OTS Reports - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - ... of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. Orders should be accompanied by check or money order, payable to the Treasurer of the United State...
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H A V E Y O U A PROBLEM? O u r recently e x p a n d e d chemical r e s e a r c h facilities n o w p e r m i t us t o b e of service to you. THE PRODUCT DEVELOPERS INC. Essex BIdg. Bernardsville, N. J.

J o h n R.


{Continued from page 244]

Labor, invited him to become a commis­ sioner with the Conciliation Service, U. S. D e p a r t m e n t of Labor. As a commissioner a n d later as Director of Conciliation (1934-^4) Dr. Steelman constantly impressed people with whom h e came in contact in settling labor disputes t h a t " I t ' s j u s t smart to get along t o ­ gether." D u r i n g this period h e super­ vised in t h e settlement of 80,000 labor disputes, m a n y of which never reached t h e public eye. Following his resignation from t h e C o n ­ ciliation Service in 1944, h e entered p r i ­ v a t e practice as a public relations con­ sultant in New York, b u t in less than a year President T r u m a n recalled h i m to t h e Government a s special assistant to t h e President in charge of labor m a t t e r s . I n 1946 he succeeded J o h n W. Snyder a s reconversion director a n d was later a p ­ pointed Director of Economic Stabilization, succeeding Chester Bowles. After recom­ mending t h a t these offices be discontinued a t t h e end of 1946, he was a p p o i n t e d Assistant t o t h e President with general duties of coordination a n d liaison. He is t h e first to hold this title.

O T S Reports Copies of the following reports can b e obtained at the prices indicated from t h e Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. Orders should be accompanied by check or money order, payable to the Treasurer of t h e United States. T h e development a n d manufacture of Desmodur R, a German adhesive claimed t o be excellent for bonding rubber t o metal and rubber to tire cord, a n d d a t a o n t h e chemistry of isocyanates, are d e ­ V O L U M E

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I N D U S T R I A L RESEARCH ON C O N T R A C T BASIS A n o r g a n i z a t i o n s m a l l e n o u g h t o give y o u r p r o b l e m s m e t i c u l o u s personal a t t e n t i o n , y e t staffed a n d e q u i p p e d for large a s s o r t m e n t s . BJORKSTEN RESEARCH L A B O R A T O R I E S 185 N . Wabash Ave. Chicago 1 , III.

scribed in eight reports. T h e Desmodurs are formed b y reacting diisocyanates and polyisocyanates with polyhydroxy com­ pounds. I n general, di-compounds form linear polyurethanes while tri- a n d higher compounds form cross-linked products, making it possible t o produce an infinite variety of properties by suitably varying constituents. PB-1336, s t u d y of new adhesives, (mimeographed, 50 c e n t s ; 13 pages) discusses t h e properties of Desmo­ dur R . PB-19S5S, manufacturing process for Desmodur R (mimeographed 25 cents; 8 pages) describes t h e production of this adhesive. PB-27521 (mimeographed, 25 cents; 9 pages) reports on German production practices in using D e s m o d u r R as a bonderizing agent between tire cord fabrics and their rubber coatings. PB-28835 (mimeographed, 50 cents; 86 pages) is primarily a discussion of Ger­ man synthetic tire production. PB-192 (mimeographed, 75 c e n t s ; 117 pages) is concerned mainly with a dis­ cussion of production processes employed by t h e Phoenix firm in making tires and tubes, conveyor belts, hose, shoes, surgicals, and other rubber items. Three reports discussing development of Desmodurs are: PB-45246 (mimeo­ graphed, 25 cents; S pages) relating infor­ mation on t h e chemistry of isocyanates and particularly t h e new polyisocyanates and their derivatives which h a v e been intensively studied in Germany for some years. PB-60908 (mimeographed, 25 cents; 4 pages). A few notes are given on t h e manufacture of Desmodur Τ by t h e phosgenation of tolylene diamine hydrochloride, the conversion of Desmodur Τ to Desmo­ dur T H by a trihydroxy alcohol, the Desmodur-Desmophen reaction, a n d t h e mold­ ing powders m a d e from diisocyanate products. PB-185 (mimeographed, 25 c e n t s ; 11 pages) gives information on isocyanate polymers produced b y the Elberfeld and Leverkusen plants.


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TRANSLATION SERVICES German, French, Russian, English, by chemist with b r o a d U. S. a n d European e x p e r i e n c e . EDMUND P. KELLPERN, M.S. 14 E. 80th St. Kew York 2 1 , Ν. Υ. MUrray Hill 2-0326

RESEARCH CHEMISTS and ENGINEERS A staff of 7 5 , including cchemists, engineers, bac­ teriologists and medical personnel with 10 stories of laboratories and a pilot plant ore available for the solution of your chiemical and engineering problems. Write today for Booklet N o . 4 "The Chemical Consultent and Your Business" FOSTER D . S N E L L , I N C . 29 W . 15th Si. New York 1 1 , Ν . Υ .

Production, research, and development d a t a on light sensitive photographic r e ­ production materials manufactured by Kalle & Co., Biebrichi am Rhein, the lead­ ing firm of t h e Germain diazotype industry are contained in repa>rt PB-7S256, s t a t u s of developments in t b e German diazotype reproduction processes (mimeographed, 50 cents, 16 pages), whieh supplements, sum­ marizes, and evaluattes eight previously released reports. M a n y h u n d r e d s of po­ tentially i n t e r e s t i n g c o m p o u n d s were syn­ thesized, a l t h o u g h nœjie has indicated remarkably superior characteristics.



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