Official Methods of Analysis of - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 31, 2012 - Official Methods of Analysis of. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (2), pp 148A–148A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50052a726. Publication Date: February 1980...
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METHODS Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC Thirteenth Edition-1980

Agricultural Liming Materials Fertilizers Plants Disinfectants Hazardous Substances Pesticide Formulations Animal Feed Baking Powders and Baking Chemicals Beverages: Distilled Liquors Beverages: Malt Beverages and Brewing Materials Beverages: Wines Beverages: Non-Alcoholic and Concentrates Cacao Bean and Its Products Cereal Foods Coffee and Tea Dairy Products

Color Additives Cosmetics Drugs and Feed Additives In Animal Tissues Drugs in Feeds Vitamins and Other Nutrients Drugs: General Drugs: Acidic Drugs: Alkaloid and Related Bases Drugs: Neutral Drugs: Illicit Extraneous Materials Isolation Forensic Sciences Microbiological Methods Mlcrochomical Methods Radioactivity Spectroscopic Methods Standard Solutions and Materials

Eggs and Egg Products Fish and Other Marine Products Flavors Food Additives: Direct Food Addditives: Indirect Fruits and Fruit Products Gelatin. Dessert Preparations. and Mixes Meat and Meat Products Metals and Other Elements as Residues in Foods Natural Poisons Nuts and Nut Products Oils and Fats Pesticide Residues Spices and Other Condiments Sugars and Sugar Products Vegetable Products. Processed Waters: and Salt

2:00 Vasodilators: Picogram De­ tection with Liquid Chromatography and TEA™ Model 502 Analysis—A. Silvergleid, W. Yu, B. Morriseau, Thermo Electron Corp. 2:20 The Use of HPLC Serum Pro­ files as Clinical Markers for Can­ c e r — M . Zakaria, P. Ft. Brown, U of Rhode Island 2:40 Chemical Interferences in the Measurement of Glycosylated He­ m o g l o b i n s by Cation E x c h a n g e Chromatography—R. S. Schif'reen, J. M. Hickingbotham, G. N. Bowers, Jr., Hartford Hospital 3:00 Determination of Glutamine in Cerebrospinal Fluid w i t h a Tis­ sue-Based Membrane Electrode—M. A. Arnold, G. A. Rechnitz, U of Dela­ ware 3:30 Amperometric Determination of Serum Glycerol and Triglycerides U s i n g an Oxygen Electrode—T. A. Kelly, G. D. Christian, U of Wash­ ington 3:50 Q u a n t i t a t i o n of A m n i o t i c Fluid Phospholipids by Multicomponent Infrared Analysis—H. Kisner, U of Rhode Island, C. W. Brown, G. Kavarnos 4:10 A "Universal" Buffer for Drug Assays by HPLC—D. Swafford, W. America, L. Schoenf'eld, Laboratory Data Control 4:30 Extraction of Barbiturates, N a r c o t i c s and Other D r u g s from Biological Fluids with ReversedPhase C l 8 Modified Silica Gel "Mi­ crocolumns"—D. E. Schaal, Milton Roy Company, W. America, P. T. S. Pei, S. Ramachandran 4:50 Analytical Application In­ volving Kinase Enzymes and HPLC—N. D. Danielson, J. A. Huth, R. W. Siegiej, Miami U


X-Ray Fluorescence and X-Ray Diffraction Association ol Official Analytical Chemists. Dept C 1111 Ν 19th St. Suite 210. Arlington. VA 22209 Please enter my order lor the Thirteenth Edition o l Official Methods of Analysis. 1980 at $78 00 post paid, via book post number ot copies


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Monday Afternoon, Room 13 J. E. Paterson, Presiding 2:00 P P M Elemental Determina­ tions in Pharmaceuticals Using En­ ergy Dispersive XRF—W. A. McAl­ lister, R. O. Singletary, F. D. Sancilio, Burroughs Wellcome Co. 2:20 Achieving Higher Count Rates w i t h EDXS—M. C. Lambert, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory 2:40 Selection and Evaluation of Response Functions for the Auto­ mated Optimization of Energy Dis­ persive X-Ray Spectrometric Mul­ t i e l e m e n t D e t e r m i n a t i o n s — D . E.