Pedigree of SORBO® production . . . 20 years long - C&EN Global

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P e d i g r e e of SORBO® p r o d u c t i o n . . . 20 y e a r s l o n g You don't have to adjust your process with each shipment of SORBO sorbitol solution you receive. SORBO is the same every time. There's a good reason why you're always sure of getting the same high quality, day after day, year after year. In our twenty years of producing this versatile humeetantconditioner, we've found that constant watching and testing are the secret of keeping SORBO so pure t h a t it can make your good products even better. T o hold SORBO quality within tight limits, we adapted Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods to our continuous sorbitol process, Atlas being one of the pioneers in application of these methods to chemical

manufacturing. Several times every day, we check SORBO'S color, polyol content and other characteristics required by our speci fications . . . which, incidentally, are considerably tougher than any customer asks for. As each new reading is added to our charts, we spot trends quickly, and head off trouble before it happens. You're sure of delivery, too, for our SORBO capacity is ample to fill any volume of demand. And the twenty years of experience t h a t we have in applying SORBO can give you valuable help in working out ways t o improve your own products. Call u s today. Atlas Powder Company, Wilmington 99, Delaware. S O R B O , made by Atlas . . . first in sorbitol