May 23, 2012 - Chem. , 1971, 43 (3), pp 65A–65A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60298a755. Publication Date: March 1971. Copyright © 1971 American Chemical Society...
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Industry Items Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc.,

3,316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104, 215-382-7800, is now market­ ing a line of audio-visual instructional aids relating to laboratory instrumen­ tation. The first in the series is on basic infrared spectroscopy. Laboratory Instrument Exchange, Inc., 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60611, 312-787-0800, has created a Labex Appraisal Division to provide low-cost appraisals of reconditioned laboratory equipment or computers. Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc.,

3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104, 215-382-7800, is now market­ ing a data-retrieval system called IRIS. This infrared information system (pro­ duced in conjunction with the Univer­ sity Computing Co.) offers a fast, eco­ nomical way to identify spectral un­ knowns. There are about 100,000 coded spectra in the data base which will be added to as other spectra collected are coded. Multiple searches, up to 25 at one time are permitted, helping reduce costs. Bendix Corp., Southfield, Mich. 48075, 313-352-6233, has purchased sub­ stantially all of the assets of Unico En­ vironmental Instruments, Inc., a whol­ ly-owned subsidiary of the Gelman In­ strument Co. In addition, certain other products, property, and assets of Gelman related to the Unico product line have been bought. The products are related to environmental health and include instruments for the detection, analysis, and measurement of gases, va­ pors, and particulates, as well as devices for the sampling and monitoring of large volumes of air. The Swedish scientific instrument manufacturer, LKB-Produkter, which is known in the U. S. through its subsidi­ ary, LKB Instruments, Inc., of Wash­ ington, D. C , has acquired the Finnish instrument company, Wallac OY. The latter firm makes automatic liquid scin­ tillation counters and automatic gamma counters, as well as other instruments connected with isotope analysis and radioactivity measurements. Also, a new LKB subsidiary has been estab­ lished in France. A new program called HELP (Honey­ well Equipment Leasing Plan) provides for the lease or rental of electronic test­ ing, measuring, and recording products marketed by Honeywell's Test Instru­ ments Division in Denver. Honeywell has also announced a 20% reduction in repair and calibration costs for elec­ tronic test instruments. This service is called Honeywell Plus-20.

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