Particle Size Distribution

Thornton, Anthony W., 256. Tscharnuter, W. W., 48. Vaidya, R. Α., 62. Van Gilder, R. L., 272. V i s i o l i , D. L., 287. Weiner, Β. B., 48. Xu, Ren...
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Downloaded by on June 9, 2018 | Publication Date: February 12, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1987-0332.ix001

Author Index Annapragada, Α., 133 Beddow, J . Κ., 2 Berger, Ε. J . , 89 Bott, S. Ε., 74 Caldwell, Karin D., 215 Chang, K., 89 Chang, Y. S., 30 Chu, Benjamin, 115 C o l l , Hans, 202 Ford, James R., 115 Frock, Harold Ν., 146 Garcia-Rubio, L. Η., 161 Giddings, J . Calvin, 215 G i l l , T., 180 Gilman, Lee B., 256 Grabowski, E. F., 89 Gulari, Erdogan, 133 Gulari, Esin, 133 Hamielec, Α. Ε., 242 Herb, C. Α., 89 Hester, R. D., 62 Holsworth, R. Μ., 191 Jang, Β. Z., 30 Jawad, B., 133 Jones, Harlan Κ., 215

Koehler, Μ. Ε., 180,231 Kourti, T., 242 Langhorst, Μ. Α., 272 MacGregor, J . F., 242 M e t t i l l e , M. J . , 62 Morrison, I. D., 89 Niemann, T. F., 180 O l i v i e r , James P., 256 Oppenheimer, Larry E., 202 Penlidis, Α., 242 Provder, Theodore, 180,191,231 Ray, W. Harmon, 105 Seechi, Β. Μ., 287 S i l e b i , C. Α., 287 Smart, Cindy G., 256 Stansbrey, J . J . , 191 Stock, Ruth S., 105 Thornton, Anthony W., 256 Tscharnuter, W. W., 48 Vaidya, R. Α., 62 Van Gilder, R. L., 272 V i s i o l i , D. L., 287 Weiner, Β. B., 48 Xu, Renliang, 115 Zander, R. Α., 180

Subject Index A Accuracy o f p a r t i c l e s i z i n g HDC, 57-61 PCS, 54,55f Acrylic binders, p a r t i c l e s i z e d i s t r i b u t i o n s , 269f Adaptability, fractionation techniques for p a r t i c l e characterization, 219,221 Airy formula, intensity d i s t r i b u t i o n of the Fraunhofer d i f f r a c t i o n pattern, 148 Algorithm, inversion, f o r obtaining p a r t i c l e size distributions from QELS data, 91-94 American Society f o r Testing and Materials, standard tensile t e s t , 34 Angular dependence of the scattering intensity, p a r t i c l e s i z i n g using PCS, 8l,83f,84 Angular l i g h t scattering, p a r t i c l e s i z i n g , 146-159

Autocorrelation (AC) function Brownian p a r t i c l e s of uniform s i z e and shape, 77 determination of p a r t i c l e size d i s t r i b u t i o n s , 119-120 monodisperse samples, 60,134 p a r t i c l e s i z i n g using QELS, 90-91 r e l a t i o n to polymer MWDs, 63 r e l a t i o n to the f i r s t - o r d e r AC function, 62 Averages o f p a r t i c l e s i z e , polydisperse particulate systems, 161-178

Β Band broadening HDC, 259-260 sedimentation FFF, 223 Batch polymerization, latex, 266-267 Bentonite suspensions dynamic light-scattering measurements, 124-125,126f


Provder; Particle Size Distribution ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.