Our reputation is backed up by billions of dollars worth of research and

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Our reputation is backed up by billions of dollars worth of research and development.

Life support systems

The integrated circuit


High energy fuel

The gas laser

Automotive emission measurement systems

The men who spearheaded these projects and thousands of others equally important didn't risk failure by settling for second best. When their work demanded the world's purest, most consistent specialty gases, they demanded Matheson. The success of their research built our reputation. For 44 years, men who couldn't afford mistakes have depended on Matheson. For 44 years, our standards for quality, purity, precision and safety have been unquestioned. We know purity and precision can be the

Light emitting diodes

The gas chromatograph

Gas flow counting system

difference between success and failure. We know one uncontrolled impurity, one mis­ labeled cylinder, or one inaccurate analysis can cost you weeks and months, not to mention money. We know what you're doing could be every bit as important as the research that went into polypropy­ lene, antihistamines, integrated circuits or lasers. And we'll do anything in our power to help you succeed. Any gas, any gas mixture, any amount. If you don't have time or money for mistakes, call Matheson. Nobody, but nobody, can match our experience in specialty gases.

MAYHESON A Division of Will Ross, Inc. 9 3 2 P a t e r s o n Plank Rd.. E a s t R u t h e r f o r d . N.J. 0 7 0 7 3 Phone: C201) 9 3 3 - 2 4 D O M a t h e s o n of Canada Ltd.. P.O. Box 3 2 2 . W h i t b y . Ontario. Canada. C416D 6 6 8 - 3 3 9 7 M a t h e s o n Europa. Box Θ 0 9 4 , A m s t e r d a m , Netherlands. C020J 13 19 34 CIRCLE 27 ON READER SERVICE CARD