Optimization of Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites Using

The FEA simultaneously solved equations of mass and energy which were coupled through the temperature and conversion dependent reaction rate. The rate...
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Chapter 22

Optimization of Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites Using Finite Element Analysis Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 6, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 29, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0404.ch022

H. J. Buck and R. P. Shirtum Dow Chemical USA, South Highway 227, B-1410, Freeport, T X 77541

Minimizing the cycle time in filament wound com­ posites can be c r i t i c a l to the economic success of the process. The process parameters that influence the cycle time are winding speed, molding tempera­ ture and polymer formulation. To optimize the process, a f i n i t e element analysis (FEA) was used to characterize the e f f e c t of each process parameter on the cycle time. The FEA simultaneously solved equations of mass and energy which were coupled through the temperature and conversion dependent reaction rate. The rate expression accounting f o r polymer cure rate was derived from a mechanistic kinetic model. The analysis showed that the part cures by reaction wave polymerization. The rate of propa­ gation of the waves from the walls toward the center of the part was proportional to the molding tempera­ tures and was a function of the polymer formulation. The composite part was released from the mold when the waves from each of the walls intersect. This intersection of the waves also corresponded to the maximum temperature achieved during the cure and the time at which the total part conversion exceeded 90%. The winding speed was constrained by operating l i m i t a t i o n s and the polymer formulation was con­ strained by part performance c r i t e r i a . The molding temperature was constrained by the gelation time, in that, gelation in the part could not occur until the part had begun to be pressed. The maximum molding temperatures f o r the filament winding process were determined from the FEA so that a l l the constraints were s a t i s f i e d . Filament winding is one of the many fabrication techniques commercially available for the manufacture of composite parts. In recent years production of composite parts by filament winding has received much attention for thick parts and for parts with 0O97-6156/89/0404-O256$06.00/0 ο 1989 American Chemical Society

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites


complex geometries (I). Filament wound parts have a high glass content resulting in high strength suitable for structural a p p l i ­ cations (2). In filament winding, glass fibers are impregnated with a thermoset resin - hardener system before being wrapped on a heated mold or mandrel. The process studied in this report used a heated press which squeezed the part after winding to further accelerate the cure rate. The goal of a l l fabricators is to minimize the cycle time and maintain part q u a l i t y . The process parameters involved are wind­ ing speed, mold and press temperatures and polymer formulation. In order to understand the e f f e c t of each process variable, a fundamental understanding of the heat transfer and polymer curing kinetics is needed. A systematic experimental approach to o p t i ­ mize the process would be expensive and time consuming. This motivated the authors to use a mathematical model of the filament winding process to optimize processing conditions. This paper w i l l discuss the formulation of the simulator for the filament winding process which describes the temperature and extent of cure in a cross-section of a composite part. The model consists of two parts: the kinetic model to predict the curing kinetics of the polymeric system and the heat transfer model which incorporates the k i n e t i c model. A Galerkin f i n i t e element code was written to solve the spacially and time dependent system. The program was implemented on a microcomputer to minimize computer costs. Reaction Kinetics A mechanistic k i n e t i c model was developed for the epoxy (Dow Chemical Company, D.E.R. 383 epoxy resin) - amine (proprietary tetrafunctional amine) system used in the filament winding process. The epoxy plus amine systems cure by three main reactions (3) (see Figure 1): i n t r i n s i c chemical (Equation 1), autocatalytic (Equation 2) and branching (Equation 3) reactions (4). The i n i t i a l reaction of a primary amine and an epoxide forms a secondary amine and a secondary hydroxyl group. The secondary hydroxyl group catalyzes the reaction and s h i f t s the reaction mechanism from an uncatalyzed i n t r i n s i c reaction to an autocatalyzed reaction as the concentration of secondary hydroxyl groups increase. The branching reaction is s i g n i f i c a n t for systems cured at elevated temperatures and for systems cured with excess epoxide (5). Diffusional and mass transfer l i m i t a t i o n s also become important after gelation and must be accounted for in the kinetic model (6). The kinetic model proposed in this report was o r i g i n a l l y based upon the kinetic model and rate expression (Equation 4) proposed by Sourour and Kamal (7). dX/dt = ( Κ


+ K X)(1 - X)(B - X)



where X is the epoxide conversion reacted at time t , Β is the i n i t i a l r a t i o of diamine to epoxide equivalents and K and K are rate constants. Equation 4 assumes equal r e a c t i v i t y of a l l amine species and does not account for any diffusional or mass transfer e f f e c t s . Predictions from Equation 4 compared well against x

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


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d i f f e r e n t i a l scanning calorimetry (DSC) data to the gel point for a given polymer formulation. However, the kinetic parameters had to be re-evaluated for d i f f e r e n t formulations because Equation 4 assumes that a l l amine species have the same r e a c t i v i t y with epoxide. Figure 2 shows the proposed mechanism and reaction rates. The robust mechanism includes two i n t r i n s i c reactions, four autocatalytic reactions and a branching reaction. The rate expression derived from the mechanism accounts for the r e a c t i v i t y differences of the reacting species which allows the rate expres­ sion to predict the curing kinetics over a practical range of polymer formulations. The rate expression for epoxide consum­ ption is simply the sum of a l l the individual reactions divided by the empirical d i f f u s i o n term shown in Equation 5. Diffusion Term = 1 + k

d i f f

/(C C ) E



where C and C are the epoxide and amine concentrations, respectively. The d i f f u s i o n term has the correct f u n c t i o n a l i t y in that i t increases in magnitude with increasing temperature and epoxide consumption. The k i n e t i c parameters in Figure 2 and Equation 5 have Arrhenius temperature dependencies as shown in Equation 6. E


k = k EXP(E /R)(l/T 0


- 1/T)



where E is the activation energy and T is the reference temperature. Adiabatic calorimetric data was used to v e r i f y the model and estimate the k i n e t i c parameters. Both energy (Equation 7) and material (Equation 8) balance equations were simultaneous­ ly solved during parameter estimation. a


C dT/dt = ( Δ H)R



dX./dt = -R. (8) r ι where C is the heat capacity, Δ H is the heat of reaction, R is the rate of epoxide consumption and X± and Ri are the conver­ sion and reaction rates of species " i " . The Complex method (8) was used to estimate the k i n e t i c parameters for a modified version of Sourour and Kamal's model (Equation 9). p

dC^dt = ( k C C x



+ k C C C 2




+ k C C ) / ( D i f f u s i o n Term) 3




where C u is the hydroxyl concentration. Equation 9 was derived by adding the branching reaction and the diffusional expression (Equation 5) to Equation 4. The predicted activation energies for the i n t r i n s i c and autocatalytic reactions (from Equation 9) were used in the reaction rates shown in Figure 2. The pre-exponential factors were then piece wise estimated by t r i a l and error. The model showed good agreement with the experimental data as i l l u s t r a t e d in Figure 3. The model was v e r i f i e d for i n i t i a l temperatures ranging from 20 to 40°C and for i n i t i a l amine to epoxide molar r a t i o s from 0.9 to 1.2. The rate expression shown in Equation 9 was the model ultimately used in the f i n i t e element program. This was done to 0

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 6, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 29, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0404.ch022


Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites


Epoxy - Primary Amine Reaction RNH2+ CH2- C H - — RNCH CH-




c /


Epoxy — Secondary Amine Reaction RNHCH2CH- + Ç H 2 - C H - — R N ( C H C H - ) 2







Etherification Reaction - C H - + CH2- C H - — - Ç H OH O H

^r/ ^



Figure 1.

Three main epoxy - amine curing



+ E ,


0 H


A..+ E ~ * A + OH 12 " 22^ A

















r - Κ,Λ,, EOH 3

r.~ k A EOH 4 21

A,,+ E + 0 H - * - A + 20H 12 22



2 2

+ Ε + OH-^ A

2 3

+ 20H

£ = ^ A^EOH


2 3

+ Ε + Ο Η ^ A

3 3

+ 20H


Figure 2. cure.


1 ^ 11 ^ 2i =






" *


/ w





= k. A ^ E O H


Mechanism and reaction rates

I^EOH f o r the epoxy - amine

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989. e

Figure 3. Comparison of the k i n e t i c model to the experimental data from i n i t i a l temperature ranging from 20-40 C at an Α/Ε r a t i o of 1.0.


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Q H η



Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites


reduce the number of equations, solution time and memory requirements. For each epoxy - amine formulation, the f u l l model predicted the adiabatic p r o f i l e s to use in f i t t i n g the kinetic parameters in Equation 9. There was very l i t t l e difference in the temperature and epoxide conversion p r o f i l e s calculated from Equation 9 and the f u l l model.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 6, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 29, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0404.ch022

Heat Transfer The heat transfer model, energy and material balance equations plus boundary condition and i n i t i a l conditions are shown in Figure 4. The energy balance p a r t i a l d i f f e r e n t i a l equation (PDE) (Equation 10) assumes two dimensional axial conduction. Figure 5 i l l u s t r a t e s the rectangular cross-section of the composite part. Convective boundary conditions are implemented at the interface between the walls and the polymer matrix. A symmetry boundary condition was imposed perpendicular to the base of the mold. Since the part is symmetric, only half of the part cross-section needed to be simulated. The i n i t i a l conditions were such that resin was at room temperature and zero epoxide conversion. The physical properties were computed as the weight average of the resin and the glass f i b e r s . A Galerkin f i n i t e element (FE) program simultaneously solved the heat transfer PDE plus the material balance ordinary d i f f e r ential equation (Equation 9) (ODE). T y p i c a l l y , 400 equally spaced nodes were used to d i s c r e t i z e half the cross-section. The program solved for the temperature and epoxide consumption at each node. Reaction


Part cures were characterized by exothermic reaction wave propagation. Figures 6a-9b show the development of the reaction waves. The waves propagate from the walls of the part towards the center. A comparison of the temperature and epoxide conversion p r o f i l e s revealed that the highest temperature corresponded to the highest conversion. As the part i n i t i a l l y heats the resin/glass matrix nearest the walls heats fastest; however, as the part exotherms the temperatures in the i n t e r i o r of the part exceeded the wall temperatures. The center temperature does not become the hottest temperature until the waves intersect. It must be noted that the hottest temperature does not always occur at the center of the part. The wave v e l o c i t i e s are proportional to the wall temperatures. In Figures 6a to 9b the mold temperature was 90°C and the press temperature was elevated to 115°C. Since the press does not heat the part until after i t is wound, the press temperature was elevated to accelerate the reaction wave from the press so that the waves would intersect in the center of the part. Thermocouples were placed in the curing part so that the model could be compared to the actual process. The model accurately predicted the cure time and temperature curing p r o f i l e s for several parts with d i f f e r e n t geometries and curing conditions.

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



ENERGY BALANCE Ρ C ( ô T / i t ) = Δ H*r + k(V T) 2

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/h t) = r

-((J C epoxide


T(x.y.o) = τ C


epoxide ( ·ν«°) χ




Cp = 1.28 J / g K k = 5.5 X 10~ J/sec cm K 3

-2 2 U = 1.1 X 10 J / s e c cm K Too= 100 ° C Mold, 1 2 5 ° C Press Ρ = 1.9 g / c m


Figure 4. Heat transfer model, energy and material balance equations, boundary and i n i t i a l conditions plus physical properties.


Figure 5. Mold cross-section i l l u s t r a t i n g FE mesh and press orientation.

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites

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Figure 6b.

Epoxide conversion p r o f i l e at 3.30 minutes.

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.






230 -

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170 -




150 1 3 0


: s

se -

u s

70 · H

50 30 -

Figure 7a.

Temperature p r o f i l e at 7.80 minutes.

100 +


Figure 7b.

Epoxide conversion p r o f i l e at 7.80 minutes.

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites


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30 +

Figure 8a.

Figure 8b.

Temperature p r o f i l e at 9.60 minutes.

Epoxide conversion p r o f i l e at 9.60 minutes.

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


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8Bο C

η ?BV e 68-

5βs Γ

i 48o 3Bn



Figure 9b.

Conversion p r o f i l e at peak exotherm.

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




Manufacture ofFilament Wound Composites


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 6, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 29, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0404.ch022

Process Optimization Many physical and process constraints l i m i t the cycle time, where cycle time was defined as the time to the maximum exotherm temperature. The obvious solution was to wind and heat the mold as fast and as hot as possible and to use the polymer formulation that cures most r a p i d l y . Process constraints resulted in a maximum wind time of 3.8 minutes where wind time was defined as the time to wind the part plus the delay before the press. Process experiments revealed that i n f e r i o r parts were produced i f the part gelled before being pressed. Early gelation plus the 3.8 minute wind time constrained the maximum mold temperature. The last constraint was based upon reaction wave polymerization theory where part stress during the cure is minimized i f the reaction waves are symmetric or in t h i s case intersect in the center of the part (8). The epoxide to amine formulation was based upon s a t i s f y i n g physical properties constraints. This formulation was an molar equivalent amine to epoxide (A/E) r a t i o of 1.05. Optimal operating conditions were determined by the following approach. At an A/E r a t i o of 1.05 and wind time of 3.8 minutes, the temperature and conversion p r o f i l e s were simulated during the winding period to estimate the maximum molding temperature without gelation of the part. The convention used to determine the optimal molding temperature was that gelation could not penetrate 0.1 inches into the part before pressing. This seemed to be a reasonable assumption based on gelation occurring at 40% epoxide conversion. Figure 10 shows a plot of gel time as a function of position for several molding temperatures. The figure i l l u s trates that gelation occurs f i r s t at the mold corners and l a s t l y at the center of the mold; therefore, the corner position, 0.1 inches from the base and side of the mold, was chosen as the position to determine the maximum molding temperature. Figure 10 indicates that 110°C was the maximum molding temperature. Next, the optimal press temperature was determined such that the maximum exotherm temperature would occur at the center of the part. At an A/E r a t i o of 1.05, wind time of 3.8 minutes and molding temperature of 110°C, the curing p r o f i l e s of the part were simulated varying the press temperature until the maximum exotherm temperature occurred at the center of the part. This condition was achieved at a press temperature of 135°C. The minimal cycle time at the optimal processing conditions was simulated to be eight minutes. Conclusions An eight minute cycle time does not allow any tolerance for error. Fabricators require a part success rate of approximately 95%; therefore, the actual operating conditions chosen were more conservative than the ones optimized here. The conditions used in the actual process were as follows: an A/E r a t i o of 1.05, a wind time of 3.8 minutes and mold and press temperatures of 90 and 115 C, respectively. These conditions resulted in a cycle time of eleven minutes which is three minutes more than the optimized cycle time. Figures 6a-9b, which were previously e

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Figure 10. Gel time plotted as a function of mold position at 3 temperatures. (1) 115 C, (2) 110°C, and (3) 90 C. e


Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 6, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 29, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0404.ch022

22. B U C K & S H I R T U M

Manufacture of Filament Wound Composites


discussed, i l l u s t r a t e the curing p r o f i l e s at these conditions. The composite manufacturing process was manually operated and inconsistencies due to the human factors required more conservative operating conditions. If the process was automated the process conditions would approach the optimal operating conditions predicted here. The modeling process presented here is part of a package to develop a fundamental understanding of thermoset manufacturing processes for the purpose of process simulation and optimization. The f i r s t step of t h i s process is the development a mechanistic kinetic model for the polymer cure which requires innovative analytical techniques, such as adiabatic calorimetry, to obtain kinetic data accurately enough to estimate the kinetic parameters. The authors have found that models with parameters estimated from DSC data did not predict the process data as well as the same models whose parameters were evaluated from adiabatic data. Preliminary k i n e t i c modeling of some vinyl ester resins has shown that the best parameter estimates were evaluated from a combination of adiabatic calorimetry and DSC data. The k i n e t i c model predicted both the temperature p r o f i l e s from the adiabatic data and the conversion p r o f i l e s from the DSC data. The next step is to develop a heat transfer model and v e r i f y i t against process data. Once t h i s is accomplished, the model would be applied to determine the optimal process conditions. This approach has been successful in the filament winding results shown here and in a pultrusion process for manufacture of vinyl ester composites that is currently being completed. Literature 1.

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RECEIVED March 6, 1989

Provder; Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.