paration described. The classification of alkaline tungstates alr

Srriliite $il?*er ,suIp'hate is prepared by dissolving silver sulphate and aniline in boiling watei', filtering hot, and wasllirtg and drying the crys...
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Numerous complex salts are mentioned, and their method of preparation described. The classification of alkaline tungstates already noticed in this JOURNAL ( u k l e , JOURN. AM.CHEM.Soc., I, 4, I l l ) , is repeated, and the following arrangement of the alkaline molybdates is given : NORMAL SERIES.

MoO,.N%O 2iCloO,.2Na&

+ 2Aq.

+ H,O.


+ +

4Mo0.Na20 6Aq. 14Aq. 6;\lo0.2Na@ 8&fo0.hTa,0.2H20 2Aq. 1oMoO.Xa2O.3H,O 9Aq. 14M00.6?u'a20$- 44Aq. 16hfoO..LNi&.5&O 3Aq. 2Aq. 18M00.213aO.6H,O T h e reniaintler of this article is devoted to graphical formiilrp of alkaline tungstates. CorLtrUmtiom f r o m


+ + + +


Lrcbowctory of


College. (No. 2.)

OILsome LVvmpowdv qf Aromatic d / n ines with Silver Nitrute UtLd #I6@hute, b ' . 0. & I l X T E R . S r r i l i i t e $il?*er,suIp'hate is prepared by dissolving silver sulphate and aniline in boiling watei', filtering hot, and wasllirtg and drying the crystalline compound which separates out ripon cooling. The analysis gave results correspondirtg to the formnla : (C,H,NEI,),.Ag,SO4.2€1,O.

P~rrntolrticiine siluer sulphate is obtained i n an analogous manner, and has the formnla : (C,II,NH,),.Ag,SO,.2€1,O. Metanitrtrit iliue silver 7aitrtrte.-Prepared from an alcoholic solrition of metanitraniline and silver nitrate ; fuses at 124-125' c.,and ha6 the composition : (C,€I,NO2NII2),.AgNO3.

Nitrotol?cidiine silver nitrate is obtained from the aqueous soliition of the nitro-amine and silver salt ; it fuses at 131-132' C., and has the formula : (C,H,K02NH,),.AgN03. Ptrrtrtoluidii~esilver nitrcrte melts at 101' C., and has the compo-

Rition : (Ci€I,NH,),.AgN03. On Clnvke'8 3fetJkorl f o r tJte Seprwatdon Arffenicfllkd Antiinon?/, F R E D . P. D E W E Y .


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