
Units can be shippedfrom stock. For complete technical information and prices, write to PK's Chemical ... 68. Syringes. Complete data on syringes with...
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The shall of the P-K Type (IV) Lab Blender can be charged from either side by the quick removal of either of two dust- and watertight covers.

Product Capsules Showers. Data on drench shower and eye-wash combination. 120 Sinks. Bulletin on nonporous chemi­ cal porcelain lab sinks. 146 Sonic Oscillators. Unit physicochemical reactions. Spectrofluorometers. UV, visible, and IR.

duplicates 66

Analysis in the 27

Spectrographs. Data on 3.4 meter convertible Ebert spectrograph. 124

multipurpose electric furnace ; with factory-planned - accessory groups THERMDLYNE

Spectrometers. Gamma system fea­ tures regulated high voltage supply. 60


P-K's NEW (LV) LAB , BLENDER. YOU GET THESE 3 DIFFERENT MIXING ACTIONS... LIQUID-SOLIDS TYPE - To disperse and blend, uniformly, liquids of any viscosity with dry solids, just Insert the wire cage liquidfeed bar assembly. Handles liquids from mi­ nute quantities up to 40% of total weight. Liquid is introduced through hollow shaft of bar. Even critical formulations blended in 5 to 10 minutes.


intensive mix­ ing of hard-to-blend dry solids, or to break up agglomerates, use wire cage bar assembly. Average blending time for dry formulations· 3 to 5 minutes.

FOR GENTLE PRECISION BLENDING — Simply remove wire cage bar. Unique blend­ ing action will not cause attrition or break down even the most delicate crystals. Average blending time: 3 to 5 minutes.

Spectrometers. Circle 82 for tech­ nical info on NMR and EPR units. 82 Spectrophotometers.

New recording,

prism/grating, IR unit.


Spectrophotometers. Automatic pro­ gramming, wide wave length range. 104 Stills. Catalog on water stills and demineralizers. 107 Stirrers. "Trubore" features changeable bearings and rods.

inter­ 1

Stirrers. Compact magnetic stirrer with rheostat. Bulletin. 77 Stirrers. 1/100 hp. motor. 25 to 500 rpm. Data. 113 Stopcocks. Catalog on stopcocks with "Teflon" plugs. 40 Stopcocks. Flat, borosilicate. freeze, leak, use lubricant.

Don't 149

Strip Charts. Unit provides auto­ matic remote control printing. 68 Syringes. Complete data on syringes with Chaney adaptors. 34 Table Tops. tops.

Data on stone lab table 2

Accessories make it adaptable as a salt bath, oil bath, melting, vertical muffle, or crucible furnace. Conversion from one operation to another is made quickly, easily, and safely, even when furnace is hot. THERMOLYNE Type 2100 Multipurpose Furnaces are used for ashing, baking, assay­ ing, melting, drying, fusing, ore roasting, drawing—and many other laboratory applications.

Tensiometers. Measures surfaceinterfacial tensions by ring method. 18

Price of basic furnace without controls or accessories, $170.

Tensiometers. Weighing with elec­ tromagnetic balance. 159

Accessory groups from $22.75. Write for literature and name of nearest dealer.


Thermoregulators. Leaflet on direct setting, ultramicro unit. 32

A l l P-K Twin-Shell Blenders are patented and the name registered Circle No. 77 on Readers' Service Card

(Continued on page 118 A)


With choice of six functional accessory groups, this one furnace lets you perform several distinct operations.

Tapes. Samples of pressure-sensitive times tapes. 138

Taper Sleeves. "Quorn" self-lubricat­ ing standard taper sleeve. 152


top-loading . . . 6 5 / 8 " dia., 11 Vi" deep chamber

Compact shape, triple insulation. Chamber temperatures to 1650°F continuous, 1900°F intermittent. Automatic or semiautomatic controls available.

This new P-K Type (LV) Lab Blender owes its versatility to the design of the removable, spring-loaded liquid-feed bar assembly. Liquids and solids are prevented from entering the bearing housings by an exclusive, patented seal. Standard (LV) Lab Blenders are available in 8 and 16 quart capacities, in transparent Lucite or stainless steel. Interior of shell and stain­ less steel bar assembly can be cleaned, clin­ ically, in minutes. Operates on 115 ν AC. Units can be shipped from stock. For complete technical information and prices, write to PK's Chemical and Process Equip­ ment Division, 1004 Hanson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. uq

116 A


Thermistors. Catalog with data on more than 650 items. 84 Thermometers. Catalog on line of slowly annealed units. 125

THERMO ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. 4 7 8 H u f f St., D u b u q u e , I o w a

Circle Ne. 91 on Readers' Service Card