
Dec 1, 2010 - now available as follows: Mun˜oz-Castro, A.; Mac-Leod Carey,. D.; Arratia-Pérez, R. Spin-orbit effects on electronic delocal- ization...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 13289

2010, Volume 114A A. Mun˜oz-Castro and R. Arratia-Pe´rez*: Corrections to Electronic Delocalization, Energetics, and Optical Properties of Tripalladium Ditropylium Halides, [Pd3(C7H7)2X3]1- (X ) Cl-, Br-, and I-) Page 5217. On reference 32c, we cite an unpublished work that depicts the variation of the aromaticity on the related [(CNT)Pd4(COT)]1+ complex due to the spin-orbit effects, and is strongly connected to our article. The work on [(CNT)Pd4(COT)]1+ is now available as follows: Mun˜oz-Castro, A.; Mac-Leod Carey, D.; Arratia-Pe´rez, R. Spin-orbit effects on electronic delocalization. Aromaticity in a discrete square tetrapalladium sandwich complex. J. Chem. Phys. 2010, 132, 164308 (doi: 10.1063/ 1.3382340). In reference 45, we detail the electron counting used to give the net electron count for each Pd atom. It currently reads as follows:

3 × Pd(0) + 3 × X1- + 2 × [C7H7]1+ ) 3 × 10e + 3 × 2e + 3 × 6πe ) 48e It should read as follows:

3 × Pd(0) + 3 × X1- + 2 × [C7H7]1+ ) 3 × 10e + 3 × 2e + 2 × 6πe ) 48e 10.1021/jp1109724 Published on Web 12/01/2010

* Corresponding author.