Our 'new look' could boost payout of your next ammonia plant! - C&EN

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Our 'new look' could boost payout of your next ammonia plant! Talk to Pritchard. The big- ammonia plant we built for Cyanamid of Canada at Niagara Falls is, unquestionably, the most profitable plant for that location.

steps, and* at top efficiency. The plant is easy to operate and service. Consumption of gas is at a minimum.

Its 'new look' resulted from a hard look at all factors by Pritchard process engineers before starting their design.

As a bonus, startup was exceptionally smooth and fast. Rated output was achieved in record time to put operations on a profitable basis early.

This plant was custom engineered to fit its environment. Niagara's cheap electricity, com-, pared to relatively costly gas, made electric compressor drivers the most attractive—as well as lowest in first cost.

The plant also incorporates the Pritchard singletrain design with multiple-vessel converters— proved profitable on a score of Pritchard ammonia plants now on stream.

The Pritchard design also permits every process step to operate independently of other process

If there's an ammonia plant—or any chemical plant—on your horizon, let our engineers look into it. They may give it a better payout, too.







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