Official business

High School, Laconia, N. H. Arranged by Alan H. Davis of Plymouth (N. H.) Stat,e College, Chairman of the North- ern Division. 318th Meeting: December...
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Five a n a d a y meetings and a special Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Summer Conference were held during the year 1962-63, under the guidance of President Lesllyn B. Clapp of Brown University. 317th Meeting: Octoher 15, 1962, at Laconia Memorial Junior High School, Laconia, N. H. Arranged by Alan H. Davis of Plymouth (N. H . ) Stat,e College, Chairman of the Northern Division. 318th Meeting: December 1, 1962, a t BostanCollege, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Arranged by David W. Parfitt of Brookline, (Mass.) High School, Chairman of the Central Division. 319th Meetiny: February 9, 1963, nt Rhode Island College, Providence. Arranged by Robert M. Sherman of Roger Williams Junior College, Providence, Chairman of the Southern Division. SSOth Meeting: April 6, 1963, at Central Connecticut State College, New Britsin. Arranged hy John Prymitk of William Hall High School, Hartford, Chairman of the Western Division. 321st Meeting: May 1 1 , 1963, s t Clark University, Worrester, Mass. Arranged hy David W. Parfitt. The TwentpF