Opposite Ï-Face Selectivity for the DMD and m-CPBA Epoxidations of Chiral 2,2-Dimethyloxazolidine Derivatives of ... A high extent but opposite sense...
Waldemar Adam,â ,â¡ Aurelia Pastor,*,â Karl Peters,§,| and Eva-Maria Peters§. Institut fu¨r Organische Chemie, UniVersita¨t Wu¨rzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074.
Opposite Ï-Face Selectivity for the DMD and m-CPBA Epoxidations of Chiral 2,2-Dimethyloxazolidine Derivatives of Tiglic Amides: Control by Steric Interactions ...
Nov 20, 1998 - Ishay Columbus,Manal Haj-Zaroubi,Jay S. Siegel, andSilvio E. Biali*. Department of Organic Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ...
Giulia Marsico , Barbara A. Pignataro , Marco Masi , Antonio Evidente , Francesca Casella , Maria Chiara Zonno .... John D. Hepworth , B. Mark Heron. 1997 ...
carbon skeleton. Afterwards, the AD process was used for the introduction of the chiral centers (Scheme 1). The regioselective ortho-allylation of the N,Nâ²-dieth-.
0. 5 0. 60. 7 0. 80. 90. % anti product 8. Figure 1. at -50 OC, while a similar drop in reaction temperature ... tation of the ester appendage in the transition state for.
Jun 5, 1992 - 5-hexenylperoxy radical cyclization remains a matter of some speculation. Clearly, the electronegativity of the carbonyl moiety is important, as a ...
Jul 11, 1997 - The 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of benzonitrile oxide with 5-substituted adamantane-2-thiones (2-X) and 2-methyleneadamantanes (3-X) produced two geometrically isomeric Î2-1,4 ... For a more comprehensive list of citations to
Face Selectivity in the Hydrogenation of. Calixarene Ethers. Ishay Columbus,â ,â¡ Manal Haj-Zaroubi,â . Jay S. Siegel,§ and Silvio E. Biali*,â . Department of ...
Jul 12, 1988 - Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica dell'Uniuersit6, I-20131 Milano, Italy, Dipartimento di Genetica e. Microbiologia dell'Uniuersitci, I-27100 Pavia, ...
Opposite Ï-Face Selectivity for the DMD and m-CPBA Epoxidations of Chiral 2,2-Dimethyloxazolidine Derivatives of ... A high extent but opposite sense in the diastereoselectivity has been observed for the DMD and ..... Each and every day, .