On the Size-Dependent Behavior of Nanocrystal−Ligand Bonds - The

Recent experiments have indicated that 3-mercapto-1-propanol ligands display a ... surface site, for CdSe and CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals ranging...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 11982-11985

On the Size-Dependent Behavior of Nanocrystal-Ligand Bonds Joshua Schrier* and Lin-Wang Wang Computational Research DiVision, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 ReceiVed: February 21, 2006; In Final Form: April 18, 2006

Recent experiments have indicated that 3-mercapto-1-propanol ligands display a size-dependent binding energy of attachment to the surface of II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals. Using semiempirical calculations, we exhaustively calculate the energy of this bond at each surface site, for CdSe and CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals ranging from 1.8 to 4.1 nm in diameter. Our results suggest that the experimentally observed changes in binding energy are due to the distribution of surface facets on the nanocrystals, and not related to the band gap, as proposed in the experimental paper.

I. Introduction Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals have been the subject of intense study, due to the unusual and size- and shape-tunable electrical, magnetic, and optical properties resulting from quantum confinement.1 In addition, the nanocrystal surface is often passivated by a layer of organic ligands, which can play an important role in modifying both the optical properties2 and the relative bio-compatibility3 of these systems. Theoretical modeling of CdSe and CdS nanocrystal surface binding of molecules has focused primarily on alkyl phosphonic acids and amines, and their role in surface reconstruction, using methods ranging from force-field4 calculations, semiempirical5-7 and DFT8,9 calculations on small clusters, and extrapolation from DFT calculations of binding to bulk facets.10 Recently, Aldana et al. performed acid titration experiments on 3-mercapto-1-propanol (MPOH) coated CdSe, CdS, and CdTe nanocrystals.11 By observing a smaller pH value at which a well-mixed solution of nanocrystals precipitated out of solution (as a result of dissociation of the ligand-nanocrystal bond), it was determined that smaller nanocrystals have a stronger nanocrystal-ligand binding. Similarly, CdS, CdSe, and CdTe nanocrystals of the same sizes were found to precipitate at different pH values. Noting the ligand binding energy to be approximately inverse to the size and material dependence of the band gap, Aldana et al. proposed an explanation based on hard-soft-acidbase (HSAB) theory, which relates the difference (i.e., band gap) and the sum of the highest occupied, and lowest unoccupied, molecular orbital energies to the hardness and chemical potential, and therefore to the binding energy.12 To study the origin of the size dependence in greater detail, in the present paper we examine the role of nanocrystal size on ligand binding by direct calculation of MPOH binding to each possible surface Cd site of the nanocrystal, using atomistic semiempirical calculations. II. Computational Method Wurtzite-structure CdSe nanocrystals were constructed with 1.8, 2.6, 3.4, and 4.1 nm diameters, removing surface atoms connected by only one bond to the remainder of the nanocrystal. The surface was then passivated by using hydrogen-like pseudoatoms of nuclear charge Z ) 0.5 (for anions) and 1.5 (for cations) at each dangling bond site.13-15 We note that the hydrogen-like passivation is used merely to remove the surface

dangling bond states, while a MPOH molecule will be explicitly introduced to a given site. This scheme preserves the local charge neutrality of the system, capturing the essential characteristic of an ideal passivating agent, by removing the surface dangling bond states. For the CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals, the valence force field method16,17 was used to relax the geometry of the fully passivated nanocrystal. Both NMR and electrophoretic experiments performed by Aldana et al. indicate that the nanocrystal-MPOH complex is uncharged.11 The free energy measured experimentally includes both entropic and enthalpic terms. We neglect the entropic factors for the nanocrystal and ligand system, assuming the entropies are approximately the same whether the ligand is bound or unbound. Similarly, the free energy contributions of the dissociated MPOH and unbound pseudo-hydrogen ligand in solution will be independent of the size of the nanocrystal. For these reasons, we focus only on the relative values of the total (enthalpic) energy, by taking the difference between the total energy of the joined nanocrystal-ligand complex minus the total energy of the dissociated nanocrystal (without passivation by a pseudo-hydrogen at that site) and ligand. The total energies are obtained by using extended Hu¨ckel theory (EHT),18,19 with a modified version of the Yaehmop package.20 Although EHT does not give the quantitative agreement possible with more sophisticated methods, it is both capable of reproducing qualitative chemical properties and computationally amenable to the treatment of the hundreds of thousand-atom calculations required to examine ligand binding at each of the surface sites. Previous EHT calculations of small (