Packard Instrument Company, Inc

GC programming. Genuine flexibility. It's true. Our instruments meet strin- gent analytical standards, but they also make sense. The Packard Analytica...
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" To be sure your next ga: meets the future capillar talk to Packard "

Modern technology can overtake instrument capacity. Almost before you realize it your new equipment is outdated, inadequate for the latest applications. Take for example the impact of microbore columns on capillary GC equipment as they move from the research laboratory into general use. The ultranarrow internal diameter of these columns has pushed GC performance standards to new heights, but has also imposed stricter limits on instrument specifications. To take advantage of their superior performance and shorter analysis times requires excellent oven temperature stability, minute oven temperature gradients, and ultra-fast response from the instrument's electronics to accurately record and integrate the faster eluting peaks.

Obsolescence resistant design

benefits these features bring; like our ovens with extremely stable tern peratures and minimal gradients; or our ultra-fast electrometers; or the choice from unique, plug-in modular flow units, which offerflexibility unmatched by any other manufacturer, and compact flow units, which are complete, all-in-one units requiring no "addons"; and our comprehensive status report that even displays the detector signals, allowing you to verify FID flame ignition. Our GC's also feature real-time programming, with up to 49 steps, allowing you to create complex programs, executing functions at the exact time you want. This is particularly useful for advanced multi-ramp temperature programs. In addition, method storage capability (expandable to a maximum of 9 or 12 methods) with multi-level method protection allows you to take maximum advantage of our user-friendly GC programming.

By anticipating the direction of leading-edge technology, Packard has produced a coordinated GC line that not only meets today's requirements, but will also accommodate foreseeable future developments such as the advent of microbore columns and the increasing computerization and automation of almost every aspect of laboratory practice. And, you won't have to order numerous "extras" from Packard. Our comprehensive list of standard GC features means you can explore the limits of capillary GC without delay. At the same time you'll discover the

Control station and two satellite GC's from Packard's unique network

Genuine flexibility It's true. Our instruments meet stringent analytical standards, but they also make sense. The Packard Analytical Module has no equal for flexibility and user convenience. This concept puts all major components, including columns, into a single, removable assembly that forms the oven roof. When you want to change analyses, it takes only minutes. If you want to change columns, you have completely unobstructed access to connections. Match the Module with snap-in flow controls and you can redesign your own system on-the-spot. Practical engineering goes into the design of our coordinated software/ hardware system too. Any of our newest GC's can be connected to the Packard GC Network and function in exactly the same way as one of our specifically designed satellite GC's.

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Newest system is optimized for routine capillary analysis The Packard Model 436 GC is an economical, future-oriented instrument that delivers superior performance in routine capillary column separations. It has obvious applications in the field of quality control.


The system's combination of idealized geometry, microprocessor control, high speed electrometers, proportional door mechanics, quality insulation, non-turbulent column en200ms


vironment and ingenious flow controls is optimized forthe latest column technology. The remarkable oven has temperature gradients as low as 0.1°C and long-term stability of better than0.01°C. This new system, in common with the whole Packard line, is supported by a complete range of high performance injectors, detectors, valves, automatic sampling systems, accessories, and a full delivery program for columns.

UNITED TECHNOLOGIES PACKARD Packard Instrument B.V. P.O. Box 519. 2 6 0 0 A M Delft The Netherlands

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Two c h r o m a t o g r a m s obtained under identical conditions. Left: run on G C using Packard's ultra-fast time constant electrometer. Right: u s e s 2 0 0 m s e l e c trometer. Note deterioration of resolution with the slower electrometer.



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T h e significance of Packard's 2 0 m s electrometer will b e c o m e a p p a r e n t as microbore t e c h n o l o g y m o v e s into g e n e ral use.

Circle 172 for brochure.

Circle 173 for a visit.

Packard Instrument International S.A. Renggerstrasse 3. CH-8038 Zurich Switzerland Packard Instrument Company, Inc. 2 2 0 0 Warrenville Rd. Downers Grove IL 60515 U.S.A.