Parr Instrument Company

Handbook of Anion Determination. W. John Williams. Offers single-volume coverage of the most important methods for the determination of over 70 anions...
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High Resolution Spectroscopy J. Michael Hollas A comprehensive guide to the principles and tech­ niques of modern high resolution spectroscopy. 1982 638 pp ill. 408-10605-0 $115.00

Handbook of Anion Determination W. John Williams Offers single-volume coverage of the most important methods for the determination of over 70 anions. 1979 630 pp ill. 408-71306-2 $139.95 To order, or for more information, write:

Butterworth Publishers 80 Montvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180


practicing analytical chemists. Of course, the production of these tables is not a trivial matter, and would re­ quire rather involved experimental procedures at the state of the art in particle generation and characteriza­ tion. Nevertheless, when these data do become available, which undoubtedly they will in due time, this should allow researchers to steer around the major­ ity of interference problems other than those of spectral overlaps, for which tabular data are already avail­ able (i, 2). ICP Systems. The data available on solvent-loading limitations for or­ ganic solvents with the ICP have been characterized recently (3). Some typi­ cal limiting aspiration rates are shown in Table I, together with evaporation factors, E, of the solvents. These data are useful as a guide for organic sol­ vent introduction to the ICP. The evaporation factor is a measure of the rate of mass loss from an evaporating drop, and is given by: Ε = 48 DvaPsM2(5RT)-2


where Dv is the diffusion coefficient of the solvent vapor, σ is the surface ten­ sion, Ps is the saturated vapor pres­ sure, M is the molecular weight of the solvent, δ is the density, R is the gas constant, and Τ is the absolute tem­ perature. In general, the ICP has de­ creasing tolerance to solvents as their evaporation factors increase, and there is an inverse correlation between evaporation factor and limiting aspi­ ration rate. However, the alcohols have a much greater quenching effect on the plasma than their evaporation factors would indicate, and they may readily extinguish the plasma under normal operating conditions. It is always possible to remove at least part of the solvent vapor by con­ densation. Two groups of workers have attempted this and shown that the tolerance of the ICP to organic sol­ vents is greatly improved when a large fraction of the solvent vapor is re­ moved from the gas stream passing to the plasma (3, 4). This is an indication of how the sample introduction pro­ cess can be modified to produce analyte closer to the optimum for the at­ omizer. No published data are avail­ able on limitations of aqueous sample introduction to the ICP, although clearly water loading in the plasma has a direct influence on plasma prop­ erties. In fact, it has been shown for certain ionic lines that doubling the water loading entering the plasma can cause a 100-fold reduction in analyti­ cal signal (5). From a practical standpoint, three important conclusions can be reached. First, it is necessary to introduce sam­ ple to the atomizer with drops no larg­ er than a certain maximum size