Pepsin as an Esterase - Journal of the American Chemical Society

Effect of pH on the rates of hydrolysis of three acylated dipeptides by pepsin. Jeffrey L. Denburg , Ralph Nelson , Marc S. Silver. Journal of the Ame...
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the spectrophotometric method and the ninhydrin method' for the cleavage of Z-His-Phe(N02)-Phe-OMe were identical. For measurement of the rate of cleavage of the ester linkage in Z-His-Phe(NOz)-Pla-OMe the ninhydrin procedure is not applicable, and specHeinz W. Sternberg, Raymond E. Markby, Irving Wender trophotometry is the method of choice. U.S. Bureau of Mines The enzymic cleavage of the two substrates is rePittsburgh, Pennsyluania 152133 stricted to the scission of the ester or amide bond beDavid M. Mohilner tween the Phe(NO2) residue and the Pla or Phe residue. Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University This was demonstrated for the depsipeptide by the isoFort Collins, Colorado 80521 lation, from the peptic hydrolysate, of Z-His-Phe(NO2) Received Nouember 10, 1966 (mp 236" dec) in 78% yield, and thin layer chromatography showed P-phenyllactic acid methyl ester to Pepsin as an Esterase be the only other product of hydrolysis. In the cleavage of Z-His-Phe(NO2)-Phe-OMe, the increase in Sir : ninhydrin color stopped after 100% hydrolysis of one Current interest in the mechanism of pepsin action peptide bond, Z-His-Phe(NOz) was isolated in 86 % prompts us to report the rapid cleavage, by crystalline yield, and thin layer chromatography showed phenylswine pepsin, of the depsipeptide benzyloxycarbonylalanine methyl ester to be the only ninhydrin-reactive ~-histidyl-p-nitro-~-phenylalanyl-~-phenyl-~-lactic acid component of the hydrolysate. methyl ester (Z-His-Phe(N02)-Pla-OMe) at the ester The initial rates of hydrolysis, as determined spectrobond linking the Phe(N02) and Pla residues. At pH photometrically, were linear, and satisfactory Michaelis4, the rate of this hydrolysis exceeds the rate of cleavage Menten kinetics were observed; the values of K M of the peptide bond linking the Phe(N0z) and Phe (app) and kcat are shown in Table I. Comparison of residues in the corresponding peptide benzyloxycarbonyl-~-histidyl-(p-nitro)~-phenylalanyl-~-phenylalanine Table I. Kinetics of Pepsin Action on Synthetic Substratesa methyl ester (Z-His-Phe(N02)-Phe-OMe). Both K M X lo5, M k,,t X lo2,sec-' the depsipeptide and the peptide are cleaved by Substrate pH2.0 pH4.0 pH2.0 pH4.0 pepsin more rapidly at pH 4 than at pH 2, thus exhibiting a pH dependence similar to that observed preZ-His-Phe(N02)-Pla-OMeb 40 i 8 40 f 3 13 i 3 77 i 4 Z-His-Phe(NOz)-Phe-OMec 52 i 8 46 & 3 7 i 2 29 i 3 viously for the action of pepsin on synthetic substrates of the type Z-His-Phe-Phe-OEt. a Enzyme preparation, twice-crystallized swine pepsin (WorthZ-His-Phe(NOz)-Pla-OMe (mp 134-1 36 ") was preington lot P M 708); substrate concentration, 0.05-0.25 m M (5 points in plots of S/c against S); pH controlled by sodium citrate pared in 64% yield by the azide method, with Z-Phebuffers (0.04 M ) ; 37 i 0.1"; initial rates followed with a Cary (NO)%-Pla-OMe(mp 135-136") as an intermediate, Model 15 recording spectrophotometer equipped with automatic the latter having been made (65 yield) by the benzenesample changer. At pH 4, Aeaio = 1060 for the cleavage of the sulfonyl chloride method. The peptide Z-His-PhePhe(N02)-Pla bond, and 800 for the cleavage of the Phe(NO2)(N02)-Phe-OMe (mp 217-218" dec) was obtained in Phe bond; at pH 2, Aczsj = - 420 for both substrates. Control experiments, in which either the enzyme or the substrate was 85 % yield by the azide method, with Z-Phe(NOz)omitted, showed no significant change in absorbance during the Phe-OMe (mp 167-168") as an intermediate, the time period of the kinetic measurements. * Enzyme concentralatter having been made (93% yield) by the N,N'tion 0.02 mg/ml (5.72 X M ) at pH 2; 0.005 mg/ml (1.43 X dicyclohexylcarbodiimide method. The final prodlo-' M ) at pH 4. Enzyme concentration 0.04 mg/ml (1.14 X M ) at pH 2 ; 0.02 mg/ml(5.72 X lo-' M ) at pH 4. ucts and all intermediates gave satisfactory elemental analyses and were homogeneous by thin layer chromatography. the kinetic constants at pH 4 for Z-His-Phe(NO2)Because these substrates, like those recently developed Phe-OMe with those for Z-His-Phe-Phe-OEt reported in this laboratory,' have a site of protonation at the M ; kcat = 0.31 sec-') previously' (KbI = 1.8 X imidazolyl group, they are moderately soluble in indicates that the principal effect of the p-nitro group is aqueous buffered media in the pH range 2-5, and the to increase KM slightly, without marked effect on kcat. addition of an organic solvent is not required; such Of special importance is the finding that the values of solvents have been shown to inhibit the action of pepsin KM for Z-His-Phe(N02)-Phe-OMe and for Z-Hison synthetic s u b ~ t r a t e s . ~In contrast to widely used Phe(N02)-Pla-OMe are nearly the same, but that the pepsin substrates (e.g., Ac-Phe-Tyr), the compounds value of kcat at pH 4 for the ester is nearly three times used in the present work do not contain a free carboxylthat for the amide. The slower rate of hydrolysis of ate group; the presence of such a group adjacent to the both substrates at pH 2 is a reflection of lower kcst sensitive bond has been shown to inhibit pepsin action.' values, the K Mvalues being nearly the same at pH 2 and The replacement of the central L-phenylalanyl residue pH 4. of Z-His-Phe-Phe-OMe by a p-nitro-L-phenylalanyl resiBenzyloxycarbonyl-L-histidyl-L-phenylalanyl-D-phendue permits spectrophotometric measurement at favorylalanine ethyl ester (mp 187-188") and the corable wavelengths of the kinetics of enzymic cleavage, responding LDL compound (mp 137-139") are combut does not affect markedly the rate of pepsin action pletely resistant to cleavage by pepsin and were found at the sensitive peptide bond. The results obtained by to be competitive inhibitors of the enzymic hydrolysis of both Z-His-Phe(NOz)-Phe-OMe and Z-His(1) I