Pacific Southwest Association of Chemistry Teachers. Second annual

Pacific Southwest Association of Chemistry Teachers. Second annual meeting. J. Chem. Educ. , 1951, 28 (1), p 48. DOI: 10.1021/ed028p48. Publication Da...
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THEPacific Southwest Aswcintiou of Chemistry Teachers held ita second nnnunl meeting in Lon Angeles nren on November 3-4, 1950, nnd representatives from every pnrt of Cnlifornin pnrticipntecl in t,lw two-~lny progrnm. Philip Gill, Glrnclnlr City College, Chnirmnn-Elect of the Southern ('nlifornin Section of the PS;\CT, was chnirmnn of the progrnm committee. Fridny evening, Sovemlrr 3, the Ammintion partiripnted in the Southern Cnlifornin sectionnl meeting of the Americnn Chemical Socirty, held on the cnmpus of the California Institute of Technolqzy. Following the dinner, the genernl meeting xvns nddres.4 by Dr. L. Yechmeister, Profemor of Orgnnie Chemistry a t the ('nlifornin Institute of T e r h n o l o ~ ,on the m~hjert, "Some pmhlems and npplirntions of chromntogrnphy." Dr. Yerhmeister, nn rminent nuthority in this field and author of n hook and mnny rescnrrh pnpers on chromntogrnphy, reviewed its recent npplicntions to prohlcms in the sepnrntion of orgnnic isomrrn nncl in the rluridntion of the rhemistry of mnrine life. Immediately nftcr the general srs4on, the wsembly broke up to nttrnd group meetings, onr of whir11 wns sponsored by the Pncific South\vcst A m i n t i o n of Chemistry I cnchers for its own memlrrs. Tho principal spcnker a t this ~ e ~ s i oon n chemirnl edurntion v a s Dr. J. R. h m s e y , Iinivemity of Cnlifornin nt h Angelen, who d i s r u s d the history nncl drvrlopment of the first-yenr chemistry r o o m nt U.C.L.A. With the aid of mime* grnphrd outlines, Dr. Rnmsey cliscus~dthe choice of srhjrrt mntter nncl texts, the interrrlntionship of lecturrs, lahorntory work, nnd recitntions, nntl the policies of their depnrtment in instruction, testing, grnding, rtc. On Sntunlny, Novemlrr 4, the ~\ssocintionmct for n very full dny of nctivities on the campus of the 1%vemity of Southern Cnlifornin. Dr. Arthnr Furst, President of the Associntion, opened the morning program nnd presided nt the pnnel disru~sionon "The sequence of topics in wnernl rhemistry." Lending the clincu~siona r m : Dr. I