat Fund: Helen W. Crawley, Winchester High School, Winchester, Mass. Editor of the Report: Lesllyn B. Clapp, Brown University, Providence, R. I. Edilor of the Newsletter: Howard I . Wagner, State Department of Education, Concord, N. H. Audilor: Laurence S. Foster. Watertown Arsenal. Watertown. Mass. Curator: Marco H. Seheer, Nashua High School, Nashua, N.. H. I n 1965 the NEACT inaugurated (by appropriate changes in the constitution and hy-laws) a mail ballot for the election of


officers. The change waq made to allow wider participation of membership in the affairs of the Association, since more than half the members live outside N~~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ d ,


Journol of Chemical Education

Division Chairmen arranged five meet,ings during the 1964-65 school year: 3Z7th Meeting: October 10, 1964, at Westfield State College, Westfield, Mass. 3 8 t h Meetino: December 5, 1964, at Boston Bwton, Mass. SZgth Meeting: Fehruary 13, 1965, at East Providence nigh School. East Providence. Rhode 1-land. S.7Oth Mieting: April 10, 196.5, at Trinity College, West Hartford, Conn. ( a joint meeting with the Connecticut Valley Section of ACS). 3SIst Meeting: May 1, 1965, itt Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. The Twenty-Seventh Summer Cmzference was held at Simmons Colleee. Boston. Mass.. Aueust 1 6 2 0 . 1965. with John Timm as ~ o s t . "~ l b e r tC. ~ea&,k'hillips ~ c a d e m y ,Andover, Mass., way Program Chairman; Edward F. de T'illafranca, Kent School, Kent, Conn., was Arrangements Chairman: Carleton Stinchfield, Motmt Nermon School, Mount Hermon, Mas?., was RegistrarTreasu1.w; and Phyllis Brauner, Simmons College, was Conference Sec~elary. The central theme of the Conference, "Chemical Equilibrium," was developed by Edwin Lamen, University of Wisconsin, Madison, with the help of four moup leaders: Edward M. Collins, Deninon Universit,y, Granville, Ohio; Edward F . de T'illafranca. Kent, School, Kent, Conn.; Beatrice Gushee, Hollins College, Hollins, Va.; and Dennis H. Evans, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. The Conference was again supported by the National Science Foundation. Citations for Honorary Membership were read at the Summer Conference for Carl P. Swinnerton, long as~ociatedwith the Pamfret School. Pomfret. Conn.. and for Rev. B. A. Fiekers. S.J., College of'the ~ o l y~ross,'Warcester,M a ~ s . They had been elected to Honorary Membership at the 331st Meeting an ~~y 1, 1965. Looking Ahead The Twenty-Eighth Summer Conference of the NEACT will he held at Dartmouth College. The program will he under the direction of Kenneth E. Borst, Rhode Island College, Providence, R. I. Carleton Stinchfield, Mount Hermon School, Mount Hermon, Mass., will he in charge of kUTangements. Editor, Report of the NEACT BROWN UNIVERSITY IIHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE,