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Feb 19, 2001 - Academe. UNIVERSITY OF AKRON Akron, Ohio. Gustavo A. Carri has been appointed assistant professor in the department of polymer science...
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Academe UNIVERSITY OF AKRON Akron, Ohio Gustavo A. Carri has been appointed assistant professor in the department of polymer science. His long-term research goals include understanding and modeling the physicochemical properties ofglassy materials, particularly polymer glasses. Carri earned a master's and a Ph.D. degree, both in polymer science and engineering, from the University of Massachusetts. He also holds a master's in macromolecular science from Case Western Reserve University

of Chicago. He most recently served as a professor in the departments of macromolecular science and physics at Case Western Reserve University Amember of the editorial board for Macromolecular Chemistry if Physics, Wang is extensively published and has served as a guest lecturer for companies and institutions all over the globe.


Scott Collins has been named professor of Stanley I. Sandler, Henry Belindu Pont polymer science and of chemistry Collins Professor at the University of Delaware, will focus his research efforts at Akron on has assumed the editorship of the AIChE the design and use of late-transition-metal Journal. He brings experience as a catalysts/initiators of polymerresearcher, editor, lecturer, and ization. He most recently served prolific author. At Delaware he as professor of chemistry at the has also worked as director of the University of Waterloo, in OnCenter for Molecular & Engitario, and as Nova Industrial neering Thermodynamics since Research Chair in Polyolefin & 1992, chairman of the departCatalyst Technology for Canament of chemical engineering da's National Sciences & Engifrom 1982 to 1986, and interim neering Research Council. dean of the College of EngiCollins earned B.S. and Ph.D. neering in 1992. Sandler has a degrees in chemistry at the Uni- COLLINS bachelor's degree from the City versity of Calgary, in Alberta, and College of N e w a r k and a Ph.D. was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT. from the University of Minnesota, both in chemical engineering. Lloyd A. Goettler has been named chairSandler takes the reins from Matthew man of the department of polymer engiTirrellp dean of the College of Engineerneering. He spent more than 30 ing at the University of Califoryears in research positions with nia, Santa Barbara. Tirrell served Monsanto Chemical and the spinas editor for more than nine off of its chemical businesses, years. Among his contributions Solutia. In addition, he served as were the "Perspective" column adjunct professor for the departand the launch of the online ment of polymer engineering at edition. the University of Akron and coordinated research projects with Business Akron, the Polymer Processing Institute at Stevens Institute of GOETTLER Wendy Bouvier has been proTechnology and the Indian Instimoted to alcohol department tute of Technology, and the University of superintendent for Grain Processing Massachusetts. Goettler holds bachelor's Corp., Washington, Ind. She joined the and doctorate degrees in chemical engicompany in 1994 as a plant division engineering from Cornell University and the neer. In 1995, she became a project engiUniversity of Delaware, respectively neer in the engineering department and provided field supervision during conShi-Qing Wang, a world-recognized struction of a plant in Indiana. Bouvier authority on the behavior of polymers at holds a B.S. degree in chemical engineerthe molecular level, has been appointed ing from Iowa State University professor in the department of polymer science. Wang holds a bachelor's degree in Michael W. Clark, who has experience as physics from Wuhan University, in China, an entrepreneur and an academic in the and a Ph.D. in physics from the University areas of high-throughput genomic D N A HTTP://PUBS.ACS.ORG/CEN

sequencing, laboratory automation, and processing, has joined BioForce Laboratory Ames, Iowa, as chief operating officer. Clark comes from Molecular Biolectrics, where he was founder and director of operations. During his academic career, Clark was professor of biology and codirector of the Ifeast Genome Sequencing Center at McGill University Montreal. Thomas M. Connelly Jr. has been promoted from vice president and general manager of fluoroproducts to senior vice president and chief science and technology officer at DuPont. Since joining DuPont in 1977, Connelly has held a number of leadership roles, including director of the European Technical Center in Geneva, Switzerland, and business director for advanced polymer systems. As a Winston Churchill Scholar, he received his doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Cambridge. Stephen R. Heller has been appointed principal strategic planner at M D L Information Systems, Washington, D.C. From 1984 until his recent retirement, Heller held the position of research scientist in the Agricultural Research Service's Beltsville, Md., laboratory He was also a guest researcher at N I S T and the informatics project leader for the Plant Genome Research Program from 1990 to 1997. Heller holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Georgetown University Michael Schultz brings 14 years of pharmaceutical industry experience to San Diego-based ChemBridge Research Laboratories as president and chief scientific officer. After earning a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Hamburg, he started as a lab head in medicinal chemistry at Boehringer Manheim in Germany in 1987, then became head of chemical research in 1994. Most recently he was head of global chemistry and chemical technologies at Hoffmann-La Roche. Roland Scollay, former vice president of gene therapy research at Novartis Pharmaceuticals, has been appointed vice president of research and chief scientific officer at Genteric, Alameda, Calif. He has spent 14 years at the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute and served as deputy director and senior principal research fellow at the Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine & Cell Biology at the University of Sydney Scollay has published approximately 150 scientific papers. C&EN


19, 2001