Oxidation of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water by Potassium Ferrate

Mar 23, 2016 - Ferrate(VI) oxidation achieved 64.0% and 78.4% removal of naphthenic acids (NAs) at the dose of 200 mg/L and 400 mg/L Fe(VI) respective...
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Oxidation of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water by Potassium Ferrate(VI) Chengjin Wang, Nikolaus Klamerth, Rongfu Huang, Haitham Elnakar, and Mohamed Gamal El-Din* Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Canada, T6G 1H9 S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the oxidation of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) by potassium ferrate(VI). Due to the selectivity of ferrate(VI) oxidation, two-ring and three-ring fluorescing aromatics were preferentially removed at doses 95%) was purchased from Tokyo Chemical Industry (TCI) (Tokyo, Japan). All other chemicals were of analytical grade unless specified otherwise. Experimental Design. OSPW Study. The investigated ferrate(VI) dose was between 1 and 400 mg/L calculated as iron. Dry potassium ferrate(VI) was added into 200 mL OSPW under rapid mixing with RT 15 power IKAMAG magnetic stirrers (IKA Works, Inc., Wilmington, NC, USA). After 3 h, rapid mixing was stopped, and sodium thiosulfate was added to quench the residual ferrate(VI). The treated OSPW was then filtered through 0.45 μm nylon filter (Supelco Analytical, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and preserved in amber glass bottles. During the reaction, pH was monitored, and OSPW samples (0.5 mL) were taken at different times to measure residual ferrate(VI) concentration by spectrophotometry at 510 nm, with a molar absorption coefficient ε510 nm = 1150 M−1cm−1.29 As a comparison, experiments with ferric chloride were conducted in a similar way with same iron concentrations. All experiments were done in triplicates. Water Quality Analysis for the OSPW Study. pH was monitored using an Accumet Research AR20 pH/conductivity meter (Fisher Scientific, Ottawa, ON, Canada). UV 254 absorbance was measured with a UV−vis spectrophotometer (Varian Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). Synchronous fluorescence spectra (SFS) of the filtered water were recorded with Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrometer (Mississauga, ON, 4239

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04829 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50, 4238−4247


Environmental Science & Technology evaporated to dryness, reconstituted in 5 mL CCl4 and injected into the KBr cell for analysis. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals were obtained with Bruker Elexsys E500 spectrometer (Billerica, MA, USA). α-(4-Pyridyl N-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) was used as the spin trap. All the spectra were obtained at 150 K using a liquid nitrogen dewar with the following settings: temperature = 150 K, center filed = 336 G, sweep width = 20 G, microwave frequency = 9.436 GHz, modulation frequency = 100 kHz, and power = 20 mW. Acute toxicity toward Vibrio f ischeri was measured with the Microtox 81.9% screening test protocol. In vitro toxicity assessment was done using goldfish primary kidney macrophages (PKMs), and detailed procedure is provided in the SI and can also be found in Shu et al.34 Model Compound Study. Only classical and oxidized NAs were selected for model compound study, and sulfur-containing NAs and aromatics were not covered in the current study due to the lack of information on their molecular structure. Three NA model compounds were selected to investigate their structure−reactivity toward ferrate(VI) oxidation. These three model compounds, including cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (CHA, C 7 H 12 O 2 ), cyclohexanepentanoic acid (CHPA, C11H10O2), and 1,3-adamantanedicarboxylic acid (ADA, C12H16O4), embodied some typical structure properties of NAs, including single-ring and multiple-ring, long and short side chains, and different number of tertiary carbons and α and β carbons relative to the carboxyl groups. Both the degradation kinetics and byproducts were investigated. Sodium bicarbonate buffer (1.18 g/L, pH adjusted to 8.5) with a single NA model compound concentration of 60 mg/L was used as the model mixture. The buffer solution was prepared to simulate the 600 mg/L (as CaCO3) alkalinity in OSPW. The dose of ferrate(VI) applied was 200 mg/L Fe(VI) and the experiment was conducted by adding solid ferrate(VI) under rapid mixing as described in the OSPW study. Samples were taken at 0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 180 min, and immediately quenched with sodium thiosulfate. The concentrations of the model compounds after ferrate(VI) oxidation were measured with Agilent 1100 binary HPLC coupled with G1946D MSD mass spectrometer (Santa Clara, CA, USA). End products were identified with Agilent 1200 HPLC coupled with Agilent 6220 oaTOF mass spectrometer (Santa Clara, CA, USA). Mass spectrometry was performed in the negative scan/SIM (selected-ion monitoring) mode. Detailed information about the instruments and the setups is provided in the SI.

Figure 1. (a) 1H NMR spectra for 200 mg/L Fe (VI)-treated OSPW (the numbers besides the peaks indicate the relative peak area when the DMSO solvent peak was set to be 100 as internal standard) and (b) SFS of raw and treated OSPW.

5.5 ppm, which represents hydrogens attached to aliphatic carbon−carbon double bonds.35 The aromatic hydrogen peak is broad, indicating that aromatic organic matter in OSPW is a complex mixture; it might include benzene rings with aliphatic branches, oxygen or sulfur-containing heteroatomic aromatics, and even small amount of humic and fulvic acids.4,35 So far there is no quantitative information about the total concentration of the aromatics in OSPW. However, based on the peak area shown in the 1H NMR spectrum, the molar ratio of total aromatic compounds over total organic acids (including classical NAs, oxy-NAs, and other organic acids) in OSPW can be roughly estimated to be in the range of 0.08−0.32 depending on the number of carboxyl functional groups in each organic acid and the number of hydrogen atoms on each aromatic ring (detailed calculation is provided in SI). FT-IR spectrum is an effective way to study functional groups by detecting the stretching and bending of bonds. FT-IR spectrum (Figure S1b) confirms the existence of both organic acids and aromatics in OSPW: the sharp peak at 1706 cm−1 is assigned to the CO stretch of carboxyl functional groups, while the peaks at 3100−3000 cm−1 and at 1400−1500 cm−1 are the signals of the aromatic C−H stretch and aromatic in-ring C−C stretch, respectively.35 The UV−vis absorption spectrum (Figure S1c) shows low absorption above 400 nm, consistent with our previous report of the low color of OSPW.36 SFS of OSPW (Figure 1b and Figure S2d) provides more specific information on fluorescing compounds: peak I at 267 nm is assigned to onering aromatics (which refer to not only aromatics containing one aromatic ring but also aromatics containing two or more unfused aromatic rings), while peak II at 310 nm and peak III at

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Analyses of Raw OSPW. Organic matter in OSPW contains both aromatic and aliphatic organic compounds. Analyses of OSPW by various analytical methods (1H NMR, SFS, UV−vis, FT-IR) show a variety of different signals like aromatic and aliphatic hydrogen, and acid groups. 1H NMR spectrum provides the information about the structures and functional groups of the organic matter in OSPW by detecting the chemical shift of protons in different environments. The 1H NMR spectrum (Figure 1a and Figure S1a) clearly shows three different resonances of hydrogen atoms bonded in organic molecules: at 0.3−2.2 ppm are the hydrogen atoms attached to aliphatic carbons, at 6.5−8.0 ppm are the hydrogen atoms on aromatic rings, and at 11.4−12.5 ppm are the hydrogen atoms in carboxyl functional groups.35 No peak is detected from 4.5 to 4240

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Figure 2. Ion mobility spectra for (a) raw OSPW, (b) ferrate(VI)-treated OSPW (200 mg/L), and (c) ferrate(VI)-treated OSPW (400 mg/L); NAs distribution in (d) raw OSPW, (e) ferrate(VI)-treated OSPW (200 mg/L), and (f) ferrate(VI)-treated OSPW (400 mg/L); and NAs removal with respect to (g) carbon number and (h) − z number.

330 nm are assigned to aromatics with two and three fused rings, respectively.37,38 Considering that the peaks for two-ring and three-ring aromatics are weaker than one-ring aromatics and the quantum yields for florescence of two-ring and threering aromatics are much higher than those of one-ring aromatics (e.g., the quantum yield of anthracene is 10 times that of benzene),39 it can be concluded that one-ring aromatics predominate over two-ring and three-ring aromatics in OSPW. Consumption of Potassium Ferrate(VI) in OSPW. The reaction of ferrate(VI) with organic compounds in OSPW was a slow process and it took around 2−3 h to consume more than 95% of ferrate(VI) depending on the initial doses. The consumption rate of ferrate(VI) was the highest at the first 5 min of the reaction, with 1 mg/(L·min) for a dose of 25 mg/L and 5 mg/(L·min) for a dose of 200 mg/L Fe(VI); the

consumption rate decreased to values of 0.002−0.087 mg/ (L•min) at the end of the reaction, depending on the initial doses (Figure S2a). This can be explained from two aspects: (1) Ferrate(VI) oxidation is a second-order reaction as reported by Jiang et al.,21 which means that the reaction rate is proportional to the concentrations of both oxidants and reductants; with increasing reaction time, the concentration of ferrate(VI) and contaminants in OSPW decreased, leading to low consumption rate. (2) The pH in OSPW increased from pH 8.6 to pH 8.7−10.9 (depending on the doses) during the course of the experiments after ferrate(VI) was added (Figure S2b,c), which was mainly due to the generation of hydroxide ions during the reaction and the self-decomposition of ferrate(VI).40 Due to the increase of pH, the proportion of protonated ferrate(VI) ions, which had a higher redox potential 4241

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64.0% and 78.4%, respectively (Figure 2d and f). NAs+O (oxyNAs with one additional oxygen) had an initial concentration of 12.5 mg/L and it changed to 14.8 and 15.6 mg/L after 200 mg/ L Fe(VI) treatment and 400 mg/L Fe(VI) treatment, corresponding to a negative removal of −18.4% and −24.8%, respectively; NAs+O2 (oxy-NAs with two additional oxygens) had an initial concentration of 13.3 mg/L, and the concentration changed to 15.7 and 14.4 mg/L after 200 mg/ L Fe(VI) treatment and 400 mg/L Fe(VI) treatment, corresponding to a negative removal of −18.0% and −8.3%, respectively. Again this can be attributed to the fact that oxyNAs are produced during treatment. In order to investigate the impact of carbon number and hydrogen-deficiency on the oxidation process, classical NAs removal versus carbon number and hydrogen-deficiency was plotted in Figure 2g and 2h. There was a clear trend that a high carbon number led to a high removal (Figure 2g), with complete classical NAs removal when n ≥ 18. The reason was that larger carbon skeleton structure meant more potential sites for the attack of ferrate(VI), resulting in preferential removal of NAs with high carbon number, which was in accordance with work done by Pérez-Estrada et al.45 Similarly, as shown in Figure 2h, high hydrogen-deficiency also leads to high NAs removal, as higher −z number NAs have a higher reactivity for the following two reasons: first, high −z number might lead to higher number of rings, branches, and thus increasing number of tertiary carbons, which tend to be more reactive than primary and secondary carbons;35 in addition, high hydrogendeficiency might also imply more double bonds, which are more reactive than the saturated hydrocarbons.45 For NAs+O, their concentration increase at low n and z number outweighed their concentration decrease at the region of high n and −z number (Figure S3a−c). This was due to the fact that in general NAs+O with higher n and −z numbers were more reactive toward oxidation. This led to degradation of oxyNAs together with classical NAs resulting in lower n and −z number oxy-NAs (Figure S3) and was confirmed by other research.18 For NAs+O2 an additional high n and −z number cluster in the range of −z = 12−18 and n = 15−24 was observed (Figure S3d−f). This led to the conclusion that NAs +O2 were another main group of transformed products from classical NAs oxidation, which was also confirmed by the fact that classical NAs in this range were almost completely removed. In general, during the ferrate(VI) oxidation process, there were both oxygen insertion which led to more “NAs+Ox” species and the breakdown of the large molecules which led to more small molecules (i.e., molecules with small carbon number n). Both processes actually increased the solubility of the total NAs fraction in oxidized OSPW, which was confirmed by Figure S4 showing the OSPW before and after ferrate(VI) oxidation: the ferrate(VI)-treated OSPW was transparent when pH was adjusted to 2.5, while colloids formed in the untreated OSPW after pH adjustment. Removal Mechanisms. Oxidation vs Coagulation. Although ferrate(VI) is a dual agent as both oxidant and coagulant, the removal of organic matter can mainly be attributed to the oxidation process. In order to separate the contributions of these two processes, a comparison experiment was conducted with ferric chloride and potassium ferrate(VI). At FeCl3 concentrations between 1 and 400 mg/L calculated as iron, coagulation/flocculation achieved negligible removal of fluorescing organic matter (no peak decrease in the SFS), UV254-absorbing organic matter (0−0.7%), and organic acids

than unprotonated ferrate(VI), was lower, thus decreasing the reactivity of ferrate(VI) in OSPW. Organic Matter Removal. Removal of Aromatics. As mentioned in the Analyses of Raw OSPW section, there are several ways to characterize the aromaticity of the organic matters in OSPW such as UV−vis spectrum, SFS, FT-IR spectrum, and 1H NMR spectrum. To investigate the removal of aromatics in OSPW, we employed only SFS and 1H NMR spectra, because SFS is a more selective and sensitive method to measure the aromaticity of the water than UV−vis spectrum,41 and 1H NMR spectrum provides qualitative and quantitative information on both aromatics and organic acids.35 Applying ferrate doses lower than 100 mg/L Fe(VI) removed two and three ring aromatic compounds while no removal of one ring compounds was observed (Figure 1b). By increasing the ferrate(VI) dose from 100 to 400 mg/L Fe(VI), one ring aromatic compounds were also significantly removed, while two and three ring aromatic compounds were almost completely removed as can be seen in Figure 1b. This might be due to the fact that aromatic compounds with two or more fused rings had a higher electron density and thus were more reactive toward ferrate(VI) attack while the single benzene ring was usually unactivated and thus more stable to oxidation.42 Additionally, the degradation of two and three ring compounds led to the formation of one ring compounds, which might explain the apparent stability of one ring aromatic compounds. The significant removal of aromatic organic matter was confirmed by 1H NMR spectra (Figure 1a), which was acquired for samples treated at a representative dose of 200 mg/L Fe(VI). The peak assigned to hydrogen atoms on aromatic rings at the shift of 6.5−8.0 ppm decreased by 44.4% after ferrate(VI) oxidation, indicating that 44.4% of aromatic hydrogen atoms disappeared after treatment. However, this does not mean that only 44.4% aromatics were oxidized, because some aromatics can keep their aromaticity after oxidation. For example, fluorescing aromatics might be oxidized to other nonfluorescing aromatics with partial or all the aromaticity preserved. This also explains why SFS showed an almost complete decrease of peak areas while 1H NMR spectrum only showed 44.4% removal of aromatic hydrogens at 200 mg/L Fe(VI). Similar phenomenon was found in the oxidization of NAs, namely a high removal of NAs was achieved while only a moderate removal of the carboxyl functional groups was observed (29.7% removal of carboxyl functional groups at 200 mg/L Fe(VI)). Removal of NAs. Analysis of OSPW with ion mobility provides qualitative information about the present NAs. Three different regions according to retention and drift time can be distinguished: classical NAs, oxy-NAs, and heteroatomic NAs.10,30 High intensities of all three clusters can be seen in raw OSPW (Figure 2a). After treatment with 200 and 400 mg/ L of ferrate(VI), the classical NAs were significantly reduced, and heteroatomic NAs were completely removed (Figure 2b and c). The preferential removal of heteroatomic NAs can be attributed to the electron-rich moieties that usually come with the heteroatoms.43,44 No significant removal of oxy-NAs can be seen, this however can be attributed to the fact that oxy-NAs are removed but also produced during treatment. This finding is further confirmed by UPLC TOF-MS. Analysis by UPLC TOF-MS showed that the initial concentration of classical NAs was 39.8 mg/L which changed to 14.3 mg/L and 8.6 mg/L after treatment by 200 mg/L Fe(VI) and 400 mg/L Fe(VI), corresponding to the removal of 4242

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to preferential removal of heteroatomic NAs. (3) For the removal of classical NAs by ferrate(VI), the mechanisms have not been reported. Classical NAs lack electron-rich moieties and are relatively more stable to oxidation than the other two organic fractions mentioned above. The most probable attack sites for ferrate(VI) are reported to be α and β carbons at the acid branches27,55,56 and tertiary carbons on the rings and the branches.45 1H NMR spectra of raw OSPW and ferrate(VI)treated OSPW showed that there was reduction of the α-C hydrogen (Figure 1a), which indicates the attack on the α carbon as one of the possible oxidation pathways for NAs by ferrate(VI). However, we can not quantify the reduction as the peak was overlapped with other peaks. In addition, consistent with the order of reactivity of C−H (tertiary hydrogen > secondary hydrogen > primary hydrogen), other studies also showed that the bridgehead position of bicyclic aliphatic organics was vulnerable to the oxidation by metal oxidants.57 To elucidate the oxidation mechanism of NAs by ferrate(VI), more studies with model compounds are needed. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Analysis. EPR analysis of the reaction mixture of POBN (the spin trap agent), OSPW and ferrate(VI) detected triplet signals at g1 = 1.992, g2 = 2.001, and g3 = 2.015. On the other hand, no such signals were detected with POBN/ferrate(VI) mixture or with POBN/ OSPW mixture (Figure 3). It is safe to assume that these signals

(0−1.7%) (Figure S5a−c), indicating that both aromatic and NA compounds were not removed through the coagulation/ flocculation process. This negligible removal of organic matter by the coagulation in OSPW treatment was also reported by Alpatova et al.46 The reasons behind this limited removal of organic matter by the coagulation process are the follows: first, OSPW has a high pH of 8.6 (Figure S2b), making the floc surface highly negative. Organic acids in OSPW exist mostly in the anion form which is also negatively charged, and therefore electrostatic repulsion exists between the organic ions and the flocs; second, organic matter in OSPW has low molecular weight in the range of 150−350 Da,36 and the physical adsorption through van der Waals force is not enough to overcome the electrostatic repulsion; third, the surface of ferric hydroxide flocs is too hydrophilic to be a good adsorbent for organic matter removal. Therefore, we can conclude that the organic matter removal in the ferrate(VI) process predominantly comes from the oxidation process, with the coagulation process making negligible contribution. Oxidative Species. At a pH above 8.6, the predominant ferrate(VI) species are FeO42− and HFeO4− (Figure S6). Increasing the pH from 8.6 to 10.0, the FeO42− percentage increases from 95.2% to 99.8%, and HFeO4− decreases from 4.8% to 0.2%. Although the concentration of FeO42− is 20 times higher than HFeO4− initially, the main contributor to the oxidation in OSPW treatment is hypothesized to be HFeO4− for the following reasons. (1) The redox potential of HFeO4− is around 1.4 V; compared with unprotonated form FeO42−, protonated form HFeO4− has a higher spin density on the oxo ligands which makes the metal center more electron deficient, and thus increases the oxidation ability of HFeO4−.47,48 FeO42−, on the other hand, has a redox potential of only 0.7 V, and its contribution to the oxidation of organic matter especially classical NAs might be insignificant,49,50 although having a high concentration in the solution. (2) Reported specific rate constants for the reaction between organic compounds and HFeO4− are 2−4 orders of magnitude higher than those between organic compounds and FeO42−.47,51 (3) At pH range of the OSPW, the concentration of HFeO4− is high enough to make the oxidation process proceed because HFeO4− and the abundant FeO42− exist in equilibrium; more HFeO4− will be generated from FeO42− once consumed. Oxidation Mechanisms of Aromatics and NAs. As the mechanisms of ferrate(VI) oxidation varies with different organic compounds, the focus in the following discussion will be on three groups of organics which were significantly removed in the ferrate(VI) oxidation process: aromatics, heteroatomic naphthenic acids, and classical NAs. (1) The reduction of aromaticity of the treated OSPW arose from the transformation of the aromatic rings. The opening of the aromatic rings was reported by Sharma et al.52 and Anquandah et al.53 It might occur through 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition and result in two aldehyde groups,53 which can be further oxidized by ferrate(VI) to acid groups. (2) The most likely pathway for the removal of NAs with heteroatoms is through the formation of a complex between the ferrate(VI) and target compounds, followed by inner-sphere electron transfer.51 Heteroatoms such as sulfur constitute electron-rich moieties, which are good ligands for ferrate(VI) to form inner-sphere complexes, where electron transfer occurs between the electron-rich moieties and the electron-deficient iron center of ferrate(VI). Rate constants of reactions between HFeO4− and organosulfur compounds range from 103 to 106 M−1 s−1,54 which is high enough to lead

Figure 3. EPR spectrum of the reaction mixture of OSPW, 100 mg/L Fe(VI), and 10g/L POBN.

derive from the generated radicals from the reaction between OSPW and ferrate(VI). Due to the high g values, it can be stated that these radicals are of organic nature.58 The existence of organic radicals as oxidation intermediates indicates that one of the probable reaction mechanisms is one-electron transfer, which often occurs via hydrogen abstraction by ferrate(VI) and results in organic radicals and ferrate(V). These organic radicals can react with dissolved oxygen in the water, generating intermediate species such as alcohols and aldehydes which can be further oxidized by ferrate(VI) or ferrate(V) until all oxidative iron species are reduced to Fe(III).49 Similar “Fe(VI) → Fe(V) → Fe(III)” oxidation sequence was also reported in ferrate(VI) oxidation of phenol.59 Model Compound Study. Three different model compounds were selected for this study: CHA, with the carboxylic acid group directly attached to the ring; CHPA, in the same homologous series with CHA but with four more CH2 increments between the acid group and the ring; and ADA, a dicarboxylic acid with tricyclic diamond-like structure and reported to exist in OSPW.14 As shown in Figure 4, CHA exhibited the highest persistence toward ferrate(VI) oxidation, and its concentration only decreased by 26.3% during the 3 h 4243

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generation of C11H20O3. Tertiary alcohols are stable to ferrate(VI) oxidation26 and can thus be detected. The α carbon reaction might also generate a hydroxyl group in the intermediate product, but it will soon be further oxidized by ferrate(VI) to ketones, which might be the second product we detected as C11H18O3. Additionally, a ketone group on the β carbon might also contribute to the formation of C11H18O3 (this is supported by the fact that the ketone peak is a composite peak combining at least two distinct peaks (Figure S8)). Ketone groups are also resistant to ferrate(VI) oxidation, and can therefore survive and be detected at the end of the reaction.26 Similarly, two products, C7H12O2 and C7H10O3, were identified as oxidized products of CHA (Figure S8); another two products, C12H16O5 and C12H14O5 were detected as oxidized products of ADA (Figure S9). Most likely, these products keep the carboxylic acid groups intact and have additional hydroxyl or ketone groups generated as discussed in CHPA oxidation. However, we cannot rule out the possibilities of the generation of other products, including products that are not carboxylic acids (which might not be detected under the negative ESI mode). Nevertheless, these results are consistent with our previous conclusion from OSPW study that more “NAs+Ox” were generated after classical NAs were oxidized. Toxicity. As a prescreening tool for acute toxicity, Microtox 81.9% screening test was adopted to evaluate the toxicity of OSPW on Vibrio f ischeri. The inhibition level of raw OSPW was 42.8 ± 0.6%, which was close to the previously reported values of 40−45%.34,60 Overall, ferrate(VI) oxidation decreased the inhibition effect significantly to 19.6 ± 1.6% at 200 mg/L Fe(VI) but a further increase of ferrate(VI) dose to 400 mg/L Fe(VI) only reduced the inhibition to 17.6 ± 0.1% (Figure 5a). At the same time, NAs removal increased from 64.0% to 78.4%, indicating poor correlation between NAs removal and acute toxicity reduction. Klamerth et al.’s study18 also showed that low concentration of residual NAs after ozonation did not guarantee low toxicity. Similar poor correlation was reported by Zhang et al.61 in biological treatment of OSPW: after treatment, toxicity was reduced by 49.3% although there was no significant NAs removal. On the other hand, there is a linear correlation (empirical) between toxicity reduction and SFS (fluorescing compounds) peak area decrease (Figure S10). At low doses of 1−50 mg/L of Fe(VI) the inhibition effect decreased from 42.8 ± 1.6% at 1 mg/L to 30.7 ± 1.8% at 50 mg/L with decreasing

Figure 4. Model compound degradation by ferrate(VI) (dose: 200 mg/L Fe(VI)) at different reaction time (Note: initial concentration of each model compound is 60 mg/L).

experiment. In the first 30 min of ferrate (VI) oxidation, the concentration decreased by 13.5% for CHA, 29.3% for CHPA, and 32.4% for ADA. This is mainly because CHA only has one possibly reactive tertiary carbon (which is also the α carbon to the carboxylic acid group). On the other hand, CHPA was more reactive than CHA, with a total removal of 47.6% at the end of the oxidation. This higher reactivity can be attributed to the long side chain which provides more α and β carbons as reactive sites. Among the three model compounds, ADA was the most reactive one with 57.1% removal at the end of the oxidation. Although ADA has fewer hydrogens than CHPA, its activity is enhanced by the four tertiary carbons. These results are in consistence with our previous explanation that tertiary carbons, α and β carbons to the carboxylic acid groups, mainly contributed to the oxidation of classical NAs,27,55,56 as well as the fact that higher -z and carbon number NAs are more reactive toward oxidation. Analysis of degradation byproducts was also attempted with high resolution HPLC TOF-MS (the mass spectra are provided in Figure S7−9). With oxidized CHPA (C11H20O2) solution, a CHPA peak was detected at 4.82 min with m/z being 183.13849, and a composite product peak was detected at 4.22 min. The product peak contained two ions with corresponding m/z being 199.13352 and 197.11835, which fit molecular ions of C11H20O3 and C11H18O3 respectively. Most likely, after ferrate(VI) oxidation, a tertiary hydroxyl group was generated on the tertiary carbon, corresponding to the

Figure 5. (a) Acute toxicity to Vibrio f ischeri of raw OSPW and ferrate(VI)-treated OSPW (Note: error bars indicate mean ± SD with n = 3); (b) Nitrite production by PKMs exposed to medium control, raw OSPW, and OSPW treated with ferrate (VI) with the dose of 25 mg/L and 100 mg/L Fe(VI). Positive and negative controls were heat killed A. salmonicida and culture medium, respectively. Nitric oxide production was determined using the Griess reaction and RNI concentration was determined using RNI standard curve. Data are represented as RNI production by macrophages from separate cultures established from three individual fish. Statistical analysis was done using one-way ANOVA with a Dunnett’s post hoc test. Asterisks (*) indicate statistically significant increases (p < 0.05) of RNI production in treated compared to raw OSPW. 4244

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Environmental Science & Technology

the aromatics might also be significant. More work is warranted to investigate the concentrations, species, and the environmental impact of the aromatics in OSPW. The results of this study demonstrated that ferrate(VI) oxidation is an effective process in transforming NAs and the aromatics and reducing the acute toxicity of OSPW. However, when high doses of ferrate(VI) (e.g., 200 mg/L and 400 mg/L Fe(VI)) are applied, large quantity of sludge will be generated. The disposal of the sludge in an environmentally and economically feasible way is a challenging topic to be addressed.

peak area II and III (peak area decrease was calculated to be 2% at 1 mg/L Fe(VI) and 75% at 50 mg/L Fe(VI)), while no significant decrease in peak area I was observed. At higher ferrate(VI) doses from 200 mg/L to 400 mg/L Fe(VI), there was no further decrease of peak II and III while only 10% more decrease of peak area I was observed, resulting in no significant reduction of toxicity (Figure 5a). Therefore, it can be concluded that although the concentration of the fluorescing compounds is relatively low compared to that of NAs, the toxicity effect from them might be significant. This conclusion is consistent with the widely reported toxicity of the aromatics especially PAHs.62−64 In OSPW studies, Rowland et al.65 found that the estrogenic effect of OSPW arose from the aromatics in the water, and Scarlett et al.14 also suggested that aromatics in OSPW were at least as toxic as NAs. Further studies are needed to compare the toxic effects of aromatics and NAs in OSPW. The effects of the OSPW treated samples on goldfish primary kidney macrophages (PKMs) were examined by measuring the production of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs) as shown in Figure 5b. Macrophages are large immune cells capable of destroying pathogens by producing toxic RNIs, such as nitric oxide; the production of RNI by macrophages is quantified using the Griess reaction.66 High RNI production indicates high functional activity of PKMs and correspondingly, low toxicity of the test sample. The exposure of PKMs to the raw and ferrate(VI)-treated OSPW samples caused a reduction in RNI production compared to positive control (heat-killed Aeromonas salmonicida) (38.9 ± 4.3 μM RNI), showing higher toxicity induced by raw OSPW (8.8 ± 1.3 μM RNI) and significantly lower toxicity induced by treated OSPW (18.7 ± 1.1 μM RNI at 100 mg/L Fe(VI)). This results, together with the Microtox results, indicate that ferrate(VI) treatment is effective in reducing toxicity toward prokaryotic organisms such as Vibrio f ischeri and eukaryotic cells such as goldfish PKMs. pH Adjustment. To study the pH effect on ferrate(VI) oxidation, the initial pH of OSPW was adjusted to 6 and the oxidation experiments were repeated as at natural pH. The results were summarized in Figure S11. This adjustment improved the performance of the ferrate(VI) oxidation in terms of both aromatics removal (Figure S11a and b) and NAs removal (Figure S11c). The trend of the SFS peak reduction was similar to that achieved at natural pH: peak II and III were preferentially removed, and peak I was only significantly reduced at high doses. At the same dose of ferrate(VI), oxidation at initial pH 6 achieved higher removal of fluorescing aromatics than at natural pH, which was mainly caused by the higher removal of single-ring aromatics (peak I) at initial pH 6 (Figure S11a and b). At the same time, inhibition effect on Vibrio f ischeri was also reduced to 16.3 ± 0.8% at initial pH 6 at the dose of 400 mg/L Fe(VI), lower than achieved at natural pH (17.6 ± 0.1%) (Figure S11d). However, these improvements on removal of aromatics and reduction of toxicity were not significant compared with the enhancement of NAs removal. At initial pH of 6, ferrate(VI) achieved 78.4% removal of classical NAs at 200 mg/L Fe(VI), equivalent to the removal at 400 mg/L Fe(VI) at natural pH. As mentioned in the Removal Mechanisms section, this also indicates the poor correlation between toxicity effect and NAs removal. Environmental Implications. Although NAs and aromatics are two main fractions of organic matter in OSPW, most of the current studies of OSPW treatment focus on the removal of NAs; the toxicity of OSPW has been presumably attributed to NAs. However, as shown in this study, the toxicity effect of


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by a research grant from the Alberta Water Research Institute, the Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative, and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Senior Industrial Research Chair (IRC) in Oil Sands Tailings Water Treatment through the support by Syncrude Canada Ltd., Suncor Energy Inc., Shell Canada, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Total E&P Canada Ltd., EPCOR Water Services, IOWC Technologies Inc., Alberta Innovates - Energy and Environment Solution, and Alberta Environment and Parks. We thank Dr. Kerry N. McPhedran for his help on experimental design, Dr. Arvinder Singh for toxicity measurement, Dr. Randy Whittal for model compound detection, and Dr. Selamawit Ashagre Messele for manuscript revision.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04829 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50, 4238−4247