Parametrization of static magnetic susceptibility of a "linear

Mar 1, 1984 - Parametrization of static magnetic susceptibility of a "linear" tetranuclear chromium(III) complex by isotropic Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vle...
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Inorg. Chem. 1984,23,695-699 the CV process being considered occurs. This is as one would expect for such ligands. Strong evidence for the binuclear C U I 2 complex as the product comes from the CV results obtained when CU(CH,CN)~+and Na2(PAA) are allowed to react in the electrochemical cell. Sweeping the potential in the positive direction starting from -1.6 V yields a CV wave very similar to the one recorded when sweeping negatively with C U ~ ( P A A ) ~ . Thus, the species involved in both cases appear to be the same. Several conclusions may be drawn from the current study. One is that there are major differences between the redox behavior of the mono- and binuclear complexes and, hence, that the presence of the second metal ion significantly alters the chemical properties. Another is that the electron-transfer properties of these compounds in the absence of simple ions is a reversible, one-electron transfer. However, in the presence of excess simple ions the electron-transfer process consists of two reversible, sequential one-electron transfers with very


similar potentials. Finally, there is no significant difference in CV behavior between the bis(l,3,5-triketonato)dicopper(II) complexes and their diamine Schiff-base derivatives except for the absolute value of the redox potentials. In all other aspects the CV waves are superimposable.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant CHE80- 10809). Registry No. Cu2(PAA),, 84130-49-4; Cu2(PAA),en, 601 16-99-6; Cu,(PAA),- 1,3-pn, 88476-09-9; CuH2(PAA),en-N,O2, 66745-47-9; C~H,(PAA)~-1,3-pn-0,0,,88476-10-2; C ~ H ~ ( B A A ) ~ - 1 , 3 - p n - 0 , 0 , , 66745-40-2; Cu2(BAA),-l,3-pn, 66745-65-1; Zn2(PAA),, 88476-11-3; Cu2(BAA),, 29745-70-8; Cu2(BAA),en, 56550-34-6; Na, 7440-23-5; Li, 7439-93-2.

Supplementary Material Available: Listings of cyclic voltammetric data (6 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

Contribution from Chemistry Department I, Inorganic Chemistry,

H. C. Orsted Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark

Parametrization of Static Magnetic Susceptibility of a “Linear” Tetranuclear Chromium(111) Complex by Isotropic Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vleck Hamiltonians and Correlation with Structural Data T U q E DAMHUSt and ERIK PEDERSEN* Received June 23, 1983

The static magnetic susceptibility of the tetranuclear chromium(II1) complex [(en)2Cr(OH)2Cr(en)(OH)2Cr(en)(0H),Cr(en),l6+ as a bromide salt, the preparation and X-ray structure of which have been previously reported, has been measured and subjected to interpretation within several different models based on isotropic Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vleck Hamiltonians with or without biquadratic exchange terms. This has been accomplished with use of new programs that are based on computer diagonalization of such operators because no explicit eigenvalue formulas are known for the linear configuration. The simplest description emerging exhibits two antiferromagnetic couplings, J12,= J 3 4 = 19 cm-’ and J23 = 14 cm-’, where chromiums 1 and 4 are the terminal ones, and the Hamiltonian is &Jk,Ss,.S,. The energy levels corresponding to the various parameter sets obtained are presented, the lowest spin multiplets are, in all cases, a ground-state singlet, a triplet at approximately 10 cm-l, and a quintet at approximately 32 cm-l. The parameters of the simplest model are correlated with the structural data by using a generalization of a model recently proposed for corresponding dinuclear complexes.

Introduction Oligonuclear oxo-, hydroxo- and alkoxo-bridged chromium(II1) complexes have become the subject of extensive research in recent the main effort in work from this laboratory being put into the investigation of correlations between magnetic and structural data for these systems. A model has recently been proposedg for such correlations in the dinuclear complexes, and the present work and a related one4 now give opportunities to investigate extensions of the model to systems with more than two centers. We discuss here the static magnetic susceptibility for the bromide salt [(en)2Cr(OH),Cr( en) (OH) 2Cr(en) (OH) 2Cr(en) 2] Br6.2H20, of the particular stereoisomer of a tetrameric cation for which the preparation and structure were reported previously.I0 Susceptibility data are normally interpreted in terms of just a single model, and the estimated standard deviations for the resultant parameters often seem underestimated. Here we have used two independent data sets and five coupling models +Presentaddress: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry AD, Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, DK-2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark.


and have thereby obtained a broader illustration of the uncertainties involved in deriving the coupling constants and the energies of the spin multiplets.


( 1 ) Hcdgson, D. J. In “Extended Interactions between Metal Ions in Transition Metal Complexes”;Interrante, L. V., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974; Chapter 9. ( 2 ) Scaringe, R. P.; Hodgson, D. J.; Hatfield, W. E. Transition Met. Chem. (yeinheim, Ger.) 1981, 6, 340. ( 3 ) Cline, S. J.; Hcdgson, D. J.; Kallesm, S.; Larsen, S.; Pedersen,E. Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22, 637-642 and references therein. ( 4 ) Andersen, P.; Damhus, T.; Pedersen, E.; Petersen, A. Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A., in press. ( 5 ) Damhus, T. Licentiate (Ph.D.) Thesis, University of Copenhagen, 1984, and references therein.

(6) (7) (8) (9)

Giidel, H. U.; Hauser, U. Inorg. Chem. 1980, 19, 1325-1328. Giidel, H. U.; Hauser, U. J . Solid Stale Chem. 1980, 35, 230-239. Giidel, H. U.; Hauser, U. Inorg. Chem. 1979, 18, 2730-2737. Glerup, J.; Hodgson, D. J.; Pedersen, E. Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A

1983, A37, 161-164. (10) Andersen, P.; Berg, T. Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A 1978, A32,989-1003.

P. Andersen has pointed out that by an unfortunate mistake the configuration of the tetramer is given as AAAA in this paper (abstract and p 1001). It is actually AAAA as is seen in the figures of the paper. ( 1 1) Michelsen, K.; Pedersen, E. Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A 1978, A32, 847-8 5 5 . (12) Hauser, U. Inauguraldissertation, Universitat Bern, 1979.

0 1984 American Chemical Society

696 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 6, 1984

Damhus and Pedersen


Figure 1. Structure of the cation [(en)~Cr(OH)zCr(en)(OH)zCr(en)(OH)zCr(en)zJ6tas it occurs in the bromide salt discussed in the text. Large circles represent chromium atoms; small circles not in

the hydroxo bridges represent the ethylenediamine nitrogens. The molecule has an inversion center at I. We number the chromium atoms 1, 2, 3, 4 proceeding through the chain from one end to the other.




The tetrameric cation under investigation may be schematically represented by Figure 1. The simplest Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vleck (HDVV) Hamiltonian for this system is

+ J ' S ~ . S+~ & 3 4 4





where SI is the spin on center i and J and J' are exchange co%pl@gcon_sta_nts,all Si being equal to 3/2. The coefficients to SI& and S3.S4have been put equal because of the inversion symmetry of the cation. For certain other tetrameric systems with some sort of symmetry, discussed in the literature (chromium analogues of Werner's brown sa1ts,4,6.12 the Heiffer and rhodoso ions,4*',*J2 and certain corresponding mixed-valence tetranuclear iron complexes*4),it is possible to rewrite the HDVV Hamiltonian as a linear combination oca set_of mutuaily commuting operators, each of the form (St, Si, + ... + SiJ2,in such a way that explicit formulas can be given for the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian in terms of the spin values and the coupling constants. This is not the case for the "linear" system we are considering here, not even for the simple Hamiltonian (1). Thus, to obtain the eigenvalues of (l), one has to set up the matrix of this operator in some suitable basis and diagonalize it. This particular problem formed the impetus for the development in this laboratory of a more general computer program that may set up and diagonalize the matrix of operators









" ' I " " '




The Susceptibility Fitting Program




Experimental Section The static magnetic susceptibilitywas measured with an instrument based on the Faraday method and partly described e1se~here.I~The field strength was 12000 Oe. The estimated standard deviations 0 2 ( x (T ) ) on the susceptibility measurements and oz(T ) on the temperature measurements are reported elsewhere.I I Two sets of data were collected, in the following to be denoted I and 11. After removal of points that were obviously measurement errors, the full set I consisted of 328 data points with temperatures ranging from 2.4 to 292.2 K, and the full set I1 consisted of 368 points from 2.2 to 294.2 K.





Rgure 2. Magnetic susceptibility per chromium (left scale, cgs units)

and effective magnetic moment (right scale, Bohr magnetons) of [(en)zCr(OH)zCr(en)(OH)zCr(en)(OH)2Cr(en)z] Br6.2Hz0. The plot represents those points from 2.4 to 292 K in data set I1 which were included in the fits to the various models described in the text. The dots distributed closely around the abscissa axis indicate the corre- xaIcd) X 20, where xald refers to the sponding values of (xobsd parameters of model 5 in Table 11. Table I. Parameters Used in the Fitting Procedures adjustable parameters


1 2 3

J,, = J,,, J , , ; K J,, = J,,, =I'~~,J~~; J,?=J3,, J13,J13=J14;j12=j3,,

4 5

J1,=J,,, J , 3 , J , , = J 1 4 , J 1 4 ; K J , , = J,,, J,,; K ; C



fixed parameters g = 1.98;C=O Kg = 1.98; c= 0 g = 1.98;C=O

K g=


1.98;C=O 1.98

basis for another program that may fit an experimental susceptibility curve ( T , xoW( T)) to the expression

(3) by minimization of



% = kc [Jk$k'S,