Only Morton can offer you the right salt for every ... - ACS Publications

Nov 6, 2010 - Only Morton can offer you the right salt for every industrial use, coast to coast. Chem. Eng. News , 1957, 35 (37), pp 18–19...
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Morton obtains sa/t from evefy^source known to man J: from mines'hidden far below ground .. . from deep dr riled wells and; enprmoVs fronds on^'s surface. Here, at Morton's ^Kfeer Mine 4n Grand Saline] Texas, salt is extracted from immense manTmade caverns nearly a thousand feet underground.

Because Morton has nation-wide salt sources . . . sales-service offices

Only Morton can offer you the right salt M o r t o n p r o d u c e s , refines and sells salt to industry for more; than 11,000 different uses for e v e r y t h i n g from seasoning food and fOrmulating wonder drugs to stabilizing roads and making products for killing bugs. As the only nation-wide salt company. Morton is able to supply industry with salt from (ill three s o u r c e s : from m i n e s , wells, and solar p o n d s . As a result, M o r t o n can p r o d u c e t h e right salt for any industrial use.

Salt is not all the same You may not realize that there are t h r e e different types of salt and nearly 100 different grades — each with its own peculiarities of purity, shape, texture, and rate of solubility. But you

should realize that the right salt for the right job will help you red life costs, save time, and t u r n out p r o d u c t s of uniform high quality. T h a t ' s why it's wise to consult a salt specialist.

How Morton can help you M o r t o n has the most complete salt research laboratory in t h e world. Morton also makes e \ e r \ grade of salt u n d e r the s u n . T h i s means \ o u get e x p e r t , impartial ads ice on which grade or grades will