Organic structural analysis (Lambert, Joseph B.)

Virginia CommonwealM University. Richmond, Virginia 23284. Principles of Ultraviolet Photoelectron. Spectroscopy. J. Wayne Robolais, University of Hou...
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mend it t o others working in or interested in the area. Fred M. Hawkridge Virginia CommonwealM University Richmond, Virginia 23284

Principles of Ultraviolet Photoelectron


tion. The hook is not without weaker points. A firm grounding in molecular orbital theory is assumed and, to fully appreciate many of the discussions, an understanding of molecular spectroscopy and group theory is required. In several chapters, principally chapter two, the discussions could be hetter organized and written to aid the reader. Finally the brevity of application sections leaves the reader without a true feeling of the contribution that photaelectron spectroscopy is makine in chemistrv. ,. surface science. and chemical phyqirs. Comparing thesetrwrriticisms to the pusltwe ~mtributionof f h r remainder of the hook, this reviewer crrtainly can strongly recommend this monograph to advanced undergraduates, graduates students, and certainly research workers in the field of photoelectron spectroscopy, as well as to workers in the areas of experimental molecular spectroscopy and quantum mechanics. ~

J. Wayne Robolais, University of Houston. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977. xv


454 pages. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $29.95.


"Principles of Ultraviolet Photoelectron Soectroseo~v"hv J. W. Rabelais is a welcome addition to the literature id ultraviolet photmlrctrun spwtn,irupy. The text extends the earlier, more qualitative treatments by Dale ti. Karweik Turner, Eland, and Baker t o provide amore Wayne State University rigorous and detailed description of photoemission and photoelectron spectra. Although this edition loses some of the pidorial claritv of the other monoeraohs.. it does reflrrr the present trend rownrd n morequnntmtive understnndlng ot photoelectron spectra through comparison with results from Organic Structural Analysis molecular orbital calculations. After very brief introductory and experiJoseph B. Lnmbert, Northwestern Unimental sections, the author opens the main versity, Herbert F. Shuruell, Queen's portion of the book with a discussion of the University, Lawrence Verbit, State Uniorocess of ~hotoionizationand a survevof the versity of New York a t Binghamton, R. molrrular fnrrors which affect the numhrr. Groham Cooks, Purdue University, and energy, and distrib.rrion of the phcmwlerGeorge H Stout, University of Washingtroni rmitted 'l'hr material survryrd very ton. Macmillan Publishing, Co., Inc., New briefly here is expanded and more adequately York, 1976. xii 596 pages. Figs. and tadiscussed in the followingchapters. The first bles. 18 x 26 cm. $22.95. of these more detailed and better written chanters starts with a discussion eoncernine This hook is designed to introduce the arthe uur ofresultr from mc~lecular~~rhital~al-ganic chemist to the major fields of specculatimi a i m;lthematiral models for troscopy. The authors'objectives are stated matchml: and predirting the energms and. in in the preface. "The five parts of the bwk are the next chapter, the relative numhers of intended to have the flavor of both the elephotoelectrons produced. These discussions mentary and the state-of-the-art, so that the include a rationale for the continued use of practicing chemist can obtain authoritative Koopmans theorem in photoelectron spectreatments of all subjects under one cover, trasea~v. , Next the finer effects from soinbut the beeinner can still exoeet a clear innrhn rcmpling nnd mdeculer dtrtortmns truduction " T h e subjww rwered arp nmr. hhn-Teller and Rennerj nrr nmsiderwl and ir, and Haman, Ele~trunic,Masr Spectnaillustrated with some nicely worked examcopy and X-ray crystallography. ples. Finally the author treats the simplifiEach part of the hook is written by one cations used to interpret the more complex author. Experimental methods, theory, then spectra of larger molecules (e.g., benzene and applications are given. Generally, a hihliogferrocene) and then mentions some interraphy is given by each author after each esting appliratiuns of photvelectnm sprcsuhdivision of his chaoter. The "Vibrational Iru%opy. Alru h t e d in the last chapter is a Sp~crroarupy" chapter contains extensive summar). uf the key points used in intercurrrlation tahlrr and an appendix. "Using preting 5pt.ctra and deducing the originti) of the l.itcraturr on Vibrational 5pcctra"The thcspectral band\. Fillin:: m t the remainder "\loss Sprrtronopy" chapter contarns an of the text are a series ofappendices of supapprndix. "Workeu Structural Pn,hlema." plementary material including an index of 'I'hr value uf thir h w k to the bccinner lies references to photoelectron spectra listed by in its tables, appendices, and refer&es. The molecular size and chemical composition. problems that are worked out are useful and The references cited are mainly drawn from helpful. However, the difficulties in this 1973 t o early 1975 hut do reach hack to "one-cover'' approach are illustrated by the 1963. X-ray chapter, in which the references indiThe strongest points of the book are the cate a much more extensive treatment is authors inclusion of the mast recent theories needed for comprehension. and developments possihle as illustrated by Overall, I do not think the authorsachieved the dates of the references. the collected their stated objective with this hook.



.. .

Classics In Coordlnatlon Chemistry Pad II: Selected Papers (1789-1898) Translated, edited and with commentary hg ( ; e o r ~ eD. Koulfmon. California State Colleee at Fresna. Dwer Publicatiww. Inc., k e w Yark, 1976. xii 174 pages. Figs. and tahles. 13.5 X 21 em. $4.50.


The story of Werner's discovery of the Coordination Theory is well known-his sudden awakening a t two o'clock in the morning in aflash of genius, with the theory complete in his mind, and his rising t o write i t readv, for oublieation that same dav. I t is often assumed f n m that account that Werner had no precedent, but that the thwry came out uf dear, thin air. Such, ul cuursr. ib not the ease-coordination compounds had been known for nearly a century, and there had been many attempts t o explain their formation and structures. Most of these theories were concerned with the metal amminer, and were hased on the theorit.3 of ur. gnnie rhem~srry,rhaini of nitn8gt.n atom\ replncmg the c h a m of carbun atoma. A few, however, were much closer to Werner's Coordination Theory. For example, in 1885 Horstmann wrote the formula of potassium hexachloroplatinate(1V) as








John D. Reinheimer comprehensive treatment of the mathematical models used to confirm the interpreta-

The College of Wmtsr Womter. mi0 44691

This differs from Werner's formulation only in that it does not differentiate between the Pt-C1 and the Pt-K hands. Werner certainly knew of these earlier theories, and he synthesized a new theory from them. Not that this detracts from his genius or his great contribution-far from it! He was the one who saw that there must he two types of valence honds and he was able to include the ammines. the hvdrates. and the 4oub.e >alts in a h g l r throry. He was U I I doubted," rhr grrar ehcn~irslgrniua u i his timc,and hedrsrnesnlloithcrrrdit that has been accorded him. But, it is important, too, recognize the men who preceded him and who, in fact, furnished the basis for his theory. In this interesting and useful little hook, Professor Kauffman has assembled translations of important papers hy six of Werner's predecessors-Magnus, Zeise, Graham, Claus, Blomstrand, and J6rgensen. Each paper is preceded hy an introduction which tells something of the life and work of the author of that paper; in addition, footnotes referring to other workers often give historical and biographical bits that enliven the aecount. The translations in this book are freer than those in Part I, so are easier and more pleasant to read. For anyone'who is interested in the history of chemistry, this volume is more fun than a whodunit. And more educational, too. John C. Bailar. Jr. Universityof Illinois at UrbanaChampaig6 Urbana. 6 180 1

Volume 55, Number 5, May 1978 / A249