Organic Synthesis of Periodic 2D Polymers - ACS Symposium Series

Sep 22, 2014 - The synthesis was based on topochemical polymerization with laminar single crystals of a rationally designed monomer. The solvent-induc...
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Chapter 24

Organic Synthesis of Periodic 2D Polymers Junji Sakamoto* Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Yamadaoka 2-1, 565-0871 Suita, Osaka, Japan *E-mail: [email protected]

2D polymers are accessible by crosslinking polymerization of monomers in 2D confinement, whereas the synthesis of their periodic congeners is still underdeveloped. The presence of a periodic order is a seemingly small addition to the network structure but poses critical problems for its realization by organic synthesis. The present contribution provides a brief overview of general issues on the synthesis of periodic 2D polymers and describes how to overcome such problems by showing a concrete example based on a topochemical polymerization strategy.

2D network polymers are often simply called as 2D polymers (1–8). They are also sometimes referred to as sheet-like polymers because the 2D network structure forms an autonomous sheet shape (9, 10). The shape of 2D polymers should be reflected by their properties (11, 12). For example, the sheets can hardly entangle one another but will rather crumple up or stack, which must have a considerable impact on fundamental issues such as viscosity, elasticity and the like. This is contrasted with conventional linear polymers whose such properties are a consequence of their ability to entangle (13). 2D polymers have therefore attracted continuous attention for the last several decades as a new frontier of polymer science (14–18). Chemical synthesis of a 2D polymer was reported already in 1935 which is based on crosslinking polymerization of an amphiphilic monomer forming a monolayer at the air/water interface (19). Since then, various ingenious approaches have been reported for the synthesis of 2D polymers at gas/liquid (3, 20–24), liquid/liquid (25, 26), liquid/solid interfaces (27), on solid surfaces

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(28–36) or using other 2D templates such as clays (37), Langmuir-Blodget films (1), self-assembled monolayers (4, 5) and metal organic frameworks (38). Layered molecular assemblies such as lipid bilayers (39–42) and bulk liquid crystals (2) were also employed as 2D precursors to be transformed into 2D polymers. 2D polymers are regaining the spotlight since the recent isolation of grephene which unveiled supreme properties of graphene unique to its defined 2D structure (43, 44). Graphene, boron nitride and other inorganic “nanosheets” (45) represent 2D polymers with periodic internal orders. These periodic 2D polymers are exfoliated from their parent crystals that are available in bulk quantities. The synthesis appears to be straightforward, while the formation of the parent crystals relies on pyrolysis or calcination at high temperatures causing decomposion of organic species. This is contrasted with organic synthesis that is usually performed under mild conditions and thereby allows for the preparation of organic 2D polymers. Organic synthesis can in principle provide attractive opportunities for the structure and property of 2D polymers to be tailored by design. However, most of the organic 2D polymers hitherto synthesized lack any internal order unlike graphene. This is associated with a long-standing problem in polymer chemistry as to “how to put order into polymer network” (46). The biggest hurdle lies in the fact that a periodic network is composed of uniform cyclic motifs so that the synthesis requires repetition of cyclizaions under a rigorous regio-chemical control by necessity. Many organic chemists stepped up to this challenge till now (47–50). Their approaches are classified into two main streams based on (i) iterative synthesis and (ii) polymerization (51). In iterative synthesis, a precursor compound is first synthesized and finally planarized by intramolecular multiple cyclizations. This approach affords a product with a defined 2D structure. Müllen’s “nanographene” composed of 222 carbons represents a shining example here (Figure 1) (52). As a main drawback, however, the synthesis scheme comprises a number of reaction steps and the overall yield quickly fades away.

Figure 1. Chemical synthesis of a “nanographene” composed of 222 carbons In contrast, polymerization is a one-step process which enables direct formation of a polymer whose structure is “infinitely” expanded. As trade-off, however, it usually gives rise to ill-defined network structures because the occurrence of errors in cyclization disorders the eventual network (53). In order to achieve a periodic 2D polymer, the polymerization therefore needs to proceed 370

without error or with automatic error correction. Two synthetic strategies based on topochemical polymerization (54) and equilibrium polymerization (55, 56) were thus devised (57). The following part of the present contribution highlights a recent successful example of the synthesis of a periodic 2D polymer (58). The synthesis procedure comprises a preorganization of a photo-reactive monomer into a laminar single crystal, a photo-induced topochemical polymerization in each layer of the crystal and a solvent-induced delamination to isolate individual 2D polymer sheets (Figure 2) (59).

Figure 2. Synthesis of periodic 2D polymer sheets via topochemical polymerization A cup-shaped monomer bearing three photo-reactive anthracene groups on the lateral faces was designed (Figure 3) (60, 61). The “sticky” π faces of the anthracenes were laterally exposed in expectation of a laminar crystal formation of the monomer. The π–π interactions were also expected to be convertible to covalent bonds; the anthracenes in the crystal can undergo topochemcal cycloaddition (62, 63). The actual reaction mode is determined by how monomers are packed in the crystal (see below). In fact, the monomer readily formed single crystals from e.g. a mixed solvent of 1,1,2,2,-tetrachloroethane (TCE)/tetrahydrofuran. The crystals grew into the shape of hexagonal columns. X-ray diffraction analysis proved a layered crystal structure as expected. In this structure, the monomers were adapted to be triangular prisms and hexagonally packed in each layer that was parallel to the hexagonal face of the crystal. The adjacent monomers in the layer oriented upside down, rendering an anthracene of one monomer in tight contact with an alkyne of its neighbor (4.4 and 3.6 Å). Such a crystal packing suggested the feasibility of the topochemical polymerization in each layer based on the anthracene/alkyne [4+2]-cycloaddition mechanism. Note that in this crystal structure, the photo-reactive groups formed sublayers that were sandwiched by non-reactive sublayers composed of terphenylene parts, whereby the layers could be protected from crosslinking across layers. 371

Figure 3. 2D preorganization in the monomer crystal. A rationally designed monomer (a) formed single crystals in a hexagonal columnar shape. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed a layered crystal structure. The monomers oriented up and down (shown in grey and black, respectively) (b) and packed hexagonally in the layer (c) so that 9,10 anthracene carbons of one monomer were opposed to alkynes of the adjacent monomers (d). Anthracenes and alkynes are displayed as space-filling and the others as stick models. (Reproduced with permission from reference (58). Copyright 2012 Nature Publishing Group.)

The monomer crystals were irradiated with a visible light (λ = 470 nm) to excite the anthracenes. This irradiation experiment was performed under exclusion of oxygen and in-situ monitoring of the anthracene fluorescence. A gradual disappearance of the fluorescence and a drastic change in solubility were caused by the irradiation. The crystals before irradiation readily dissolved in TCE at room temperature, whereas the irradiated crystals were insoluble in the same solvent even at 80 °C for one day. The crystals exhibited birefringence before and after the irradiation. These results strongly suggested that the irradiation induced topochemcal polymerization in the crystals. This was further supported by the exfoliation study and the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis as follows. When the irradiated crystals were kept in chloroform/pyridine, only bundles of layers were exfoliated. Full exfoliation down to individual monolayer sheets required more forcing conditions in N-methylpyrrolidone at 150 °C where the heterogeneous mixture turned to a homogeneous solution in 3 days. The exfoliated sheets dispersed in the solution were deposited on a mica surface and analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The monolayer sheets with a uniform thickness of 2.5 nm were thus observed (Figure 4). The sheets often had sharp edges and largely inherited the hexagonal macroscopic shape from the parent crystals. 372

Feasibility of the monolayer isolation proved that the polymerization proceeded without inter-layer crosslinking and covalently stabilized the monolayer to be free-standing.

Figure 4. Exfoliation of periodic 2D polymer sheets. The irradiated crystals were delaminated in appropriate solvents: (a) a semi-exfoilated bundle of the sheets observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on lacy carbon and (b) fully exfoliated monolayer sheets observed by AFM on mica. (Reproduced with permission from reference (58). Copyright 2012 Nature Publishing Group.)

The monolayer sheets were also deposited on a lacy carbon-coated copper grid. They could span over the micrometer-sized holes and stay intact during washing with chloroform and subsequent drying. This result also pointed to a high mechanical stability of the covalent monolayer sheets. In contrast, the monolayer sheets were found extremely sensitive to an electron beam, particularly when it was concentrated for their high-resolution imaging. Therefore, semi-exfoliated bundles composed of ~ 8 layers were alternatively used for TEM analysis; the bundles were found thick enough to withstand the electron beam but at the same time thin enough to allow for its transmission. The TEM imaging of the bundles visualized the internal structure of the sheets with a long-range periodic order as expected from the original crystal packing structure (Figure 5). The same periodic order was reproduced by electron microdiffraction analysis of the bundles under cryogenic conditions. These results proved that the polymerization proceeded retaining the original crystalline order. Finally, Raman spectroscopic analysis of the crystals indicated that the irradiation vanished the anthracene signals at ~1380 and ~1560 cm-1 and at the same time decreased the intensity of the alkyne signal at ~2200 cm-1 by roughly half. As the monomer had three anthracenes and six alkynes in its structure, the Raman results provided a strong support to the topochemical [4+2] cycloaddition mechanism suggested by the crystal packing. 373

Figure 5. Visualization of a periodic internal structure of the sheets. High-resolution TEM imaging (a) and electron microdiffraction analysis of the semi-exfoliated bundles (b) revealed the internal order of the sheets inherited from the parent crystal. (Reproduced with permission from reference (58). Copyright 2012 Nature Publishing Group.) To conclude, periodic 2D polymers represent a subclass of 2D polymers. 2D polymers have been synthesized for the last several decades, while periodic 2D polymers remained elucive. This is attributed to the highly demanding synthesis that requires a perfect regio-chemical control over the cyclization steps during polymerization. This synthetic hurdle was recently overcome by the approach exemplified above. The synthesis was based on topochemical polymerization with laminar single crystals of a rationally designed monomer. The solvent-induced delamination of the irradiated crystals afforded free-standing monolayer sheets of a periodic 2D polymer. This approach is free from any external template and relies on laminar crystallization of the monomer. As molecular crystals can be of respectable size and prepared in bulk quantities, this approach provides access to large sheets of periodic 2D polymers on a preparative scale (8b): the present 2D polymer sheet with an area over 1 μm2 is more than 7 x 108 Da in molecular weight and composed of > 4 x 105 monomer units. The synthesis also takes advantage of organic chemistry that offers plenty of room for the sheets to be designed in terms of structure and property. For example, the periodic 2D polymer has precise, small pores over the sheet. Such a 2D porous structure can be engineered for e.g. selective inclusion or filtration of small molecules. Moreover, a great variety of functional groups can be introduced on the sheet in a defined density and with precise spacing. This opens up a new possibility of controlled structural variation of 2D polymers. For example, each repeat unit of the present 2D polymer sheet carries three hydroxyl groups protected by a benzotriate cap. After removal of the cap by ester hydrolysis, the hydroxyl groups can be used for various chemical modifications. Today, many important progresses are being made in the field of 2D polymers. Not only the precision synthesis but also the large-scale production and structural variation of 2D polymers will be the key elements necessary to establish their structure-property correlations and demonstrate their full potential in applications that remain largely unexplored. 374

Acknowledgments The author cordially thank all his coworkers. In particular, the author wishes to thank his former doctoral student Dr. Patrick Kissel (ETH Zurich) for hard work and skillful experiments. The author also deeply thanks his competent collaborators who includes: Dr. R. Erni and Dr. M. D. Rossell (EMPA, Dübendorf) for TEM; Dr. W. B. Schweizer (ETH Zurich) for X-ray crystallography; Dr. S. Götzinger (MPI-PL, Erlangen) for UV/vis and fluorescence spectroscopy; A. Eyssler (EMPA, Dübendorf) for Raman spectroscopy; Dr. B. King (Univ Nevada, Reno) for computation; Dr. Thomas Bauer (ETH Zurich) for SEM. The author’s deep gratitude also goes to Prof. G. Wegner (MPI-P, Mainz), Prof. Akihiro Abe (Tokyo Inst Technol), Prof. Motomu Tanaka (Univ Heidelberg) and Prof. H. Uyama (Osaka Univ) for invaluable advices and helpful discussions. The author sincerely thanks Prof. A. D. Schlüter (ETH Zurich) for generous support to his independent Habilitation work at ETH Zurich. Financial supports by ETH (TH 05 07-1), Swiss National Science Foundation (200021-129660) and Sumitomo Foundation (120047) are gratefully acknowledged.

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