Parameters of the Protein Energy Landscapes of Several Light

Mar 10, 2011 - The parameters of barrier distributions on the protein energy landscape in the excited electronic state of the pigment/protein system h...
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Parameters of the Protein Energy Landscapes of Several Light-Harvesting Complexes Probed via Spectral Hole Growth Kinetics Measurements Nicoleta Herascu,† Mehdi Najafi,† Alexey Amunts,‡ J€org Pieper,§,3 Klaus-Dieter Irrgang,|| Rafael Picorel,^ Michael Seibert,# and Valter Zazubovich*,† †

Department of Physics, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, H4B 1R6 Canada MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom § Technical University of Berlin, Germany University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany ^ Estacion Experimental Aula Dei (CSIC), Avda. Monta~nana, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain # NREL, Golden, Colorado, United States


bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: The parameters of barrier distributions on the protein energy landscape in the excited electronic state of the pigment/protein system have been determined by means of spectral hole burning for the lowest-energy pigments of CP43 core antenna complex and CP29 minor antenna complex of spinach Photosystem II (PS II) as well as of trimeric and monomeric LHCII complexes transiently associated with the pea Photosystem I (PS I) pool. All of these complexes exhibit sixty to several hundred times lower spectral hole burning yields as compared with molecular glassy solids previously probed by means of the hole growth kinetics measurements. Therefore, the entities (groups of atoms), which participate in conformational changes in protein, appear to be significantly larger and heavier than those in molecular glasses. No evidence of a small (∼1 cm-1) spectral shift tier of the spectral diffusion dynamics has been observed. Therefore, our data most likely reflect the true barrier distributions of the intact protein and not those related to the interface or surrounding host. Possible applications of the barrier distributions as well as the assignments of low-energy states of CP29 and LHCII are discussed in light of the above results.

1. INTRODUCTION Spectral hole burning (SHB) is a well-established technique that since the end of the 80s1,2 has been widely and persistently employed in the studies of pigment-protein photosynthetic (PS) complexes. SHB has been applied to explore electronic level structure, electron-phonon coupling, and energy and charge transfer processes in a broad variety of complexes,3-20 as summarized in a recent review.21 In terms of low-temperature protein dynamics, the presence of lowenergy excitations responsible for the ∼T1.3 dependence of the homogeneous line width, which is characteristic for amorphous solids, was demonstrated for many PS complexes.3-10,12 Broadening of the spectral holes in time has been explored for several complexes, namely, plant reaction centers and CP47 complexes of Photosystem II (PS II) and bacterial B820 dimers.6-9 Later, single photosynthetic complex spectroscopy (SPCS) became the technique of choice to study low-temperature protein dynamics in PS complexes;22-26 see ref 27 for recent review. SPCS allows exploring PS complexes one by one, allowing for great insight into the details of their individual properties and behavior, whereas SHB probes ensemble averages. r 2011 American Chemical Society

Nevertheless, waiting and aging time SHB experiments still continued to be employed to study low-temperature dynamics of other proteins.28-30 Both SHB and single-molecule spectroscopy have been applied in the research on low-temperature dynamics and energy barrier distributions of glasses and polymers.31-37 In particular, hole growth kinetics (HGK) measurements have been employed in refs 13 and 34-37. (In HGK measurements, the evolution of absorption in resonance with the burning laser frequency is followed while the burning occurs.) Until recently, the simulations of the hole burning in PS complexes (e.g., ref 15) did not take into account the dispersive character of hole burning,13,34-37 which is due to the distribution of energy barriers in the excited state of pigment/protein system. In the last couple of years, we initiated steps toward bridging the gap between applications of SHB and SPCS to PS complexes.38,39 Our analysis of the spectral hole shape evolution for the B800 band of the LH II antenna complex of the bacterium Rps. Acidophila involved combining parameters derived from Received: September 14, 2010 Revised: January 31, 2011 Published: March 10, 2011 2737 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 2737–2747

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B SPCS data23,25,26 (line shift distributions, rates, photon budgets) and theoretical SHB models originally developed for glasses, which share many important properties with the proteins. The key feature of these models is the concept of two-level systems (TLSs) originally introduced in refs 40 and 41 to explain anomalous low-temperature heat capacity and heat conductivity in amorphous solids. In the case of SHB in amorphous solids, it is assumed that the barriers between two conformations of the TLS are higher in the ground state than they are in the excited electronic state of the chromophore/host system and that the transition between the conformations, resulting in a spectral shift, occurs because of the tunneling in the excited state.42 Optical spectra of amorphous systems, including proteins, are subject to nonphotochemical hole burning (NPHB),43 meaning that spectral holes appear to be due to the rearrangement of the local environment of the pigment, not due to a photochemical reaction involving the pigment. This is a valuable feature from the viewpoint of energy transfer research in PS complexes because the network of interacting pigment molecules remains intact. In other words, within these models, SHB essentially is treated as a manifestation of light-induced spectral diffusion. Earlier SHB models developed for glasses13,34,35 took into account the excited-state barrier distributions but not the antihole associated with the postburn conformation. More recently, the NPHB antihole absorption has been incorporated into the model.36 The latest versions of the model included also light- and temperature-induced hole filling37 but were still limited to chromophore interacting with just one TLS. By now, it is well established that the standard TLS model or its further developments are not fully capable of explaining various phenomena related to spectral diffusion in proteins at low temperatures, both light-induced and occurring in the dark. (See refs 27 and 28 for recent reviews.) Both SHB experiments with hole broadening over time at different temperatures6-9,28-30 (probing the protein dynamics of the ground electronic state of the protein-chromophore system) and SPCS experiments,22-26 which, we believe, at least at liquid helium temperatures, probe the barrier distributions in the excited state of the pigment-protein system (the latter conclusion is still a matter of debate, though24,38), can be interpreted with system switching between significantly more than two conformational states. Such situation is best described employing the concept of the multiwell energy landscape with several hierarchal tiers.22,44,45 The one-TLS-per-chromophore approximation appears to be too crude for a protein exhibiting multiwell energy landscape, at least for the smaller-barrier landscape tiers.22 Thus, in ref 38, we introduced a SHB model allowing chromophore/protein environment system to assume multiple conformations. Interestingly, our SHB data on LH II proved to be incompatible with the lowest-barrier tier SPCS dynamics reported in refs 22, 23, 25, and 26 while agreeing both qualitatively and quantitatively with the higher tiers dynamics. The FTIR spectrometer white-light-induced hole filling was not accompanied by noticeable hole broadening (i.e., no thermally induced spectral diffusion on the smallest-shift (∼1 cm-1) tier of the energy landscape was observed on a time scale of ∼1 h), and it was impossible to model the holes utilizing narrow (several cm-1) antihole function and the hole burning yield following from the SPCS experiment parameters23,25,26 (i.e., the light-induced spectral diffusion corresponding to that landscape tier was, if present at all, much less pronounced than in the SPCS experiments). Hole filling in the dark was negligible during the first couple of hours after burning, which indicates that the spectral diffusion on


the higher-barrier tier of the energy landscape observed in SPCS experiments is also predominantly light-induced, not thermally induced. The number of possible conformations on the higher tier(s) of the protein energy landscape, however, appears to be limited. The same conclusion can be reached based on roomtemperature SPCS data.46-48 These arguments suggest that original SHB models, extended to include multi-level systems (MLSs), still may be satisfactory for these tiers. An important implication of the results briefly described above and presented in detail in ref 38 is that SHB, probing ensemble averages, could be used to verify if light-induced spectral diffusion behavior observed in SPCS experiments represents behavior typical for the protein under study, and independent of (a) sample preparation details (e.g., nature of the amorphous host surrounding the protein), (b) other experimental procedures, or both. In other words, the property widely considered to be a deficiency of the SHB with respect to SPCS may be treated as beneficial because it provides independent benchmarks for SPCS results. As mentioned above, according to the results of ref 38, the spectral diffusion observed in low-temperature SPCS experiments is most likely light-induced and therefore essentially the same phenomenon as NPHB. With that in mind, we are going to apply the NPHB model of ref 38 to determine the parameters of the barrier distributions, affecting the evolution of spectral holes during burning, for several protein antenna complexes including LHCII peripheral antenna complex, CP29 minor antenna complex, and CP43 core antenna complex of Photosystem II (PS II). First, it is natural to test if barrier parameters observed for LH II in ref 38 are typical for PS complexes in general or are a consequence of some specific properties of LH II. Second, to the best of our knowledge, no low-temperature single complex data has ever been presented for CP43 and CP29 complexes. Whereas some low-temperature single-complex data is available for LHCII,50-53 these papers do not focus on spectral diffusion or barrier distribution parameters. Once respective single complex data become available, it could be verified against our SHBbased parameters. The parameters obtained in the course of this study will also be utilized for development and refinement of light-induced spectral diffusion models simultaneously explaining both SHB and low-temperature SPCS results. Another possible application of barrier distribution parameters in PS research by means of SHB involves disentangling the effects of barrier distributions from the effects related to the distributions of the excitation energy transfer (EET) rates. When distributions of the EET rates are determined in the SHB experiments on higher-energy states of the complexes, they can be compared with those theoretically predicted from the structural data, and additional constraints for transition energies of the chlorophylls in the absence of interpigment interactions can be obtained. The latter energies are still not precisely determined for most of the chlorophylls in most of the PS complexes.

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Sample Preparation. Spectral holes and HGK curves were measured for the lowest-energy regions of CP43 and CP29 complexes of PS II from spinach and of monomeric and trimeric LHCII complexes (transiently associated with Photosystem I, PS I) from pea. CP43 and CP29 samples were isolated and purified as described in refs 18 and 11, respectively. In fact, the CP43 and CP29 samples used in this work were the same as those used in refs 18 and 11, respectively; stored in the meantime at -80 C. 2738 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 2737–2747

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B As will be demonstrated later, prolonged storage did not affect the spectral properties of CP29 significantly (slight shift of the lowest-energy state has been observed, see below). Unlike most LHCII preparations reported previously, the one employed in this study was obtained in the way of PS I purification (at Tel Aviv University). Isolation of thylakoid membranes from 12-day-old pea (Pisum sativum) was performed based on the previously described method.49 All of the subsequent procedures were performed in dim light at 4-6 C. Isolated thylakoids were adjusted to chlorophyll concentrations of 3.0 mg chl/mL and solubilized by the detergent n-dodecyl-β-D-maltoside (DM) (Glycon) to give a final concentration of 1.55 mg detergent per mg chl. Following 15 min of incubation on ice, the material was ultracentrifuged at 150 000 g for 40 min. These conditions were found to solubilize mainly PS II, ATP synthase, and b6f complex. The resulting pellet was suspended using a glass-Teflon homogenizer in a buffer containing 0.3 M sucrose, 20 mM Tricine (pH 8), 2 M Betaine, and 1 mM phenylmethyl-sulphonyl fluoride (PMSF) at a chlorophyll concentration of 3.0 mg chl/mL. The material was then solubilized with 6.0 mg DM per mg chl. Unsolubilized material was removed using ultracentrifugation at 110 000 g for 20 min. The supernatant was applied onto 15-40% sucrose gradient. PSI-LHCII fraction was collected and loaded onto a diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose column (DE-52, Wattman) (1.5  18 cm) that was pre-equilibrated with 20 mM Tricine-Tris (pH 7.4) containing 0.2% (w/v) DM. The column was washed with 25 mL of the same buffer, and LHCII was eluted with a 0-200 mM NaCl linear gradient (130 mL in each chamber) in 20 mM Tricine-Tris (pH 7.4) containing 0.2% (w/v) DM. First, dark-green fractions containing mainly LHCII trimer and monomer complexes were properly separated from PS I and other remainder PS complexes. Fractions containing LHCII were precipitated by the addition of 10% (w/v) PEG6000 (Hampton), followed by centrifugation at 10 000 g for 5 min. The pellet was dissolved in solution containing 20 mM TricineTris (pH 7.4), 0.05% (w/v) DM. For further separation between trimers and monomers, the LHCII was applied onto a 10-25% sucrose gradient containing the same buffer and centrifuged using the SW40 rotor (Beckman) at 37 000 rpm (24 000 g) for 30 h. LHCII appeared in two dark-green bands in the middle of the tube. The lower band contained highly purified trimer complexes, whereas the upper band contained highly purified monomer complexes. To avoid protein heterogeneity, only the middle section of each band was collected. The material was precipitated with 10% (w/v) PEG6000 and 50 mM ammonium acetate and subsequent centrifugation at 10 000 g for 5 min. The pellet was dissolved in solution containing 2 mM Tricine-Tris (pH 7), 0.05% (w/v) DM, and adjusted to a chlorophyll concentration of 3.0 mg/mL for further experimental procedures. Concentrated samples were stored at -80 C, thawed, and then diluted with buffer (20 mM Bis-Tris, pH 6.0, 0.03% (w/v) DM for CP43, 10 mM Tricine, pH 7.8, 0.06% DM for LHCII, and 25 mM HEPES, pH 7.6, 0.06% DM for CP29) prior to experiment. 2.2. Spectroscopic Measurements. Spectroscopic measurements were performed in a model A240 helium cryostat (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) at 5 K. Samples were diluted with glycerol 40:60 several minutes before the start of cooling and placed in a Eppendorf Uvette featuring orthogonal optical paths of 10 and 2 mm. The use of the Uvette allowed absorbance (10 mm path; moderate OD) and fluorescence excitation (2 mm path, reflection geometry; small OD to avoid reabsorption effects) measurements with the same sample. Quality of the samples and


the (low) extent of aggregation in the case of LHCII was confirmed by measuring their absorption spectra with a Varian Cary 5000 spectrophotometer at a resolution of 0.25 nm as well as by measuring their fluorescence spectra using a Jobin-Yvon HR640 spectrograph with a Princeton Instruments Pixis CCD detector. The fluorescence spectra were corrected for the system sensitivity curve. High-resolution SHB experiments were performed with a Spectra-Physics/Sirah Matisse-DS tunable dye laser (DCM dye) pumped with a 6W 532 nm Spectra-Physics Millennia solid-state laser. The Matisse-DS is actively stabilized to 684 nm. As a result, a somewhat broader Lorentzian contribution to PSB width was employed here compared with refs 12 and 18. (See Table 1.) There is general agreement that the A-state of CP43 is localized on a single Chl a molecule, and, therefore, the integrated absorption cross-section was taken to be equal to that of one Chl a molecule. Finally, we used ref 16 and our own unpublished data to estimate the shape of the antihole function. It is clear that the antihole is distributed both to the blue and to the red of the zero-phonon hole. Because of interference between the red fraction of the antihole and the pseudo-PSB, it is unclear if the


antihole is on average blue-shifted with respect to the ZPH or not. We will use the Gaussian antihole function with the width of 40 cm-1, which is centered on ωinit. Introducing a slight blue shift did not affect the final results significantly. As can be seen in Figure 2A, by the end of the burn, the hole reaches fractional depth of 65%, which is somewhat less than 78% corresponding to S = 0.25. A perfect fit between the experimental HGK curve (black) and the simulation result (red) can be obtained for S = 0.3, λ0 = 11.0, and σλ = 1.0. The remaining discrepancy between the observed fractional depth of the hole and exp(-S) is due to antihole influence. The insert of the Figure 2A contains a hole spectrum measured at high resolution after the HGK measurement. The 65% deep hole still has a width of 6.9 GHz only, which indicates that it is far from saturated. No significant antihole contributions are observed within the 45 GHz scan range, which is in agreement with the broad (30-40 cm-1) antihole function employed in our simulations. 3.2.2. CP29. According to ref 11, the 5 K homogeneous width for CP29 is 0.04 cm-1. The electron-phonon coupling parameters were obtained from ref 17. One should note, however, that changes in the parameters of the lowest-state SDF may result in some changes of the parameters of the electron-phonon coupling to produce the same Δ-FLN spectra as reported in ref 17. A 4.8 ns lifetime of the lowest state was assumed.57 The measured HGK curve and the results of simulations are presented in Figure 2B for a burn wavelength of 681.7 nm. At shorter wavelengths for the same tunneling distribution parameters, the theoretical HGK is faster than observed. According to ref 17, the wavelength dependence of the electron-phonon coupling was observed in CP29, with S decreasing toward the shorter wavelengths. Thus, one would expect that the experimental HGK should become somewhat faster, not somewhat slower (as observed) toward shorter wavelengths, if the only state being burned at shorter wavelengths was the same as that burned at 681.7 nm. The opposite tendency means that burning at 680.5 and especially 679.0 nm simultaneously probes two different pigments, with the higher-energy one exhibiting lower SHB yield than the state dominating the absorption at >681.7 nm. Fitting the HGK curves at shorter wavelengths requires the use two bands for the simulations rather than one. S = 0.417 was used for the secondlowest energy band. In this case, a reasonable (but not perfect) fit to the higher energy HGK curves was achieved for λ0,2 ≈ 10.5. 3.2.3. LHCII. For simulations, the 5 K homogeneous line width was assumed to be 0.04 cm-1 for both monomer and trimer based on the results of ref 10. This value is in reasonable agreement with the ∼0.1 cm-1 width of the ∼15% hole obtained with ∼2  10-3 J/cm2 at 682.6 nm for LHCII monomer in our work. (See insert in Figure 2D.) According to ref 57, the 10 K fluorescence decay kinetics of nonaggregated, LHCII has two components, 1.8 and 4.4 ns; the latter value, corresponding to the more red-shifted component, was used in this work to simulate the lowest-energy HGK curves for both the monomer and trimer. Concerning the electron-phonon coupling parameters, we utilized those from ref 19 as initial guesses. However, because of changes in the SDF parameters proposed in Table 1, the actual phonon sideband shape may differ somewhat from that suggested in ref 19. Moreover, as can be seen from the HGK curves for both monomeric and trimeric LHCII, the maximal fractional hole depth (∼45% for the monomer and ∼35% for the trimer) is significantly smaller than that expected for S = 0.6 (monomer) and S = 0.8 to 0.9 (trimer) reported in ref 19 and previous works. The fits employing the initial guess values of S were relatively 2743 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 2737–2747

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B poor, and resulted in λ0 > 12 for the lowest-energy bands of both monomer and trimer. It was also clear that to simulate the early leveling off of the kinetics at high irradiation doses, one had to introduce high values of σλ > 2.5, which in turn resulted in a poor fit at the beginning of the curves. Therefore, we allowed S to increase significantly for both monomeric and trimeric LHCII. Simultaneously, we decreased the width of the Lorentzian part of the PSB somewhat to arrive at approximately the same simulated overall shape of the phonon sideband as in Δ-FLN spectra reported in ref 19. One should also note that producing acceptable fits for shorter burn wavelength holes (not depicted) required that the second-lowest state (with parameter different from those of the first state) contributes significantly to absorption at