Organization of gas defense in the United States Citizens Defense Corps

Organization of gas defense in the United States Citizens Defense Corps ... Symposium on Civilian Preparedness for Chemical Warfare, Detroit, April 12...
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Organization of Gas Defense in the ~ n i G dStates Citizens Defense Corps' EUGENE W. SCOTT Ofice of Civilian Defense, Washington, D. C .


RGANIZED civilian protection is divided into several phases-me the defense and protection of property, another the protection of persons. The protection of persons and treatment of their injuries, sustained because of enemy action, can be subdivided into several categories, one~ofwhich is gas protection. In order to understand better how pas ~ r o t e d i o nin this country has been organized as a part of civilian defense, i t is first necessary to give - a brief outline of organization. The Office of Civilian Defense was established by executive order of the President on Mav 20. 1941.l for the purpose of providing, among other thimgs, "for effective coordination of Federal relations with State and local governments engaged in defense activities, and to provide for necessary cooperation with state and local eovernments in resDect to measures for adeauate Dro-
