On the Composition and Value of Bat Guano - ACS Publications

Publication Date: August 1914. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free f...
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Vol. 6 , No. 8

TABLE111-RELATION EXISTING BETWEEN THE SULFUR, PHOSPHORUS AND MANGANESE I N THE GEOLOGICAL AREASOF KENTUCKY VIRGINSURFACE CULTIVATED SURFACE VIRGINSUBSOIL CULTIVATED SUBSOIL Sulfur Phosnhorus Maneanese Sulfur Phosnhorus Manzanese Sulfur Phosohorus Manzanese Sulfur Phosnhorus Manzanese D T T T T T T T T T St L - c C D C R A R A R A C R A R A St L - c S D T D C R A R A T C E C F E C F E C F Q R A R A P A R A S C S S St L - c S S Q W C F R A S S S W C F K- W E C F W C F E C F E C F Q W C F W C F S S W C F W C F E C F E C F E C F E C F Q Q D D W C F W C F St L - c St L - c W C F St L-c S t L-c Q Q St L - c K- W K-W W C F S W C F K-W K-W E C F E C F Q D K-a’ K-W St L-c K-W K-W St L - c D D D D Q S t L c K-W S t K-W K- W L-c Q






Quaternary, Eastern a n d Western Coal Fields and finally t h e Keokuk-Waverly, which is generally regarded a s t h e poorest of all. I n a majority of t h e samples, t h e cultivated surface as well a s t h e subsoils show considerable losses of manganese when compared with t h e corresponding virgin. Furthermore, t h e surface soils of both generally contain more of this element t h a n their respective subsoils. T h e counties in which t h e soils were collected for this work were Wolfe, Graves, Warren, Henderson a n d Madison; also Nos. 8 1 3 t o 8 2 0 from Metcalfe a n d Jefferson, or a t o t a l of forty samples. The above holds t r u e in all with respect t o t h e manganese content of t h e surface compared with its subsoil, while in three instances t h e virgin surface contained less a n d in t w o t h e same amounts of manganese a s t h e cultivated samples. T h e remainder of t h e samples were generally selected from those sent in b y t h e residents of t h e s t a t e for chemical analysis a n d a s it is sometimes difficult t o obtain t h e accurate history of a field for several years past, since ,in certain sections much of t h e land is rented t o tenants, i t would have been better t o collect all for this work, b u t this would have caused considerable delay. I n t h e Keokuk-Waverly area, commercial fertilizers were used while in some of t h e others it is very probable t h a t commercial fertilizers or manure had been used in former years. This may partly account for t h e fact t h a t t h e manganese content has been maintained in t h e soils of this area a s well a s in some of t h e others. T h e large losses of manganese in some of t h e cultivated soils are hardly t o be explained as due t o t h e amounts removed b y t h e different crops grown on t h e m for t h e accumulated analyses show t h a t t h e ordinary crops do not contain sufficient amounts of this element t o justify this conclusion. It may be t h a t cultivation converts t h e manganese compounds into soluble forms which are readily leached out a n d t h u s lost in t h e drainage water. This is a m a t t e r t h a t needs further investigation, a n d t h e writer desires, as soon as a n opportunity affords, t o examine some of t h e surface a n d deeper drainage waters of t h e different areas in order t o determine t o what extent this elementispresent. SUMMARY


has been proven b y different observers t h a t manganese is universally present in soils, plants a n d many animals. 11-The majority of t h e experiments show t h a t t h e application of certain manganese compounds, particularly t h e sulfate, t o some crops, is decidedly beneficial. These experiments have further shown t h a t while small applications are in many cases beneficial t o plants, large applications are generally harmful.

111-In a large majority of t h e soils examined, t h e writer found considerably less manganese in t h e cultivated surface t h a n in t h e corresponding virgin samples. T h e same holds t r u e for t h e subsoils. IV-In practically every case, t h e surface soils of t h e virgin a n d cultivated areas contain larger amounts of this element t h a n their respective subsoils. V-When some former work on these samples is considered, it is found t h a t a majority of t h e soils contain considerably more manganese t h a n phosphorus, b u t many samples have much less, while t h e losses of manganese in t h e cultivated areas are usually greater t h a n of phosphorus. VI-There are large differences in t h e manganese content of t h e soils of t h e different geological areas a n d sometimes in those from t h e same area. The amounts found in t h e surface soils vary from 0.005 t o 0.331 per cent, and in t h e subsoils from 0.002 t o 0.264 per cent. VII-As a rule, t h e better agricultural areas contain much larger amounts of manganese t h a n t h e inferior areas. KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STATEUNIVERSITY, LEXINGTON


At various points in this country, especially in t h e warmer regions, caves exist which are frequented by bats in such numbers t h a t their excrement or “ b a t guano” has accumulated in amounts sufficient t o give i t some commercial importance a s a fertilizer. Generally, t h e amount of guano is rather limited in a n y one deposit a n d in t h e aggregate, t h e entire quant i t y now in sight, or probably t o be discovered in this country, is not sufficient t o appreciably affect t h e fertilizer industry. On t h e other hand, such a deposit may represent a considerable fortune t o t h e individual discoverer or owner, a n d t h e frequency with which these small deposits occur, justifies a short discussion of their composition a n d value. T h e following table containing t h e results of analyses of b a t guano samples sent t o this Bureau from time t o time, shows their composition as well as t h e locality from which t h e y were taken. BAT GUANOANALYSES Results in percentages, based on air-dry sample LOCATION N(a) Pi06 RaO VOLATILE ANALYST J. A. Cullen 4 . 2 4 2.31 1.28 Near Carlsbad, N. M . . . . Guadeloupe Mts., N. M . . 1.77 2.68 0 . 4 1 40:O C. F . Miller 10.82 1 . 0 8 1.01 . . W. H. Waggaman Torreon, N. M ......, . . . . . . . . . B. E. Brown Oregon Co., M o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 1 0 2 . 0 6 0 . 5 8 1 .OO 3 . 4 0 0 . 2 1 . . W. H . Waggaman San Juan, Porto Rico(6). . . . . . W. H. Waggaman San Juan, Porto Rico(6).. . . . . 0 . 5 0 2 . 4 0 0 . 2 9 El Fondo. Santo Domingo. 9 0 . 0 C. F. Miller Haiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.84 4 . 8 0 1.61 (a) Determined by Mr. T C. Trescott. of the Bureau of Chemistry. ( b ) Both of these samples contained considerable calcium carbonate.

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AW.2 1914


Both potash (KzO) a n d phosphoric acid (P205) were determined b y t h e official method for fertilizers, t h e former b y t r e a t m e n t with concentrated sulfuric acid, ignition a n d extraction with dilute hydrochloric acid; t h e latter b y t r e a t m e n t with a solution of magnesium nitrate, evaporation, ignition a n d a similar extraction. A glance a t t h e table shows t h a t a wide variation exists, n o t only i n t h e percentages of t h e fertilizer constituents present, b u t also in t h e ratios of nitrogen t o phosphoric acid, nitrogen t o potash or phosphoric acid t o potash. This large variation is attributable t o either one, or both of t w o things: ( I ) T h e presence of considerable extraneous m a t t e r such a s rock dkbris, etc., or ( 2 ) t h e removal of some of t h e more available constituents b y leaching, or, i n t h e case of nitrogen, b y decomposition of t h e material a n d subsequent volatilization as ammonia. I t m a y be said in this connection, t h a t in t h e more recent deposits, nitrogen is t h e most valuable constituent, phosphoric acid a n d potash following in t h e order given; b u t on “aging,” t h e nitrogen content decreases very rapidly since most of i t is present in a n available form.’ T h e writer wishes t o place particular stress on t h e sample from Haiti as i t represents uncontaminated a n d practically undecomposed b a t guano which is very likely of recent origin, since thousands of bats2 spend their d a y s in t h e cave at t h e present time. As received in t h e laboratory, i t consists of a dry, dark brown powder, in which t h e wings a n d other p a r t s of insects can be seen b y t h e naked eye.3 Over 90 per cent of t h e phosphoric acid present is water-soluble as is also t h e greater p a r t of t h e potash; a n d if t h e high percentage of nitrogen, together with t h e large a m o u n t of organic m a t t e r (as shown b y t h e volatile determination), are reckoned with these facts, i t is evident t h a t t h e substance is very valuable. It has been calculated from d a t a concerning t h e Haitian cave (which h a d n o t been fully explored a t t h e time) t h a t i t contains approximately seven hundred tons of b a t guano. Based on t h e market prices of 2 0 cents per pound for nitrogen,‘ a n d j cents per pound for phosphoric acid a n d potash, t h e material is worth (not considering t h e organic m a t t e r , which is a big factor) very close t o $40 per t o n , or approximately $30,000 for t h e entire deposit. Whether or not this is a representative example is a m a t t e r for conjecture, b u t very likely it is above t h e average in quantity a n d i t certainly is in quality. N o specific d a t a on t h e extent of t h e American deposits already discovered, are available. I n several instances, however, t h e y were reported as being of considerable size. T h e facts given in this paper warrant t h e suggestion t h a t a further search for bat guano be made, since 1 Thompstone. E , “ B a t Guano in Burma,’’ A g r . J . Indra, 4 (1909). 379-81 1 I t has been reported that the “flight of the bats on leaving the cave, in rope-like formation, as large in diameter as an ordinary street car, requires over an hour, by actual timing.” 3 For further description see, Tod, W., “Ueber Fledermausguano,“ L a d w . ners Slalton, 1 (1859). 264-268. 4 “Quotation on Nitrogen of Bat Guano,” Bull. Texas E x $ . Stolion, 160, July, 1913, p 10

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there is a possibility, or even a probability, of t h e existence of other valuable, a n d as yet undiscovered deposits in this country. BUREAUOF SOILS



During t h e past few years, more particularly since :he inceptiTn of both federal a n d State drug enactments, a t t e n t ’ o n has been directed repeatedly t o t h e dearth of c,dequately tested methods for detecting a n d estimating medicinal agents. T h e need of these methods was most keenly felt in connection with certain iiiliibited substancc-s of synthetic character like acetanilide a n d i t s derivatives, antipyrin, cocaine, codeine, heroin a n d other similarly potent drugs, which find extended application in many of our proprietary medicines. .4side from these considerations, hon-ever, there existed in t h e case of acetanilide a n d phenacetin (acetphenetidin) additional cause, on t h e part of drug analysts a t least, for desiring quantitative methods. T h e relatively low cost of acetanilide, taken in connection with its pronounced physical resemblance t o phenacetin, has already suggested t o t h e unscrupulous t h e possibility of partial or even complete substitution of‘the former drug for t h e latter, a n d indeed several flagrant instances of such practice are on record. Accordingly, much time a n d effort have been expended in various quarters in t h e hope of devising a quantitative separation, though hitherto apparently without marked success. It is evident, however. t h a t any procedure, calculated t o determine even approximately t h e relative proportions of acetanilide a n d phenacetin in admixture, t h u s blocking t h e ways of t h e sophisticator, must prove welcome t o officials a n d chemists engaged in drug control. Ordinarily, t h e preliminary or gross separation of these t w o drugs from complex mixtures presents no unusual difficulties. being easily effected b y extraction with chloroform. I t is i n t h e subsequent quantitative partition of t h e mixture t h u s isolated where t h e real problem begins, since no purely physical method, involving, for example, water or a n y of t h e commonly available, organic solvents. lends itself t o a s h a r p separation. A partial separation may indeed be effected according t o Will2 with water about as follows: If I gram of a mixture of equal p a r t s of acetanilide a n d phenacetin be shaken with zoo cc. of water, all of t h e acetanilide goes into solution together with 0.13 g. of phenacetin, t h e remainder being unaffected. T h i s latter portion is t h e n filtered a n d weighed. Its weight, corrected b y t h e addition of 0.13, represents t h e phenacetin originally present in this particular 1 2

Chief, Synthetic Products Laboratory Pharm. J.. [ 3 ] 21, (1890), 377.