People - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Aug 15, 1977 - ... Mich David Hellier promoted to product manager, inorganic chemicals division, Pennwalt Corp., Philadelphia ... Fred W. Helsel named...
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People A r t h u r H . B a k e r b e c o m e s p r e s i d e n t of Allied C h e m i c a l I n t e r n a t i o n a l , M o r r i s T o w n s h i p , N . J . H e succeeds B u r t o n L. H o w , w h o b e c o m e s p r e s i d e n t of Allied C h e m i c a l C a n a d a L t d . A. Russell L a t h a m , former p r e s i d e n t of Allied C h e m i cal C a n a d a , j o i n s Allied's i n d u s t r i a l c h e m i c a l s division as e x e c u t i v e vice president. Koichi F u k a m i h a s b e e n n a m e d presid e n t of S u m i t o m o C h e m i c a l A m e r i c a , N e w York City. H e j o i n e d S u m i t o m o in 1955, a n d h a s b e e n h e a d of t h e foreign r e l a t i o n s d e p a r t m e n t in O s a k a , J a p a n , since J u n e 1976.

Industry John H a s s i n e n named chief ' engineer, coupling division, Rexnord, Warren, Pa Dr. Richard F. D. H e i n e m a n n joins Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo, Ohio, as director of corporate market research . . . Robert G. Heitz named research fellow, Dow Chemical, Midland, Mich David Hellier promoted to product manager, inorganic chemicals division, Pennwalt Corp., Philadelphia . . . Fred W. Helsel named senior engineering associate, Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Florham Park, N.J Frederick D. Helversen elected senior v.p., CH2M Hill, a consulting firm, Portland, Ore. . . . Bill Hendrickson named product manager, engineered products, coupling division, Rexnord, Warren, P a . . . . William A. H e r n l u n d joins Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, in process research division . . . Charles L. Hodges named marketing manager, medium power transformer division, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Sharon, P a . . . . Alan M. Holzberg named western district sales manager, solvents, Exxon Chemical USA, Houston . . . Joyce H r i n k o appointed supervisor, government regulations, Drew Chemical, Parsippany, N.J. Colin N. R a m s a y joins Virginia Chemicals, Portsmouth, Va., as director of administration . . . Dr. Robert G. Robinson named senior scientist, Upjohn, Kalamazoo, Mich. . . . Robert S. Roller joins Synres Chemical Corp., Anaheim, Calif., as technical sales representative for polyesters . . . Colon H. Rowe Jr. joins Philip Morris Research Center, Richmond, Va., as research professional. Jason M. S a l s b u r y elected v.p. of Cyanamid's industrial research institute, Wayne, N.J. . . . Dr. David Sapper appointed v.p. of product development, Gould Inc.'s elastomer products division, Milan, O h i o . . . . Dr. Klaus W. Schatz promoted to manager, process research and technology service division, Mobil R&D Corp., Paulsboro, N . J . . . . G. Ross Seavy appointed director, process design & project management, Mobay Chemical, Pittsburgh . . . Maris A. Sermolins named director of R&D, Arno Adhesive Tapes, Michigan City, Ind Deborah L. S h a n k s joins Celanese Chemical, New York City, as marketing research supervisor for acetyl and methyl products... K. Kay Shearin joins Instruments SA, Metuchen, N.J., as product specialist... William J. Siemens appointed general manager, business development groups, Emery Industries, Cincinnati... Martin M. Skoultchi named senior research associate, National Starch & Chemical Corp., Bridgewater, N . J . . . . Arthur J. Smith named business manager, process chemicals division, Diamond Shamrock Corp., Morristown, N.J. . . . Dr. Herbert A. S p a n n u t h promoted to suervising chemist, Mobil R&D Corp., Paulsoro, N.J. . . . John A. S t a h l named product



C&EN Aug. 15, 1977

manager, new specialty additives, B. F. Goodrich Chemical, Cleveland . . . John H. Stockinger promoted to manager of standard testing service group, Mobil R&D Corp., Paulsboro, N.J. . . . James F. S t r e c a n s k y appointed business area manager for metallurgical industries, Air Products & Chemicals, Allentown, Pa. James D. Templeton named v.p., tire & industrial marketing, Beaunit Corp., Charlotte, N.C. . . . Dr. Donald N. T h a t c h e r appointed executive v.p., Teledyne McCormick Selph, Hollister, Calif.... G. P. T i r a n n o appointed v.p., international sales, C-E Lummus, Bloomfield, N. J Robert J. Tupik appointed marketing specialist, chemical division, Union Camp Corp., Wayne, N.J Michael Turczyk promoted to associate research engineer, polymer product development section, Stauffer Chemical, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. E. Paul van Heek appointed export sales manager, Hercules Americas, Wilmington . . . Dr. Jean-Paul Viau joins Squibb Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, N.J., as assistant clinical pharmacology director. Marvin Weingast named project supervisor for health/safety and analytical, National Starch & Chemical Corp., Bridgewater, N.J Dr. William R. Wheeler named v.p. of research, Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp., Indianapolis . . . James W. Wilbur appointed manager of new business development, Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corp., Menlo Park, N.J. . . . Edward J. W r i g h t named general sales manager, Jessop Steel Co., Washington, Pa Margaret M. S. Wu joins Mobil Chemical, Edison, N.J., as research chemist, industrial & petrochemicals R&D.

Education Dr. John L. A b e r n e t h y promoted to full professor, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona . . . Dr. Robert J. Angelia appointed chairman, department of chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames. Donald A. B a t h joins department of chemistry as assistant professor, Illinois State University, Normal . . . Simon H. B a u e r named professor emeritus, chemistry department, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. . . . Dr. John C. B e r g named assistant department chairman, chemical engineering department, University of Washington, Seattle . . . Dr. Richard B. Bernstein named Higgins Professor of Natural Science, Columbia University, New York City . . . Dr. John E. Breen named John J. McKetta Professor in Engineering, University of Texas, Austin college of engineering. Dr. L. Guy Donaruma named vice president for academic affairs and professor of chemistry, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro . . . Dr. Peter C. Ford promoted to professor of chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara . . . Dr. Gregory D. Gillispie appointed assistant professor, chemistry department, State University of New York, Albany. John F. Hansen promoted to associate professor, department of chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal . . . Dr. David M. Himmelblau named Bob R. Dorsey Professor in Engineering, University of Texas, Austin college of engineering . . . Dr. Kenneth D. Karlin appointed assistant professor, chemistry department, State University of New York, Albany . . . Michael E. K u r z promoted to professor, department of chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal. Dr. Robert L. Lichter elected chairman, chemistry department, Hunter College, New York City . . . Dr. Raymond A. Lohr joins department of chemistry, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, as Robert A. Welch Foundation postdoctoral fellow... Pare Lou-

don joins Purdue University as associate professor of medicinal chemistry, West Lafayette, Ind. Dr. Dennis G. McMinn promoted to associate professor and becomes department chairman, chemistry department, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash. . . . Dr. Marilyn M e c k s t r o t h joins chemistry department, Niagara University, N.Y., as assistant professor of analytical chemistry . . . Dr. F. M. Miller returns to full-time research and teaching, chemistry department, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb . . . William T. Miller named professor emeritus, chemistry department, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y Dr. Louise C. Monack named acting dean for 1977-78, Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa Dr. R. W. Moulton, chairman of department of chemical engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, retiring after 24 years' service. He will continue to teach and conduct a research program in the d e p a r t m e n t . . . Dr. Raymond R. Myers named University Professor, Kent State University, O h i o . . . Dr. Charles C. N a t h a n named director, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology's energy institute, and deputy director, R&D division, Socorro. Alan J. Seism joins department of chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal, as assistant professor... Dr. Ian Scott joins Texas A&M University as distinguished professor of chemistry, College Station . . . Dr. J. Ernest Simpson promoted to full professor, chemistry department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona . . . Dr. Charles A. Sleicher appointed chairman, department of chemical engineering, University of Washington, S e a t t l e . . . Wesley C. Smith joins department of chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal, as assistant professor . . . Dr. Charles W. Spangler named chairman, chemistry department, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb . . . Gerald R. Stevenson joins department of chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal, as associate professor... Dr. Samuel S. S t r a d l i n g named chairman of chemistry department for 1977-78, St. Lawrence University, Canton, N.Y. Dr. Joseph Testa appointed chairman, division of science & mathematics, Essex Community College, Baltimore . . . Dr. Anne Toms-Wood joins Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash., as assistant professor of chemistry . . . Dr. James Wei appointed Warren K. Lewis Professor of Chemical Engineering, and head, department of chemical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge . . . Gary R. Weisman appointed assistant professor, chemistry department, University of New Hampshire, Durham. David A. Yarkony joins chemistry department, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, as assistant professor... Dr. Edward S. Yeung promoted to associate professor of chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames . . . David L. Zellmer promoted to professor of analytical chemistry, California State University, Fresno.

Analytical theater party The Analytical Division's dinner and theater party to be held during the ACS national meeting in Chicago is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 30, beginning at 6:45 PM in the Pearson Room of Water Tower Place, 175 East Chestnut St. The performance of "Vanities" will be presented at 8:15 PM in the adjoining Drury Lane Theater and will star Elizabeth Ashley, Barbara Sharma, and Lesley Ann Warren. Tickets will be available at the meeting at a cost of $18.